Bushy concerning Amnesty International: "people who HATE AMERICA."

Hypothetical Question Time:

If we had never gone to Iraq, and never tried to disarm Sadam, and he did have WMD and he did Nuke the USA or some other country, doesn't really matter which, because the government listend to the Leftwing this time instead of the Right wing, what would you say/do?

Not presenting this as a "HUH?! WHAT WOULD YOU DO THEN YOU COMMIE DICKFUCKS?!?!?!" just a serious question as to what you would say/do if that happend?
Sort of like North Korea is poised to do, yet we do nothing? :Spin:

If that happened I'd probably say "damn, the US probably shouldn't have given Saddam nukes in 1987." Although if he got them from a non-US source, then I'd probably say this Iraq thing was the right thing to do. At least in theory. But then again, I don't think the US has any business saying who can have what weapons, while at the same time having the strongest most dangerous military in the world.
One Inch Man said:
Sort of like North Korea is poised to do, yet we do nothing? :Spin:

If that happened I'd probably say "damn, the US probably shouldn't have given Saddam nukes in 1987." Although if he got them from a non-US source, then I'd probably say this Iraq thing was the right thing to do. At least in theory.


As I said I really am a dick-face and dont' have much of an opinion on this whole matter. As my friends have told me, If you look up Devils-Advocate in the dictionary, its a picture of me.


It's funny how the democratic party can do nothing wrong. But republican's are the swine of society. I voted for Bush. (Not just because his last name is symbolic of heterosexuality either) How many terrorist attacks have their been on U.S soil since 01? This shit was bound to happen. But since it happened on his watch. Everybody sensationalizes his actions and makes him out to be some doof. I have several buddies who have went to Iraq. And another heading on his way in august. These are guys who re-elected Bush into office. While they go out and shed blood in the defense of the Iraqi people. Liberal douchebags are standing on street corners with such ludicrous signs as "no war for oil"? (These are the same morons hanging outside of the state prison, when it comes time for Johnny Axmurders execution) Come on... Where the fuck is this oil? Somebody explain it to me? I'm paying $2.50 cents at the pump. This wouldn't be the case if it was in such abundancy aye? It just erks me that today in this day and age, nobody has pride for the flag which they live under. It's really easy to criticize, when you're sitting on a metal forum with a lap full of cheetoh stains. Instead of criticizing, how about offering a solution? Hindsight is 20/20. Sadumb Hussein refused to let the weapon inspectors in to his country. So we came in and did what was needed to be done. What did you want to see happen? Year long conferences with a bunch of irrational mad men? War isn't pretty. And it's not a pleasant thing to see young people gun downed. But we don't live in a global eutopia. So get used to it. I suggest concentrating on things that you can control. The only thing you have control of in life is yourself. So why spend hours upon hours meandering on about some cause you find unjustifyable? Go run around the block, so your girlfriends won't leave you from excessive weight gain. Go read a book that is insightful and uplifting, go on a nature hike and think in solitude. For fuck sakes...Loading up the bumpers of your "Elements" with anti-bush propoganda isn't going to solve a damn thing!

Too often are the woes of the world laid on the government...than the individual. Do you guys blame the babysitter when a kid has a hissy fit? Then why blame the government for this cesspool of society? Blame the individual. For that is what we are. 6 billion individuals. (More than half of which are cancerous to the whole) Sure the government isn't perfect. But bickering about change...is as futile, as bitching about the rain.

RC...Is no longer Royal Carnage....But Royal Complainers.

Let's talk about music!
Atlas Shrugged said:
It's funny how the democratic party can do nothing wrong. But republican's are the swine of society. I voted for Bush.
Hey guess what, so did I in 2000. Another thing, I'm a freakin' Republican. Granted, I'm a shitload more left wing than I was 5 years ago, but I'm still a member of that accursed party that turned its back on everyone but the rich (although they never cared about the poor, they didn't always shit on the middle class).
Atlas Shrugged said:
How many terrorist attacks have their been on U.S soil since 01? This shit was bound to happen. But since it happened on his watch. Everybody sensationalizes his actions and makes him out to be some doof.
I don't blame Bushy for terrorism, it happened before, it has happened since, and it will continue to happen. Nobody is making him out to be a doof, except him.
Atlas Shrugged said:
Come on... Where the fuck is this oil? Somebody explain it to me? I'm paying $2.50 cents at the pump. This wouldn't be the case if it was in such abundancy aye?
Check the profit margins of oil companies since Bush has joined office (last year Texaco tripled their profits, gas prices didn't drop). Better yet, google Haliburton and see what you find, pay close attention to the word "lucrative contract" and maybe even "suckers" as well.
Atlas Shrugged said:
It just erks me that today in this day and age, nobody has pride for the flag which they live under.
It irks me that my flag has betrayed me and probably half the people! I used to wear American flag t-shirts and had a photo of a bald eagle hanging up in my office, then once I saw how much the common American was being shat on, I removed it all. I'd like to put it back up someday, but it's probably going to be awhile if ever at all.
Atlas Shrugged said:
Sadumb Hussein refused to let the weapon inspectors in to his country. So we came in and did what was needed to be done. What did you want to see happen? Year long conferences with a bunch of irrational mad men?
It's called hypocrisy. The same people that hunted down Saddam were filling his coffers 20 years ago. Sure some people change along the way, especially political relationships, but Saddam has ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS been a bastard. The US loved him until he was a bastard to us.
Atlas Shrugged said:
War isn't pretty. And it's not a pleasant thing to see young people gun downed. But we don't live in a global eutopia. So get used to it. I suggest concentrating on things that you can control. The only thing you have control of in life is yourself. So why spend hours upon hours meandering on about some cause you find unjustifyable? Go run around the block, so your girlfriends won't leave you from excessive weight gain. Go read a book that is insightful and uplifting, go on a nature hike and think in solitude. For fuck sakes...Loading up the bumpers of your "Elements" with anti-bush propoganda isn't going to solve a damn thing!
Didn't you just tell us to get off our ass and do something about it besides complain? Besides, I drive a Subaru. :p
Atlas Shrugged said:
RC...Is no longer Royal Carnage....But Royal Complainers.

