Can one make a living in metal?

hey saturnix I checked out old posts on the opeth board. Supposedly mikael is a full-time musician now. He quit the record shop around the time Blackwater park came out
Speed, weren't you the one who started a thread a few weeks back, about how metal musicians could go on to be as big as Linkin Park?
You sound like someone who needs to prioritize.
Hm, I think I did start a similar thread- although I came to the conclusion- or others did- that a band could only get as big as Linkin Park- and would be forced to dumb down their music

This one is more about just the financial problems involved in trying to even play metal- sorry its on my mind, I cant decide if I want to really get the rag tag band Im in to actually practice once in while and cut a demo.
Niklas Sundin might have used to work there (I know one of the members did), he now works full time at his art...

Also, I think to use the word comfortably might be pushing it a little far for living off a band, particularly if you're trying to have a family...
I read some interview with Jesper Stromblad where he said that he has enough money from In flames to live comfortably right now, but there's no way in hell he can afford to retire anytime soon.
Bruce dickinson (Iron Maiden) is a flight captain. He says Iron Maiden is a side job! (he said it on a joking mood).

Can you imagine, sitting down on the airplane when on the intercom you hear:
"This is your flight captain, bruce dickinson speaking"
"We shall be departing from England to New York in about 20 minutes"
"Oh and yeh...up the fucking irons!"
It all sorta depends on how your label markets your merchandise etc. The CDs you release count for a small proportion of the money you receive. And it does take alot of money to tour as well, especially if your record label are a bunch of dickheads.

I plan to graduate university and have a secure job and yet have a band on the sideline, and if my band gets popular or whatever... woohoo! Playing Metal would be a passion and something I love, but I don't want to be a homeless bum if it doesn't work out.
I am pretty much in the same idea as "Music as hobby".

I put many hours in, want to form a band, etc...

but...I am a professional Chef. I will continue to do so as I form bands, etc. If my music never gets be it.

If it does...I would be stoked.

AllI care about is playing music that I want to make...period.
You'd have a better chance of winning the fucking lottery. This counrty don't reward shit unless you conform and obey. I've lost more money than I've ever made.
deathrattlesnake said:
its not about the money for me, i just like playing

That is exactly how I feel. I just love creating music, if I can't make a living at it, then oh well, at least I am having fun. Although, it does make me understand the "selling out" option that quite a few bands seem to go through. I couldn't play the music if I didn't like it, so if what I like never reaches mainstream, then I am pretty much guarenteed never to make any money.