Buying my first 7 String


Nov 27, 2010
Ok guys, just ditched my Parker Fly and now I'm in the market for a pure metal axe. That poor Parker was never meant to see the b standard tunings I put it through, lol. Anyhow I have always loved the Schecter Hellraiser C-1 6-strings. Just something about that combination of high output active pickups and thick heavy body with a set neck that gets my dick hard. Like I said, I mostly play b standard so I am thinking about giving the Hellraiser C-7 a shot. Can I get some opinions on this axe? Are there any other options out there in this price range with a set neck and EMG's? I can pick up a used C-7 for $400-$550usd on
Ok guys, just ditched my Parker Fly and now I'm in the market for a pure metal axe. That poor Parker was never meant to see the b standard tunings I put it through, lol. Anyhow I have always loved the Schecter Hellraiser C-1 6-strings. Just something about that combination of high output active pickups and thick heavy body with a set neck that gets my dick hard. Like I said, I mostly play b standard so I am thinking about giving the Hellraiser C-7 a shot. Can I get some opinions on this axe? Are there any other options out there in this price range with a set neck and EMG's? I can pick up a used C-7 for $400-$550usd on

Get a Carvin DC747, not a schecter :)
Just something about that combination of high output active pickups and thick heavy body with a set neck that gets my dick hard.
Are there any other options out there in this price range with a set neck and EMG's?

Get a Carvin DC747, not a schecter :)

A carvin dc747 is great, I own one and love it, but it's the total opposite of what he is looking for, dude...
Hellraisers are nice guitars, but the EMG 707s leave a little to be desired in my book.

If you really want something w/ EMGs in it, why not look into an Agile.

As for 7 string ESPs, I knew someone who had one their 7 string SGs. That particular one could not be intonated to handle A standad though.

Of course Ibanez makes some great 7s too.
For double the price that would be the least I would expect

haha trudat.

But he didn't really put down a price range, so I was doing my part of a carvin advocate. :b

Edit: Oops I suppose he did vaguely supply a price range :(

Sorry about that.

I'd say a DC747 can do anything a hellraiser can.. Minus the EMGs, which are really not that necessary.

Well, he said he wants a thick body, a set neck and active pups, the dc747 has a thin body, neck through and passive pups. I now what it can do, it has a killer sound, but it will never feel like a hellraiser when playing, as in the weight and prolly the shape of neck too.
Man I must've only played shittily setup Schecters then.. Every experience I've had with a Schecter (Hellraiser, Loomis sig, anything) was just bland. :(
Well, he said he wants a thick body, a set neck and active pups, the dc747 has a thin body, neck through and passive pups. I now what it can do, it has a killer sound, but it will never feel like a hellraiser when playing, as in the weight and prolly the shape of neck too.

I'd say it's a fairly thick/girthy guitar.. I feel that it's a guitar of massive balls, honestly! lol
Any opinions on the ESP LTD MH-417 vs C-7?

Those are two great guitars to choose from...

Here's a couple of things to consider:

26.5" scale
Two EMG 707TW's
The neck is a lil beefier
All Mahogany

25.5" scale
EMG 81-7 and EMG 707
Earvana Nut
Maple Neck-thru/Mahogany Body

I used to have a C7 and while it was a badass guitar, I ended up trading it for a Xiphos 7 and I couldn't be more happier with that decision. But eventually I missed the Active tone, so I snagged an LTD SC607 which is obviously very similar to the MH417. I honestly don't think you could go wrong with either option, though it is worth pointing out that if you plan on tuning lower than A, the schecter might be a better option for intonation/string tension/size reasons because it has the slightly longer scale.

Also, just pointing it out and it is just a preference thing, but I really didn't dig the EMG707 in the bridge position for me. I gave it about 4 months before switching it out for a SD Blackouts and I also tried the 81-7 and that made way more sense for me.

I'd say try them both out if you can, as the feel of the neck could also be the deciding factor. :goggly:

Another option for you could also be Agile guitars.. they have pretty much any guitar mash-up of specs you could fathom.
Man I must've only played shittily setup Schecters then.. Every experience I've had with a Schecter (Hellraiser, Loomis sig, anything) was just bland. :(

Yeah you're probably right. We just got in a brand new C7 from the factory and had it setup by our tech and I couldn't put it down. Totally awesome guitar. I work in a music shop btw :rock: