Call of Duty 4 on 360

I agree. I was disappointed by the new Turok. The only way I was able to enjoy it was to only use my knife. The point of the game is stealth, and it's impossible to be hidden, as the enemy always sees you, and the Dinos spawn right behind you... Lame.

You know, I'm going to end up buying a new 360 before the new one is repaired if I don't get it by the time R6V 2 comes out. I'm so pissed off over this. hahaha
Well after paying for shipping and the damn man hours arguing with tech support and microsoft, it might be worth it to just pick up an arcade version for what... $270..... I'll wait for the falcon chipset, if you CANT, then well........ arcade bundle. :lol:
I think the others have component inputs so you can definately get high def out of them. The HDMI is easier and cleaner, I suppose. I use HDMI with the fiber optic sound. It shreds muchly.

I also heard the Elite is supposed to have tougher hardware, like they tested them in ovens and such and were not getting the RROD. I held out for the Elite and have yet to have a problem with it. I emphasize 'yet'.
The HDMI cable is an all in one, small digital connection. You can connect the video and audio with one cable. It also gives you true HD resolution, where the component cables begin to lack a bit as the screen gets larger. I have a 50" Plasma, so HDMI does create a slightly better picture.
Wow, that's a bigass TV, my good friend! Rockstar size I should say. And plasma. That's like top-notch. :p

We're still in the standard age with a 10-year old TV that can't even be repaired because they don't make the parts for it anymore.

It's a projection TV. Meaning it shoots light out of tubes inside the TV, bounces that off a "mirror" and onto what you see on the screen.

I wish so much for an HD TV, but it'll be years before I get one of my own (and by that time, TVs as a whole will be obsolete, as the images will simply be transmitted into the viewer's mind.)

As for the 360, I definitely considered the Elite. The only difference I could really see was the harddrive size. Amazon says that the regular 360 does have HDMI output. Of course the Elite also may have better circulation to keep it from overheating and subsequently dying. I definitely want an Elite but I could probably only afford a regular one.

We'll see where life takes me if this job at Blockbuster works out for me. I just applied online today. I am so hoping for this job so I can get some cash, not only to buy an xbox, but to get my new music mixed and mastered! And buy Wedding gifts for my sister and her fiancee. I've never had a job before and I'm a bit nervous, and you know how business are so there's a chance they might not even consider me simply based on the fact that I haven't had previous employment. Well this is too much off topic, but yeah... I'm hoping... and it'll lead back to an Xbox360. (nice save and back on topic!)

Have any of you played Lost Odyssey or Blue Dragon yet? How are they?
As for the 360, I definitely considered the Elite. The only difference I could really see was the harddrive size. Amazon says that the regular 360 does have HDMI output.

I just looked into this. I guess the new "revisions" of the current XBOX 360 do include an HDMI port, but the structure is the same, and still can easily suffer from the RROD. It seems the Elite does use something different, and supposedly tested in ovens for heat resistance, and is a MUCH lower chance for the meltdown.

I may get an Elite anyway, and sell the other perhaps after it's repaired.
Wow, congrats man! That's a lot of money. How did you manage to return a used game? The policies around here are if it is opened, no return...

Well I am sure microsoft is hurting from this, as I am sure there are a lot of people just like me who are hesitating to pick up a Xbox360 because of the failure rate. You would think they would try to remedy this in a hasty manner... Well the reviews on Amazon are 94 good against 27 bad, which is better than the basically 50/50 of the regular Xbox. Just a little better. Normally, I'd say screw the reviews, but when the reviews are basically testaments about how people tried to mail theirs back, had a lot of trouble, got ripped off, etc... over the whole RROD deal... it frightens me away from purchasing just yet!

I never got a RROD with my Wii, and I once played it all day! And it always has a wireless connection turned on with internet access!
Gahh, if it weren't for GameStop being an hour away and my inability to finish a game within 7 days, I'd totally try to take advantage of that! >.>
I'm back in business. No, the repair isn't back. Far from it, it JUST arrived for repair. I bit the bullet and picked up an Elite system. MUCH quieter then the original, and gives off a bit less heat. The controller out of the box doesn't work. Fucking Microsoft... After the last couple of weeks I've had, I'm quite happy to be killing terrorists in Vegas again, and on Tuesday, VEGAS 2 BABY!

We need a few guys on here to pick up Rainbow Six Vegas 2, next week, and join Vito and I for some hunting. :P