Buzz when recording through Randall Amps


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
Hi all !

We did a bunch of records through the Randall tube amp and cab we have at the studio, and each time, it sounded great, except that :
Each time we noticed a buzz around 3,4 - 3,6 khz (presence), that we could cut during mixing.
Anyone encountered the same problem ?

That was the same when the other day, I had to mic up a Line 6 cab with a Randall Warhead amp.

What do you think of that ?
If you could cut it just fine, what's the problem? It's common that amps have some special range where there is some "trademark" sound. However, if the buzz is VERY strong, it could be a lot of things - grounding problem, a turned on CRT monitor close to the guitar, or too many pedals in use, or probably a guitar with hot pickups with too much gain on the amp.