Calling All Axeslingers!!


New Metal Member
Jun 9, 2003
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Ok, I have had absolutely no luck with another thread looking for Nightingale and Unicorn tabs :erk:

So I thought to myself, why don't I try to recruit some other guitarists on the forum to join me in a massive tabbing effort... anyone game?

If we are to be super ambitious, we could divy up whole albums between us, but I think taking it song-by-song may be easier. Anybody who wishes to be a proofreader(Dan? Mr. Nouga?) is also most appreciated.

I'm without an electric right now, so I'm not sure which song I'm going to start with... perhaps something from Ever Since, lotta acoustic on that disc

OK!! So there's the rallying cry... now we wait to see who answers :devil:

The Death Hippy
Ohh, I can play some Unicorn (Emotional Wasteland, At The End Of The Bridge,The Boy And The Impossible,Waterfall,The Likes Of No One) and some Nightingale songs but I am too lazy tabbed it. Listen the music and try play the guitar simultaneously. This is my advice to learned how play it.