CALLISTO - True Nature Unfolds

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
CALLISTO - True Nature Unfolds


1. 31 46 N 35 14 E
2. Blackhole
3. Limb Diasporas
4. Cold Stare
5. Storm
6. Caverns of Khafka
7. Like Abel's Blood Cried Revenge
8. Worlds Collide
9. Masonic
10. The Great Divorce

Label: Earache Records
Release date: 2005, May 3
Artist site:


This one starts off in an ambient vibe, very enigmatic, and then when “Blackhole” sinks in, fans of NEUROSIS and the like, rejoice. This band employs a wall of sound approach, and I love it. The entire opus is a moody sonic journey, drenched in huge mammoth riffs, feedback and great drumming. I guarantee you’ll find yourself humming a riff or chord progression at some point in your day. Maybe not the vocals, but the music is memorable. There is a riff in “Limb Diasporas” that is very similar to a death metal riff used in the early 90s, I just can’t seem to place the band in my brain at the moment.

I nominate “Storm” as one of the year’s ten best songs as of this moment. A nine minute epic adventure into the lands of the drunken and stoned, you will zone out. “Caverns of Khafka” follows nicely, the melody so slowed down and permeating I feel it oozing into my frontal lobe like molasses. “Masonic” is a fave to crank when I’m hammering bong hits, very powerful stuff. And the dissonant melodies of the final track leave me in a daze.

Upon more and more listens, True Nature Unfolds continues to grow on me and I will go on record as saying it’s the best to come out of this type of music in a very long time. I like the album cover a lot, too. Grab your favorite beer, light one up and watch your true nature unfold, indeed.