BWBK 6 Pack Weekend 3 Update - Death Angel and Raven added


Heavy Metal Maniac
Sep 29, 2002
Union, NJ, USA
Last night I got an e-mail from someone involved with the BWBK 6 pack weekend 3. I guess they e-mailed me since I ordered my tickets already. Death Angel and Raven are the latest two bands confirmed. Pretty cool news considering Death Angel have dropped off the Vader/Kreator tour so this will be their only US appearance this summer. Raven never really tours. I saw them at one of Jack Koshiks March Metal Letdowns and they were really on fire. I met them after their peformance and they were great guys and signed my Wiped Out cd.

So the line up now looks like this:

Chris Caffery
Jag Panzer
Dark Tranquility
Death Angel

Not bad so far. There were 15 bands scheduled last year but only 14 played since Dreams of Damnation had a brawl or something along the lines of that at their hotel. So we have 4 or 5 more bands awaiting confirmation I assume. Hopefully some European big boys.
I could have done without the Dark Tranquility/Soilwork tour package. I do think that the promoter saved money by booking that tour which maybe allowed to get some bigger bands from Europe which will soon be announced.

I am very looking foward to Raven, Death Angel, Exciter, Jag Panzer, Chris Caffery and Trouble though.
I totally aggree with you... If they had the balls to get better bands than the ones in that tour (not saying they;re bad), it would be a much better festival...

there is indeed a few good bands in the fest... unfortunately for me, not enough to make me go all the way up there....
AngraRULES said:
I totally aggree with you... If they had the balls to get better bands than the ones in that tour (not saying they;re bad), it would be a much better festival...

there is indeed a few good bands in the fest... unfortunately for me, not enough to make me go all the way up there....

I disagree. I am looking forward to seeing the touring package not to mention they will get significantly longer sets. It is more of an all around metal fest than say a Progpower type fest. Progpower caters to a completely different audience than the BW&BK fest. Progpower can also afford to take chances now because it is a guaranteed sell out - because of that they know what their budget is. And even though Glenn has said Therion and Stratovarius have built their tours around their performance at Progpower they are nonetheless touring bands performing on a festival. This is no different than the NEMHF and BWBK. I think if you look at the fest overall I think it is a good line up. The one that actually does not interest me to see is Chris Caffrey ( and Mnemic ). You would never see any melodic Swedish death metal at a Progpower show and BWBK could not afford to bring Orpahned Land, Strato, and Therion from overseas unless those were the only bands you wanted to see. Remember also Progpower is $100 and BWBK is $60. PP will have 1200 people there - that makes a $120,000 budget to break even. The previous years at BWBK were between 500 and 600 at $60. That makes $36,000. So when you compare fest to fest they are in 2 totally different leagues at this point in the game.
thesungoesdown said:
Remember also Progpower is $100 and BWBK is $60. PP will have 1200 people there - that makes a $120,000 budget to break even. The previous years at BWBK were between 500 and 600 at $60. That makes $36,000. So when you compare fest to fest they are in 2 totally different leagues at this point in the game.

Your not taking into account sponsorships which may allow PP a little larger budget but I'd also heard that BWBK had a sponsor of thier own this year..that being said I'm still quite disappointed with this years line up. Given the first show had Evergrey, Wolf, Elegy, Trouble, Nevermore, Candlemass, Beyond The Embrace, Kataklysm and last year they were able to pull in Primal Fear, Doro, Metal Church, Katatonia, Dismember among others, I just feel that this years IMO is by far the weakest lineup top to bottom and if they sell 500 tickets I'd be shocked. They'd have to pull in 4 big name bands to even get me to consider attending #3.
zinescene said:
Your not taking into account sponsorships which may allow PP a little larger budget but I'd also heard that BWBK had a sponsor of thier own this year..that being said I'm still quite disappointed with this years line up. Given the first show had Evergrey, Wolf, Elegy, Trouble, Nevermore, Candlemass, Beyond The Embrace, Kataklysm and last year they were able to pull in Primal Fear, Doro, Metal Church, Katatonia, Dismember among others, I just feel that this years IMO is by far the weakest lineup top to bottom and if they sell 500 tickets I'd be shocked. They'd have to pull in 4 big name bands to even get me to consider attending #3.

I read in one of the Cleveland entertainment papers (either the Free Times or the Scene can't remember) that someone else was responsible for doing the booking. I don't think that is a sponsorship like if they got The Guitar Center to throw in $5000 for example. It also said that without the person doing the booking the fest probably wouldn't have happened. There are also rumors that the fest lost tons of money both years - which I don't doubt.
When you have a shitload of bands from over the Atlantic come in they don't do it out of the goodness of their hearts.
Everyone has different opinions on what bands should play. Last year I thought was kinda weak. I thought Katatonia was a major mistake being they didn't fit the style of the rest of the bands. A lot of people left after Grave Digger. The 1st year was the best. I think the lineup this year is really good. Yeah they have a touring package. So what. It is 3 good Swedish death bands. Also Trouble, Death Angel and Chris Caffrey ( a lot of people like - not me ) for $60 is a good deal. Considering the House Of Blues had Nightwish for $30 and I am sure Strato will be close to the same price I think it is a pretty good deal.
So I guess the bottom line is they probably have a strict budget this year so some compromises will be made. Hopefully this year can be the turning point to take it to the next level. Progpower wasn't successful overnite either.
I must be the only person alive wants to see Raven. I have loved this band for years and never had the chance to see them live... I am stoked beyond belief!!! I was the only person that even mentioned this band for this fest... I think I did the first two years also! Woo Fucking Hoo!!!
thesungoesdown said:
I disagree. I am looking forward to seeing the touring package not to mention they will get significantly longer sets. It is more of an all around metal fest than say a Progpower type fest. Progpower caters to a completely different audience than the BW&BK fest. Progpower can also afford to take chances now because it is a guaranteed sell out - because of that they know what their budget is. And even though Glenn has said Therion and Stratovarius have built their tours around their performance at Progpower they are nonetheless touring bands performing on a festival. This is no different than the NEMHF and BWBK. I think if you look at the fest overall I think it is a good line up. The one that actually does not interest me to see is Chris Caffrey ( and Mnemic ). You would never see any melodic Swedish death metal at a Progpower show and BWBK could not afford to bring Orpahned Land, Strato, and Therion from overseas unless those were the only bands you wanted to see. Remember also Progpower is $100 and BWBK is $60. PP will have 1200 people there - that makes a $120,000 budget to break even. The previous years at BWBK were between 500 and 600 at $60. That makes $36,000. So when you compare fest to fest they are in 2 totally different leagues at this point in the game.

