One (musical) thing you hate in metal

I hate prog/power metal vocals,
when grind/death dont use drum machines in a correct way
when the bass isnt audible

and I think thats it
i hate the fact sometimes i'll be listening to an album and like halfway through you've heard the same thing or closely the same thing each time on every song and you just sit there listening to the CD and it's all basically the same.

One reason why i enjoy tool, every track is miles different from the one before it so it keeps you focused on the music and you don't like drain it out as random background noise like i can do when i listen to some metal.
ShadowOfDeath said:
i hate the fact sometimes i'll be listening to an album and like halfway through you've heard the same thing or closely the same thing each time on every song and you just sit there listening to the CD and it's all basically the same.

One reason why i enjoy tool, every track is miles different from the one before it so it keeps you focused on the music and you don't like drain it out as random background noise like i can do when i listen to some metal.
odd statement from someone with a CC sig....I like CC but some songs sound very similar and some of their albums get boring 1/2 way through..........I agree with Tool though
Guardian of Darkness said:
I hate In The Nightside Eclipse's production.
That is a good example of what I'm talking about. At many points you can't make out the riffs, because the production is so fuzzy, and on top of that they are overpowered by the keyboards and vocals.
Guardian of Darkness said:
I hate In The Nightside Eclipse's production.

Hm. I find the production to be very suiting and quite good.

Edit: @ Life Sucks: Is your stereo crap? I've never had a problem with hearing the riffs, so I don't really see where you or GoD are coming from..
Taken from my MA review: It's utterly appalling. Thinner than Kate Moss, it somehow manages to take almost all the atmosphere out of the music. The guitars are faint and indistinct, the drums are hollow and the overall sound is just horribly weak, tinny and flimsy.
Spirit In Black said:
Yeah, like on Suffocation - Breeding the Spawn.........that is a good cd, but it sounds so bad it is hard to listen too and just looses it's intensity
Yeah the production on that CD is indeed shit, all bassy and fuzzy. If the production were as good as it is on Pierced From Within, it might possibly have been as good as Pierced From Within.
henrikmain said:
Hm. I find the production to be very suiting and quite good.

Edit: @ Life Sucks: Is your stereo crap? I've never had a problem with hearing the riffs, so I don't really see where you or GoD are coming from..
My stereo is ok as far as I know. It also sounds like shit when I am listening to it on my computer using earphones. Not only are the guitars fuzzy, but they are very low in the mix. You certainly can't hear every note the guitars are playing.
The drummers usually make 75% of the music I listen to. I hate thir hyperblasting to nowhere. It puts me to sleep. The lyrics in most cases. The lack of rests and breaks in rhythm in most metal on all instruments. I would probably complain about bass if i could hear it on more than 1/20 albums. The lack of bass presence is my last complaint then.
Hmm like fuzzy production, it often adds a lot to the atmosphere. In the Nightside Eclipse is a perfect example of the production adding to the sound. It usally works better with music that is already more atmospheric in nature rather then works that are more techincal...
i live in an area where the scene is comprised exclusively of metalcore breakdown bands and emo pussies so its nice to hear someone else hates that as much as i do. for the love of all things good and holy write a song, not filler material to space your breakdowns out. a few things that irritate me about metal:

1. overuse of keyboards-totally takes away the energy
2. monotonous singers-there is such a thing as variety in vocal tone even if youre a death metal grunter. keep me interested, the vocal patterns and switches from high to low are part of the songwriting too.
3. satanism in general-come on man, no one is shocked anymore. give it up.
4. guitarists attempting solos they cant play-learn it before you record it chumps.
5. necro production-not my thing, im in it for the music and i want to hear it right.
6. screamers trying to sing-worst.idea.ever.

No true progression, development, or anything like that. I hate that.

Burpy vocals.

Needless, atonal soloing.

Hyperblasting. If you're gonna blast, do it for less than the whole song.

A lack of tension and release.