Buying New Guitar

Sanzen said:
NFU, you are wrong. You don't need a $1000+ guitar.

See dude? All you need are some 9s and a good guitar pedal. And play it for a while.

actually im not. find me a professional musician with a decent sound who doesnt use a guitar of at least $1000.00 and ill stand corrected.
Quite a few bands use ibanez guitars under that price. Jeff Loomis uses Schecter and Esp, and I'm pretty sure at least the Schecter is under a grand, though Schecter do make REALLY nice made in U.S. guitars. Sg's are under a grand, look how many bands use those(though they hold their value too).

IMHO the biggest advantage of buying an especially expensive guitar is the resale value- but a pickup swap on a guitar made with decent wood will sound just as good or better than a stock 2,000+ guitar.

btw- duncan detonators are just the duncan designed version of the duncan distortion. They aren't true duncans, which is why I find it funny when people say "higher end" duncans.- there is no "higher end." There is duncan, and there is duncan designed. Trust me, I think moonlapse can attest to me researching the living crap out of pickups before making the switch.
Actually,NFU is right.If you want a great guitar that serve you long time, you should save more money and buy well-made and good guitar.I have saved money and now im going to make a custom guitar which is like 1200$.
It has no meaning to buy a guitar that costs 500$ or 400$ while you have 200$ guitar.
AbsentFriend said:
epiphone sucks. I played a V of both Dean and Epiphone, same price, different quality. The Epiphone sucked.

I agree. It doesn't negate the fact that one of the Destruction guys uses it, though.

Some people just preffer shit guitars. Look at Yngwie with his Strats ;)
I think it really depends on what your goals are. If you plan on playing in a band and or starting a career in music, then yeah, it makes much more sense to save a little more for much better goods. If you are just looking for something to get you started, dont want to, or really cant spend quite so much money, but want good feel and decent tone then i dont think going for a guitar in the $500 range is that bad of an idea.

In my case, I went and bargained with a guy and got a Shecter C-1 for $450 (early 2003). I was just starting guitar after playing drums (didnt know a whole lot about guitar hardware at the time) so i didnt want to plop down two grand on something i was uncertain about, especially because i had other costs such as the amp, pedals, ect.

Looking back it wasnt a bad decision. Maybe in the long term it would have been better to buy something nicer, but thats hindight. Something like the C-1 class is a solid guitar and plays well. Also, a nicer guitar's tone would have gone to waste on my little 30 watt amp... again, it depends on your siutation.