I aggree that they are two different festivals... I do not see the reason for the comparison though, given that I've simply said that it's not enough to make me go... I don't see too much of a difference in the two crowds, given that most fans that go to ProgPower usually like and even go to see bands that play BWBK, and vice versa...

And Glenn does not base his budget on the amount of people that go to the festival.... at least not that I know it
zinescene said:
Your not taking into account sponsorships which may allow PP a little larger budget but I'd also heard that BWBK had a sponsor of thier own this year..that being said I'm still quite disappointed with this years line up. Given the first show had Evergrey, Wolf, Elegy, Trouble, Nevermore, Candlemass, Beyond The Embrace, Kataklysm and last year they were able to pull in Primal Fear, Doro, Metal Church, Katatonia, Dismember among others, I just feel that this years IMO is by far the weakest lineup top to bottom and if they sell 500 tickets I'd be shocked. They'd have to pull in 4 big name bands to even get me to consider attending #3.
I have to agree, Zine !! I don't think I'll be attending this year either. I made it to the first two, but if you ask me it's tailed off to the point that it's highly doubtful that I'll be there this time around. I also thought last years was a big dropoff from the initial lineup of BWBK 1. Hopfully Gromen can find a way to get back on track in the near future. I like the setup for the most part, and I always have fun in Cleveland, but this lineup doesn't do a whole lot for me at all.

This fest blows. The Soilwork tour will be here so I have no reason to go there. I wish someone could put on a fest in the US with a bunch of European bands that are a bit more "current". I am sick of all this classic and reunion bullshit.
Anthony3 said:
Great, I still have zero interest in this fest.

Almost equal in interest though I'd like to see Jag Panzer as well. Just found out I can see Chris in NYC in April, so much less interest in this show.
I love Death Angel. But will they cancel? This fest is on the same days as mine. So... I will not be there.

As a supporter of BW&BK (the mag) since their very first issue and all 3 of their festivals (yeah, I already got my tickets) as well as being a so-called "veteran" of metal myself, I feel I should say a couple things about this.

It seems as though too many of you want to immediately start bashing on festivals like BWBK because perhaps it doesn't secure every one of your favorite bands, whoever is popular at the time, or (insert name here) isn't playing. I find it somewhat disheartening to see this type of attitude, maybe because I suppose I am a little more open minded than some at this site. But that's fine - everyone has a right to their opinion. What I don't understand is how you can complain about the band selection when a mere 6 or 7 years ago, there were ZERO metal festivals of any worth at all in our United States, and the best you might be able to do was a half-assed Metallica tour or whatever. Can it be that we are that spoiled now, what with a handful of true heavy metal festivals in the States, that we can afford to just start bandwagon bashing the ones that don't attract the cream of the metal crop year after year - especially fests that are still in their infancy? Man, that's pretty harsh. Maybe we would all be better off if grunge came back, or better yet, hip hop got even BIGGER and more widespread than it already is...

I am just trying to remind some of you that may not have been around for the lean years of metal here in the U.S. when you couldn't find a festival to attend if your life depended on it. It would be refreshing to see true metalheads at least try and respect the people who are doing their best to bring true metal back in this rap/alternative/garbage music plagued country, and support them for all their hard work. It's not like the ones who do all the legwork are making millions to compensate for their time, research and efforts. I am sure Glenn would echo these sentiments exactly, as he knows firsthand how much work goes into making these things happen.

I, for one, embrace the comeback of such bands as Trouble, Jag Panzer (yes, they came out originally in '81), Exciter, Death Angel, and Raven. These bands embody what real heavy metal is, was and always will be about. Maybe they are not your cup of tea, but does it really do any good to say that they "blow" or "don't do anything for me?" If you don't want to go, that's fine - just please don't be so quick put down some of the forefathers of metal. I think that bringing some of these bands back is great for metal because it enables many younger (and older) fans to have the chance to see what started it all, and for that I am grateful. Just two years ago, I was able to see Candlemass and Trouble, two bands I had always loved as a teen, but never had the chance to see live. This year, I get to see Raven, Death Angel and Exciter, three of the one time "giants" on the Megaforce roster in one place. I think for that type of nostalgic value, we should all be grateful.

If you really can't stand the bands at the festival, that's fine. It's not like you pay for your ticket before the bands are announced, so where's the problem there? (oh yeah, and I've been a gold badge holder for this festival for 3 years, by the way, where it's my PLEASURE to pay in advance for such a great endeavor) All I am saying is let's not bring it down by bashing it just for the sake of bashing, because it's not to your liking. Metal needs all the help it can get in this godforsaken, media force-fed country. Flame away if you must, but this type of attitude just pisses me off so I had to vent my opinion. Thanks for listening...
