by far the best computer game ever!

bleed for me

Sep 9, 2001
Brooklyn, NY
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American Mcgee's Alice....that game is's basically a twisted version of Alice in Wonderland...Alice's parents have both died in a fire and she's now in a mental institute coz she flips'es thancalled back to wonderland because there's's and amzing game with an incredible atmoshpere, level design and everything else!

awsome stuff
I have played the demo and think it is a very good game, however, it may be the best for you and not for others.

My all time favorite and still reigning champ is

Heroes of the Might & Magic III

They ought to put a warning sticker on the game box...

This game may cause both marital and sleeping problems due to its high rate of time consuming addictive play.
No way dude! Half-Life has been on my computer since it came out in '98 and I still play it regularly! It must have the longest running online community supporting it, as evidenced by the 1200+ servers still supporting it.:D
I am a big Half Life fan, if you haven't played PC Gamer's The Hunger Trilogy (well, they didn't create it, just published it), you don't know what you are missing.
the best game ever was reblestarII for the specrum...and it still kicks arse after more 10 years...civ2 and master of orion2 would have to be my two favourites of recent times...orion3 should be out soon, i just hope it doesn't suck like civ3...
None are my favorite - they take up too much time. I've bought games before - like Tomb Raider, Lands of Lore, etc.. I started to play them, but never could find the timne to finish them. Nor will I ever play RPG - way too much work. My Mom plays them - they're her life it seems. She takes notes, etc.

An occassional game of EA Sports NHL, or Return To Castle Wolfenstein (the only games I have on my new computer) : games you can play for 15 min. and have fun. That's my game speed.
I love Half-Life, I find it incredibly atmospheric. Baldur's Gate 2 is a great rpg, very deep. Lately I've spent my days on Arcanum, that I consider the best rpg experience on a computer... if only from a technical point it weren't so shitty...
max payne is my fav game at the moment. if you haven't played it go out and buy it! the way you can slow down time...*drools remembering what a bad-ass game max payne is*
Originally posted by bleedingskeptic
max payne is my fav game at the moment. if you haven't played it go out and buy it! the way you can slow down time...*drools remembering what a bad-ass game max payne is*
max payne is way too easy, it took me like 10hours to complete it, and thats including the 5hours to watch all the stupid cartoons :D
Three of my favourite games have been posted here.

Deus Ex (pc)
Final Fantasy (series)
Heroes of Might and Magic III (pc)

Others include:

Devil May Cry (ps2)
Homeworld (pc)
Jedi Knight (pc)
Onimusha: Warlords (ps2)
Vagrant Story (psx)
Warzone 2100 (pc)

Some classics which cannot be denied are:

Cyber dogs
Syndicate Wars
the best game is.... tux racer!
max payne is a really good hardcore shooter, it make other shooter feel boring without that matrix bullet time. deus ex is also very good, the only bad thing is my computer is a 350mhz.

Excuse me. For those of you who have been playing computer games as long as I have (or longer) and this one game has stumbled across your path, I don't see how it could not be your number one choice. For it's remarkable depth and scope:

Trying to name the best game of all time is nearly as futile as trying to name the best Opeth song, but it's encouraging to know people here are looking in the right direction.:rolleyes:

So in no particular order are some of the best games of all time...:

Super Metroid, Secret Of Mana, Super Mario Kart, Shenmue, FFVII (Best FF game, haven't played FFX yet though), Gran Tourismo 3......

I'm also playing through DMC for the second time Sullen, It's GOOD, but not brilliant.
Originally posted by bleedingskeptic
max payne is my fav game at the moment. if you haven't played it go out and buy it! the way you can slow down time...*drools remembering what a bad-ass game max payne is*
If you liked max payne i think you will love Hitman codename:47 By far the best videogame ever
You people are crazy!
Don't you know that Quake is the best game ever?!
been playing since '96, still playing today! :D

Secret of Mana is probably my second favorite...

I need some new games to play though.
All I play these days are QuakeWorld clan arena (regularly), Return to Castle Wolfenstein (regularly), Diablo 2 (starting to get into it), and Starcraft (on occasion)... I don't play half-life much anymore, counter-strike is lame and DoD cannot compete with RTCW.. so blah
