Bush Assasinated On British TV


Aug 15, 2004
Scottsdale, AZ
World News
Scene from the film Bush Whacked In Drama
Updated: 10:45, Friday September 01, 2006
George Bush is to be 'assassinated' by a gunman in a new TV drama.

The film, called Death Of A President, features a mock-shooting of the American leader during an anti-war demonstration in Chicago.

The Channel 4 movie, set in 2007, explores the effects of the US-led 'War on Terror'.

The plot focuses on the subsequent murder investigation and a suspect who is Syrian.

Actors play secret service aides and agents who recall how events unfolded, the Daily Mirror said.

The White House refused to comment, saying only the drama "does not dignify a response."

TV watchdog John Beyer warned the movie was irresponsible and might inspire a real-life assassination attempt.

He told the Mirror: "If something happens as a consequence of this film, then blood is on their hands."

More4 boss Peter Dale told the paper: "It's an extraordinarily gripping and powerful piece of work, a drama constructed like a documentary that looks back at the assassination of George Bush as the starting point for a very gripping detective story.

"I'm sure that there will be people who will be upset by it but when you watch it you realise what a sophisticated piece of work it is."
Now *thats* a great way to get people worked up.

More info on a UK site here, as well as plenty of (American) people getting worked up :)

Here's an example reader comment from that link:

"I bet many of the *outraged* Americans posting here would be pumping their fists in the air and cheering if a similar film about Ahmadinejad were made."
This concept is something very interesting. Americans should embrace the idea that some leaders are more incompetent than others for sure. This movie will be all over the internet after it shows on UK television. Average Americans are dumb and unaware of how world is changing. They unaware of how Bush is forever changing the future of white well-paid America. He is selling them out to the process of natural competition. Rude awakening await all those misguided blank minded americans who support the policies and ideas of bush. The US is struggling to remain a super power without the educational infustructure or intellectual know-how to manage its new place in the world.

- Joe American, USA
I found that response very intriguing.

I saw a poll about this yesterday: "Should this movie be shown in America?" It is unbelievable in America today that such a question would even be asked - since when do we stifle free speech?

Oh yeah, since GWB is afraid of his own shadow. According to him, there are "terrists" around every corner. We used to fear, well, fear itself, but now we embrace it instead (it's good for business).

So now we actually have a percentage of Americans who believe that movies should not be shown if they don't like them and will actually answer "no" to this question.

Osama has his freedom, but what about US? What does Osama's freedom cost us as Americans?

"Film at 11....."

- Mikester, Phoenix, AZ
This one as well.
The Hubster said:
I'm interested to know how the Americans on this forum feel about this?
It isn't a secret that I lean right of center and I personally am not offended by this at all. Without having seen the movie, how can anyone give an objective and informed take on the movie?
Is the idea of producing a film about the assasination of a US leader objectionable? I don't think so. For me, it is downright intruiging. We have all seen movies or television specials on the assasinations of world leaders and they all had one thing in common. They were all past tense. The exciting thing about his film is that it is about as relevant chronologically that you could get.
If anyone is suprised that a Republican isn't offended by this movie, don't be. Film-making is an art. Whether or not I agree with the subject matter is irrelavent. If I truly am offended by it, I don't have to go and see it. If anyone here believes that a movie is going to encourage someone to kill the POTUS, they need to revisit their opinion on the Ozzy Osbourne trial over Suicide Solution.
We are America, we are tolerant, we are overly politically correct and if someone is offended enough, they will find someone to sue.
No one who should deem themself a conservative should be offended by this movie. Conservatives, by nature and definition, would prefer smaller government. Which means you would NOT want the government infringing on your right to freedom of speech.
If freedom of speach truly still does exist in America then a movie like this would be shown. In reality this movie shouldn't bother anyone. It is fantasy, fiction, make-believe. The problem is that in America TV is watched and enjoyed so greatly that it has in fact become so many people's reality. Anything and everything they see becomes their life, their concerns and their world. A movie like this should be taken as entertainment but for so many in America it will only be a cause of concern and fear.

And about "government infringment"... the people of America have the right to choose that a government exists in the first place and have the right to change that government when deemed necessary. In that case the government should never be allowed to choose what the people can say or watch. That is when the people need to do something about who governs them.
Valgeir said:
No one who should deem themself a conservative should be offended by this movie. Conservatives, by nature and definition, would prefer smaller government. Which means you would NOT want the government infringing on your right to freedom of speech.
Yes, these neo-cons are completely different from what a true conservative is

People need to lighten the fuck up about this movie. It's a fictional movie about a fictional event. I don't see why anyone besides maybe Bush himself should get worked up over this movie. People are hyper sensitive in this day and age
Blinded By Blood said:
Yes, these neo-cons are completely different from what a true conservative is

People need to lighten the fuck up about this movie. It's a fictional movie about a fictional event. I don't see why anyone besides maybe Bush himself should get worked up over this movie. People are hyper sensitive in this day and age

i agree. although it is a very controvercial and provocative thing to do, it is obviously completely fictional. but you cant tell me the filmmakers thought it wasnt gonna be a big deal........