Call of Duty 4 on 360

I used to play Halo 2 like every day and was really addicted but I cut down a lot

I'm lucky if I even play once a week now

But my gamertag is GameFreac.....add me if you want :)
Well in the course of things, I'll probably get COD4 and Vegas 2 for the 360.... of course if I wait long enough they'll both be $19.99. Assassin's Creed is pretty low now, apparently it wasn't too popular but I'm still interested in it... Halo 3 is still full price, and that surprises me. But everyone loves it. That's where the difference is, I guess.

Lost Odyssey is really incredible. It's made me cry a few times so far just from the sheer power of the writing. Not just the text-based dream sequences, but also the "acting", voice performances and music. :) I think I might be near the end of disc 1, and there were a couple boss battles that pissed me off but it evened itself out with the great story (once I was able to progress). x_x

Now I am wondering what to get next. I can probably ask for one any-price game for my birthday, and maybe buy a couple budget titles with my own wad. Any suggestions would be sweet. I already beat BioShock (my brother-in-law has it) but it was so awesome I might buy it when it hits $20 and beat it again. I do want to get an online game or two, not like full-on online because I would like to be able to play said game offline, and incase I don't keep gold forever.

I suppose I could ask for Vegas 2 for my birthday just for the opportunity to get killed and possibly teabagged by Paul in an online shooter. :)
Diablo 3 will be on the xbox? Well that would be cool..... if they could make it the same as on the PC, where you can join a game with a bunch of folks. I tried to play the crackdown demo online, joined some random dude who yelled on the mic and kicked me like 2 seconds later. I was like o_o what the heck just happened, hahah

and I didn't have the headset plugged in so he came out through the TV speakers
No Diablo 3 is only coming for the PC as of right now. If you are looking for a Diablo like game for the 360, Sacred 2 is coming in January or February. Sacred for the PC was probably the best Diablo style RPG game I've ever played. I started playing World of Warcraft the other week, and I actually need to limit my playing on it because it is highly addicting.
No Diablo 3 is only coming for the PC as of right now. If you are looking for a Diablo like game for the 360, Sacred 2 is coming in January or February. Sacred for the PC was probably the best Diablo style RPG game I've ever played. I started playing World of Warcraft the other week, and I actually need to limit my playing on it because it is highly addicting.

WoW rocks. But Im looking forward to Fable II the most atm, that or the next WoW expansion.
The problem with games like Fable2 (where your buddy can jump into your single-player co-op game) is that you have to actually have friends who can afford to buy the game when it comes out, at like $60 flat. I have a friend who buys a ton of games but he doesn't even know how to add me as a friend on XBL or use the voice chat. I'm like what the heck guy, you've had the xbox for over a year now. x_x I figured it out the day i hooked it to the net. :p
Wow man, hehe... high price. Well when I try to play the Crackdown demo, the other dude "blocks you from the game" despite the fact that he's the only other dude on the crackdown demo trying to play online. Are people like that in general on the regular versions? That would suck. =\
Im unemployed atm so I dont have an income so I guess it will have to wait. But if you still got it in a few months I might buy it. :P

But I guess some people here would go bananas for a 360 signed by ND ^^