Benny H
About the 'multipal C4s or not' thing..
I don't know the answer but what is the question really? I think it's partly a matter of whether you want 1 guitar triggering another or several others. The compressor is gonna start acting as soon as the threshold is reached obviously.. so it's like the first guitar over the line sets it off, then the last guitar out of the zone governs when it starts to lets go. If the guitars are playing the exact same thing at a medium to fast tempo, to my mind it shouldn't matter... maybe it even helps to glue them together a bit. But then if it's slower and maybe looser material and you want maximum thickness, then you probably want each guitar to have as much body as possible and to only squish him when it's absolutely necessary.... You don't want one being thinned out before it's time.
I'll stop here cause I can't really profess to know exactly what I'm talking about, and one important factor I'm unsure of is - is C4 treating each channel (L/R) completely separately on it's own terms... or is left effected when right goes over threshold and visa versa?
I don't know the answer but what is the question really? I think it's partly a matter of whether you want 1 guitar triggering another or several others. The compressor is gonna start acting as soon as the threshold is reached obviously.. so it's like the first guitar over the line sets it off, then the last guitar out of the zone governs when it starts to lets go. If the guitars are playing the exact same thing at a medium to fast tempo, to my mind it shouldn't matter... maybe it even helps to glue them together a bit. But then if it's slower and maybe looser material and you want maximum thickness, then you probably want each guitar to have as much body as possible and to only squish him when it's absolutely necessary.... You don't want one being thinned out before it's time.
I'll stop here cause I can't really profess to know exactly what I'm talking about, and one important factor I'm unsure of is - is C4 treating each channel (L/R) completely separately on it's own terms... or is left effected when right goes over threshold and visa versa?