
Oct 2, 2004
New Jersey
Anyone else in the tri-state area bummed that the current US tour isnt stopping in NY/NJ/Philly? I saw DT for the first time last year at the troc and it was one of the best live shows i've ever seen, I need to see them again! I'm thinking of driving to the show in RI, who's with me!
Creator_Failure said:
Anyone else in the tri-state area bummed that the current US tour isnt stopping in NY/NJ/Philly? I saw DT for the first time last year at the troc and it was one of the best live shows i've ever seen, I need to see them again! I'm thinking of driving to the show in RI, who's with me!

Hey, where in NJ do you live?

We were planning to go to Pittsburgh next weekend, but had some unplanned expenses, so we aren't able to make it :( There's still hope for a date somewhere, but overall it's just sad :(
currently i live in central jersey, a student at rutgers university... I know, i check the site like 3-4 times a day hoping they'll add a date but it looks like almost every single day is booked for a show so i've given up hope
Creator_Failure said:
currently i live in central jersey, a student at rutgers university... I know, i check the site like 3-4 times a day hoping they'll add a date but it looks like almost every single day is booked for a show so i've given up hope

Rutgers, that's familiar, where is it?

I think Opeth is to blame here: they had all the tri-state dates, and thus they are hitting with full set-up Oklahoma and Kansas, instead of Chicago and New York... sad, very sad.
Creator_Failure said:
Yea, damn opeth and their headlining set forcing DT to miss NY! Rutgers is in new brunswick by the way, about an hour from philly

Yeah, know that place - when I was using NJ transit it had a stop there :) Also my friend used to live there, but she disappeared :)

Something can come up - who knows?