but how would he have gotten into college then?

exactly. this guy must go, I don't think the US can withstand another four years of his stewardship.

and in related news:

from Pandagon.net
Amish endorsement of George W. Bush:

The bearded Stolztfus proudly says the Amish are "sort of swept up with Bush fever."
"You could hold up a dead mouse with a sign 'I love Bush' and we'd still probably think twice about stomping that mouse underfoot."

You...go...boy. Hardcore non-mouse stompage for the GOP! Or something! (And I'm not mocking the Amish here - I just really don't understand what that statement means.)
Bush and the hawks are scaring me shitless right now. With all the crap Ridge throws at us with Al Qaeda doing all sorts of things in the US, all the shit with the Iranian Nuclear reactor (which is only that as far as we know) and all of that for the sake of winning the election. As long as he still has a lead or is close to Kerry in the polls it might not matter but if he really falls behind I just don't know where they are willing to go...
Yes, I think the general consensus is that if there is a real threat of Bush losing, some crazy shit is going to go down to prevent that.

One of my own personal theories is that there will be a terror attack OR a RED ALERT terror threat on Election Day, and people in urban centers (Kerryland) won't be able to vote, or will be too scared to go out, and the rurals will edge Bush in.

I noticed that the Republicans/neocons seemed to be tricking the Democrats/leftists into frothingly screaming WE MUST NOT POSTPONE THE ELECTIONS!!! NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS!! THAT WILL BE A LOSS FOR DEMOCRACY AND THE TERRORISTS WILL WIN!!!

Well, I mean, there's no problem with postponing the elections by a few days or a week! Simply for logistical reasons, if there's some kind of crazy shit going on on election day (like 9/11 in NYC was on election day), people simply won't be able to vote. Obviously postponing the elections three months to give Bush time to wipe out Syria would be bad, but the GOP has tricked Congress into resolving NOT TO POSTPONE THE ELECTIONS AT ALL PERIOD POINT BLANK. Uh-oh.
well, at least i can walk to where i would vote if they blow up manhattan. of course.. if they blow up brooklyn there may be no place to vote.
cutting-edge mental agility:

Q: What do you think of tribal sovereignty means in the 21st century, and how can we resolve conflicts between tribes and federal and state governments?

Bush: Yeah... yeah, tribal sovereignty means that, sovereign. You're a... you're a... you've been given sovereignty and you're... viewed as a sovereign entity. (laughter) And therefore, the relationship between the federal government and the tribes is one between sovereign entities.
I told my dad I really want Bush to totally flip out in some silly hilarious way, like showing up to a press conference with a shaved head or something. He said:

"He'll get a tattoo that says "Hi Mom!" across his face. Backwards."
dude lizard...i was watching that live, while i was putting my sneakers on. i started laughing hysterically.

to be fair, he kind of recovered over the next five minutes and i see what he intended to say, but it was still hilarious, and even better because the audience audibly laughed at/mocked him.
it became very clear to me today that when bush speaks forcefully it is with short and abrupt forward thrusts of his neck and head, brow furrowed. not unlike a bird or a chicken extracting food from the ground. i do think this causes comfort to those who already identify with him, those that feel downtrodden, need strong representation, and can identify with simple, earthly things. a kitten hears a clock ticking and identifies with its mother's heartbeat. the salty folk see bird-like aggressive motions and feel the man is deeply capable. natural?
I see him furrow his brow like that and it makes me furious. it looks to me like it hurts for him to think.

the laughter from the press on the recording on that indian sovereignty speech is funny. and sad, in a way.