Well in the course of things, I'll probably get COD4 and Vegas 2 for the 360.... of course if I wait long enough they'll both be $19.99. Assassin's Creed is pretty low now, apparently it wasn't too popular but I'm still interested in it... Halo 3 is still full price, and that surprises me. But everyone loves it. That's where the difference is, I guess.
Lost Odyssey is really incredible. It's made me cry a few times so far just from the sheer power of the writing. Not just the text-based dream sequences, but also the "acting", voice performances and music.

I think I might be near the end of disc 1, and there were a couple boss battles that pissed me off but it evened itself out with the great story (once I was able to progress). x_x
Now I am wondering what to get next. I can probably ask for one any-price game for my birthday, and maybe buy a couple budget titles with my own wad. Any suggestions would be sweet. I already beat BioShock (my brother-in-law has it) but it was so awesome I might buy it when it hits $20 and beat it again. I do want to get an online game or two, not like full-on online because I would like to be able to play said game offline, and incase I don't keep gold forever.
I suppose I could ask for Vegas 2 for my birthday just for the opportunity to get killed and possibly teabagged by Paul in an online shooter.