Superior 2.0 - preset collection

hey guys new to this forum sorry if i do anything wrong :D

I i am by no means a professional, i just record stuff at home and want a good, powerful sound.

I did my first cover with superior drummer and would like to get your opinion about the overall mix, the drums sound bass sound etc.

My mix was clipping, so i limited the final mix together

Next time post all your mixes in Rate my mix/tone threads section of the forum and use like everyone else on this forum instead of 2shared,rapidshare,etc.

Your mix sounds very nice.I'd turn the bass just a little!
Here tis my preset (requires TMF and Avatar)

I also think it's a 2300MB of ram fully loaded. There is not a ton of processing on this kit because I usually tweak it further when I am done with the song. Big Fucking Kit.s20

Finally after tons of tests of many presets I find that I'm looking for:

Really this is a great fucking metal preset! Thank you Very much!!!

Thank you very much!!:wave:
I'm new to this site, but I've been using SD2 for a while but I've never had luck with getting downloaded presets to work. In what folder exactly do I place the .s20 preset files?
I'm new to this site, but I've been using SD2 for a while but I've never had luck with getting downloaded presets to work. In what folder exactly do I place the .s20 preset files?

They don't need to be in any specific folder, they just need to be where you know where they are. Like you just click the "Load/Save" tab and click Load and then you search for it. It also matters what version of superior drummer the preset was made on. Like loading a preset that was made on version 2.0 opens weird on version 2.02.
WTF is up with this site? EVERY time I try to download anything, and I DO mean ANYTHING, I get a "file not found" or 404 error. The moderator needs to remove the offending links from this site. I've wasted countless hours scouring this site for stuff that doesn;t exist anymore.
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Welcome to the 404 error forum.


Please make sure you search for files that cannot be found before asking questions or you shall be excoriated. Thank you.
WTF is up with this site? EVERY time I try to download anything, and I DO mean ANYTHING, I get a "file not found" or 404 error. The moderator needs to remove the offending links from this site. I've wasted countless hours scouring this site for stuff that doesn;t exist anymore.

I mean, what do you want? The thread is super old :lol:
People aren't going to keep crap they don't need in their Dropbox forever.
Actually, I think Dropbox changed some code at one point and it ruined a lot of the links. At least that's something I seem to remember. I could be wrong. But the guy does have a point. This is not the only thread. There are tons with broken links all over the place. Oh well....