Coversong-contest #2 (?)


OK, here's another cover song. This is "When all is said" from Unorthodox. I decided that I should do atlest one cover in my life where I don't mutilate the song into my own creation ;) so I remained faithful to the original. Only thing I altered was some of the drumming, I took out some of the cymbal work to try and disrupt the flow a bit, make it more doomy.
And yes, I do suck at growling. The recording of it went a bit strange, I did alot of testing before recording the vocals, and it didn't sound quite as crap as it ended up (although it did sound very crap), I dunno what happened. Couldn't redo it, cause my throat was hurting and I didn't want nail myself, so you all get to suffer :p

[edit#2]Well, thanks to the legend that is Unicorn, the song is now available :notworthy:
Well I like Add Reality very much, the cover and the original version. It's really hard to comment When All Is Said, because I don't have Unorthodox, it's the only EOS-album I don't have and so I haven't even heard the original version, so I must skip that one...
Hell yeah...this is WHEN ALL IS SAID ;)
I wanted cover When all is said too...and I must say: Well done !
*laughing* I still listen to ur cover. What do u use for a guitar and what for a effect ? Sounds a little bit thin. But well done...if I have a cover of a song I will link it too.

Cheers Sturmbringer :grin:
My guitar's a Jackson (Kelly) through a Danelectro 'Fabtone' distortion. It sounds kinda thin because I plug it directly into my 4-track, rather than putting a mic infront of an amp (it's easier that way, and my amp sucks ALOT). My 4-track aint the best either, it does tend to boost the high end a little (among other things, it's very temperamental- for instance, I recorded the vocals on channel 3, but when I was doing it, the stupid thing decided that it wasn't going to play the drum track back, which was on channel 4, so even though it recorded ok, I got to do the vocals without hearing the drums (not good for a slow song...)). Basically I own alot of crappy gear ;)
Letho and Sturmbringer, thank you very much for the comment. :rolleyes:
I'm downloading the cover from YDG right now. But I have a pretty slow connection, maybe in half a year it's completed. :mad: :lol:

Wo kommst Du eigentlich her Sturmbringer? Bist Du schon lange Swanö-fan?
Meiner einer kommt aus Baden Württemberg. Und ich bin schon lange Swanöfan. Meine erste CD war Edge of Sanity - Purgatory Afterglow die ich zuerst auf nem Flyer von nem EMP gesehen habe und mir schließlich innem Promarkt gekauft habe [ Ohne vorher reingehört zu haben ]. Das Intro hat mich dann zuerst geschockt: Auf dem EMP stand nämlich "Hart aber schön" oder sowas ähnliches. Und nachdem dann der Gesang endete und die Gitarren anfingen und schließlich Growls einsetzten war es DIE BAND schlecht hin für mich. Und seitdem füllt sich mein Swanöequipment stetig. Hmm....seit wann bin ich jetzt Fan ??? *grübel*.....eben seit 1994, dem Release der Purgatory Afterglow. Erste NICHT-DEATH-METAL-CD war Godsend - A Wayfarers Tears die ich auch blind bestellt habe aber nach und nach mehr gefallen daran gefunden habe. Und somit bin ich dann letztlich ganz auf den Swanögeschmack gekommen. Im übrigen ist die Band THE PROJECT HATE MCMXCIX aus Örebro auch ziemlich goil. Kann ich nur empfehlen. Deathmetal mit Gothic- und Electronic[TripHop]parts. Erstes Album wurde von Dan mitproduziert. Zweites vom Frontmann [ Mieszko A. Talarczyk] von NASUM. Ne geile Grindcoreband auch aus Örebro. weißt du etwas mehr von mir ;)
Hey YDG. Finally I listened to your version. I like it, because it it's really heavy. Your vocals... hm, sounds like bad microphone. ;)
But somehow I like the Rhythm guitar sound! We had a pretty similar sound in our 4-track days, didn't we Nico? :)

thank you very much. :O) Will you join our contest this time again? Would be nice. I think a lot of us would like to hear your voice again. :grin:
Originally posted by Unicorn
thank you very much. :O) Will you join our contest this time again? Would be nice. I think a lot of us would like to hear your voice again. :grin:

Thanks! ;)
I'd like to record another cover, but I have no time right now. If this round of the contest lasts until I have a little more free time, I'll try to make a contribution though. :)