Let's talk about music!
Check the archives, probably 50% of the threads were political in nature at the beginning of RC. Thanks for you different opinion on the matter. :Spin:
don't be so defensive, AtlasXXXX. the role of a LEADER is to take credit, or to take blame, just like a quarterback in football. The simple fact is, we invaded a country we should have, Afghanistan, and then the heady fumes of manspunk glory washed over washington and they decided to go for a country with more than sand in it.

there were no WMD, although they told us they were there.

there was no link between Saddam and bin laden, although they told us there was.

they said they hadn't determined to invade iraq prior to the official decision, but the Downing Street memo proves them liars.

gas isn't cheaper here because the "war for oil" was for you: it's refreshing that you honestly believe these guys give a flying fuck at a rolling donut about an ordinary guy. It's all about corporate profits.

I'll give Rumsfeld credit for one thing; his concept of a highly technical, mobile armed forces was spot on. the Iraqis rolled up like cheap newspaper. There's a big problem, though...fighting an army is different than occupying a nation. The big flaw in the Rumsfeld view is it takes BOOTS ON THE GROUND to quell civil disobedience; there is no substitute. his stubborn refusal to find ways to increase manpower in iraq has cost hundreds of americans their lives, or crippled them. Generals are on record as having pleaded for more manpower, but giving in would mean Rumsfeld's little weenie would take an ego hit, and we can't have that.

If you like this kind of stupid leadership so much, why aren't you and all the young republicans down at the enlistment office? you guys are all talk and no action. For the record, I have a really good friend over in Iraq right now, a Major in a Transportation unit. He's a guitar player and I've sent him box after box of shit that our fearless leadership fails to provide those guys. I've sent him boxes of fucking handiwipes because that sand gets into all your crevices, try running around in 95 degree weather with about 50 lbs of gear and armor on. I hope to fuck he makes it back, and I'd hope you would too.

One american life was already way too much to pay for those fucking people.

I know I know, rant rant rant. I was no big fan of Clinton, but at least he had some academic credentials. Bush is an empty suit, a C+ student at best, a marionette controlled by special interests.
lizard said:
tully, what do you think of this.

Not quite sure what to think of this at the moment. It's not really suprising of course, but what I would say to a Liberal/Democrat/Leftist if they sent this to me would be:

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003

"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force -- if necessary -- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002
lizard said:
see that's what you conservatives do; you obfuscate by saying, nou, but what about bill clinton getting a blow job in the oval office!:loco:

haha, well thats a bit different then some head in the O-Office =P.

Those videos are for proof that the Republicans are flip-flops, so I'de just point out that it goes both ways easily.
oh sure, politicians are slimy bastards. but I think about poor Colin Powell, a guy who had shitloads of credibility and honor, and they totally turned him into a groveling man whore. remember when he did the speech at the UN, showing PICTURES of mobile chem labs, drone planes that could fly across the ocean and drop anthrax on american cities, tubes used for nuclear weapon development...except none of it was true.

it's really no wonder he quit. he had too much integrity.
Why is it always Dems v. Reps for some people? "Yeah, well YOUR side said THIS!" I don't give a shit! I don't have a "side" in any of this crap, unless you want to divide up the scumbags from the non-scumbags (or lesser scumbags I guess).

Senator Kerry said what 93 other Senators said (or whatever that overwhelming vote was to authorize the use of force in Iraq), you know, after being presented all that evidence of WMD in Iraq.
Its not a battle anymore, but during election time people always try to proove who the better candidate is, with good reason. And Kerry is a reealrlealrlealylrlealyllrelaleylalselralserlly hard guy to like.
lizard said:
If you like this kind of stupid leadership so much, why aren't you and all the young republicans down at the enlistment office? you guys are all talk and no action.

Spot on. Spot fucking on.

Support the war? Then go to fucking Iraq and take the place of some soldier that doesn't want to be there, that just wants to come home to his family, wife, and kid -- in one piece.

Don't want to sit on the internet and see people complain? Damn straight, go enlist. Join the reserves. Apply for a job at homeland security. Go work for the dept of defence. Pack boxes, help administer shipments. Volunteer for military hospitals. Support therapy programs for soldiers with missing limbs, or sight. Go door to door and collect charity for veterans, or better yet, grieving families. Help embezzle Haliburton funds into off-shore accounts so no tax dollars come back to the US economy. You might even get to shag Cheney's lesbo offspring for all the kickbacks he'll get.

Do something, but don't dare send your brethren into a war that you want fought (and televised) but they don't. Not everyone has a red neck, Enron-like agenda.

Oh yeah, fuck Kerry. But fuck Bush more. Want a two party system? You fail it, big time. And for the 50% of the country that don't bother voting? You should have your citizenship revoked.