Bushy concerning Amnesty International: "people who HATE AMERICA."

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Those religious action figures rule...I love the one of Allah, which is of course an empty box. I just have to laugh at the irony of Bush calling for due process for a Russian oil magnate while insisting on the right to detain anyone who might resemble a terrorist indefinitely and defending the necessity of the Patriot Act...

Oh yeah, as a former member of a like minded campus organization, I am obligated to end this post by telling Bush to fuck right off.
very appropriate in today's times - one of the best songs EVER.

CCR - Fortunate Son

Some folks are born made to wave the flag
Ooh, they're red, white, and blue
And when the band plays "Hail to the Chief"
They point the cannon right at you

It ain't me, it ain't me
I ain't no senator's son
It ain't me, it ain't me
I ain't no fortunate one

Some folks are born silver spoon in hand,
Lord, dont they help themselves
But when the tax man comes to the door,
Lord the house looks like a rummage sale

It ain't me, it ain't me
I ain't no millionaire's son
It ain't me, it ain't me
I ain't no fortunate one

Some folks inherit star spangled eyes,
Ooh, they send you down to war
And when you ask them, "How much should we give?"
They only answer "More! More! More!"
lizard said:
Chickenhawks like Bush, Cheney, Limbaugh, et. al, don't realize that war FUCKS YOUR HEAD UP FOREVER.[/img]

Why wouldn't they realize this? I'm POSSITIVE that they know this, and have seen the after effects, AND know how horrible it is that young men have to die in order for a war to be fought and won. Thats always been the case. Some people think that the this is a price that needs to be payed in order to bring freedom to a nation once heald in the fists of a dictator. Yes, I know the VAST majority of you think that the war in Iraq is "bull-shit" and we should mind our "own buisness", but some feel that it IS our buisness to watch the back of other nations who can't help themselves out as well as if we where to lend our forces to there cause. Some people think that with power comes responsibility, and the reason we havn't un-armed ourselves (as so many punk-rawkin-liberals ive come in contact with have said we should) is because through our responsible use of our force we have proven we can keep and safe-gaurd weapons of mass destruction. YES maybe we are the ones who set the rules, and YES we are the ones who have said its ok for us to have them, but we have a FAR better track record for militant insanity then the nations we are trying to disarm.

The war in Iraq has a record low for casualties of war, but people despise when any soldier looses there life in battle or in accidents because they hate the war. The first essay posted by NAD is not strange or out-there at all. Its perfectly reasonable for the president of a country to say things about people who made those statements about a institution of said country. How is that weird in any way? It's only weird because you hate Bush, which I understand.

Food for thought: If the USA only fights wars over in the Middle East to snag oil, why didn't we keep the oil fields after the first Gulf War?
what I'm saying is, the US govt spent hundreds of thousands of vietnam era dollars to train Bush to fly jets. when it was time for a new assignment, he checked the box "I prefer not to go overseas." that's fact.

Rush Limbaugh got out of vietnam because of some sort of cyst on his ass. truth.

these people who are the biggest proponents of throwing other peoples' kids into a war they lied about in the first place, they have no first hand concept of what they are asking others to die for corporate profits.

Look, I respect the hell out of our armed forces. I'm a product of military culture. but a good tool is used wisely, not indiscriminately, or misused by someone who has no concept of its deployment.
lizard said:
Look, I respect the hell out of our armed forces. I'm a product of military culture. but a good tool is used wisely, not indiscriminately, or misused by someone who has no concept of its deployment.

And I respect your opinion 100%, the most of anyone on here, when it comes to matters like this, for obvious reasons. And what you said there is very true, I guess I was trying to say that some people think that this is the proper time to use our armed forces wisely, not indiscriminately, or misused.

Marksveld said:

I don't want to sound like a pussy, but stuff like this upsets me a lot. Why invert the American flag? The american flag does not stand for George W. Bush, it does not stand for the Iraq War, it does not stand for the Patriot Act, it does not stand for any of the things that get people worked up and foaming at the mouths.

It stand for a nation that was founded on freedom and liberation, on a dream of democracy where everyone has a fair chance, and everyone has there hand in the food basket. Its a symbol of liberty, a symbol of a dream that might not be materializing as of late, but the flag and its ideals have NOTHING to do with what people hate these days. Why drag the flag into this whole mess? Shouldn't the flag be used to show the people you hate what they are missing? The whole point of the United States of America? When I look at the flag, I don't think of George W. Bush's agenda. I think of George Washington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and other founding fathers, and what they wished for this country to become, and how close we have come to that dream. And people just piss on this and burn it and turn it upside down? Thats fucking horrible in my book.