Can one make a living playing metal? I say this, as so many semi-popular bands like Nevermore, have full time jobs or part time jobs to make a living. This seems to be a huge problem with many talented metal musicians, as many of them quit the bands to get a real job to support their families etc. Why pick metal anymore if one is a young musician? Even if a young musician has a passion for metal, it is obvious the chances of success, even self dependence are quite slim. Also, I think that it is far easier if one is European, to be in a metal band. If one is European, one has excellent benefits to support one, and hell the swedes even offer music lessons to anyone free of charge( I read this somewhere- I could be wrong) But as an American, if one doesnt make it, one has to spend alot of time in a really shitty service industry job, to pay for their many expenses- including healthcare, and exorbient college costs if one attends college.