Bulb Superior Preset

The Old School preset is awesome, because you can't do "old" or "old radio effects" by yourself, you need a whole S2.0 preset for that

When I listened to that, I kept on waiting for that effect to go away (like it's been done on so many song intros) to hear the ACTUAL "old school drums" kicking in. Guess I was wrong. ;)

I don't really have an issue with this product, why should I, but I'm probably not going to get it. ;) I can see the market for this, though.
When I listened to that, I kept on waiting for that effect to go away (like it's been done on so many song intros) to hear the ACTUAL "old school drums" kicking in. Guess I was wrong. ;)

I don't really have an issue with this product, why should I, but I'm probably not going to get it. ;) I can see the market for this, though.

Serious +1.

I thought that it was like a lo-fi intro to a song but that was just, the song. :ill:

I'm probably one of the few people here who uses presets with s2.0 but I'm more of a bedroom composer who likes having good sounding demos than an actual producer. The fact of the matter is this though...a lot of the people with s2.0 are wanting to be bulb clones anyway, and this is a way toontrack can make some money off all of those people.

Still, I was quite surprised that they didn't sound better.
Why did I go and read about this same topic on SS.org knowing it would be annoying?

Who does that to themselves?

I'm fucking going to my friend's house. Wah.
These are probably what Bulb starts with when he does a project or just a new song he's writing to mess around with before he adds a bunch of stuff to them (I'm assuming externally).
What a fucking shit!!
My 2 year old niece can make better sounding presets. Free, of course.
Just got the email, and these reactions are so what i expected.. Sounds like crap indeed. :zombie:
I just didn't get what they were trying to do. Pure crap!

you don't get it? things like this exist for a reason.
The clips on the Toontrack site sound like shit, and I still hate the notion of him being considered a producer, or at least a mixer. Everything he does sounds the same. Not just "jealous of Sneap" everything sounds the same, but literally "run through the same AxeFX/S2.0 preset" sounds the same.

This reminds me of what Steve Morse once said. "My first music teacher told me that the definition of style was a repetition of ideas that you alone are associated with." In one mood you can call it repetition and in another mood you can call it style.
Disappointed that he'd agree to a product that was such a fail or resort to those types of marketing tactics. Fair enough if you were actually getting something worth using but these are gash. I wonder if anyone really believes that he actually mixed it all within the superior interface. As for all this 'hiding preset' bullshittery I just don't believe it anymore which is why I intend to deconstruct our entire E.P when it's been mixed just so hopefully it will teach people that you actually have to use your ears to get shit to sound good and its not just a tone patch and particular settings that does it all.

I guess everyone at ss.org has already bought it.
Bulb came into the thread talking about it on ss.org and argued the point that they're meant to be starting points and aren't supposed to be final products by any means. You all know how it goes...

I think that holds some truth to a certain degree, because even people who buy presets or use them (like me) will load one up and tweak the hell out of it and use it as a starting point. It's always good to see how someone else approaches mixing if you're new to it and wanting to learn.

Having said that...if I was to write a song that I wanted to sound 'old school', I doubt I'd have much help from the particular preset in the pack. It sounds like it's just a lot of the bullet mic and not much else, and I don't see how I could use that as a starting point to get me headed in the right direction.

Sadly, a lot of fan boys will buy them and take them as gospel and it'll contribute even more to everyone sounding the same.