One (musical) thing you hate in metal

Definately the most annoying thing in metal has to be snare drums that sound way too high pitched. Some bands can get away with it but when they sound like friggen pots and pans (St.Anger) ... come on. I used to hate double bass but now thats all I like to listen to. \m/

Black metal shrieking vocals are a little annoying to me too.
Oceanic Motion said:
Burpz0rz vox. I don't care how good the music is if the vocalist sounds like Lord Worm or the dude from Demilich I'm turning that shit off.

Lord Worm is my favourite death metal vocalist ever. I tend to enjoy "burping" vocals a lot when they're pulled off correctly.

And drum triggers can be really cool; it can add a machine-like and cold feel to some albums, for instance Decapitated's "Nihility".
FailingAcension said:
Its not cheating! (not that I use them:p ) Anyway, its not cheating, but I agree that they can be overused and often do sound weak.

For the record I'd like say that Flo only trigger's his bass drums. Even then he only does it for the album. Live everything is microphoned.

Thus (plus all the other stuff)

Flo > everything

What I don't like about Metal is some people's metal mentality. Yall know what I mean.
Well you can definately tell his snare isn't triggered anyway; he can only hit it uber fast for a second or so before he loses it and the sound fades away as he starts having to tap it to try and keep going fast. It's funny on None So Vile when you hear that ALL the time. TAPTAPTapTaptaptaptaptaptaptaptaptaptaptap.

I remember reading an interview with him where he said, on the contrary, that he DOESN'T trigger for recording or practising but triggers only playing live, so they can get a good sound. A listen to None So Live confirms the latter part of that statement; acoustic bass drums definately do not sound like that!

as for metal bits I don't like. I dunno. Brutal DM or deathgrind bands that base their songs on heavy as fuck riffs that are otherwise completely faceless and uninteresting. Gorgasm are a good example. I got their Bleeding Profusely CD after reading the glowing review on Metal Observer, but there's not a single interesting riff on it. Cattle Decapitation are an example of the contrary; they blast away like bastards but I find their riffs very catchy and/or evil sounding. If you're going to do nothing but blast, you NEED some interesting riffs, if you're going to do nothing but chug on the top string with mega low tuning, you NEED interesting rhythm and drumwork. That is all.
I hate bands like Lacunia Coil, and Nightwish. I hate women vocals. Unless they can do it right for example Warlock!!! or Sinergy!!!. Also not into Power Metal, I get really bored of the cheezy let us go and slay the dragon chorus. Musically they tend to be more advanced. That why I think Night in Gales, Towards the twilight, is the best. Little bit of everything. I like blastbeats if they dont take over the rest of the music, small amounts are better.
Breakdowns. Nothing I hate more than when a fast song all of a sudden slows down to a chugging riff while the lead singer shouts crap like "EVERYBODY I WANT YOU TO TEAR THIS PLACE DOWWWWNN"

Female Focals.
I try to like them, but god it just makes me angry most of the time :( Few cases where it doesn't , but they're far and few between.
henrikmain said:
Lord Worm is my favourite death metal vocalist ever. I tend to enjoy "burping" vocals a lot when they're pulled off correctly.

And drum triggers can be really cool; it can add a machine-like and cold feel to some albums, for instance Decapitated's "Nihility".
I agree I love Lord Worm's vocals....but I don't like "burping" vocals like Devourment, I can't stand that burp/pig sound

Triggers are ok with me unless they sound totally fake.........Decapitated's drums sound great cause they fit the music and atmosphere very well.
lord667 said:
Is there one thing that every time you hear it, you think "fucking hell, not again!"? For me, it's blastbeats. Apparently, many metal drummers have only three brain cells available for musical use (one for kick drum, one for snare, one for "miscellaneous"). If I wanted to hear a bunch of retarded "beats", I'd listen to some clubby dance shit. Let me make it crystal clear - blastbeats are not big, clever or funny. They aren't brutal, necro or heavy. They're just SHIT.
My mind went to that as soon as l read the title. I agree completely.
Death Metal and most black metal vocals. Give a little effort for fucks sake.

I do like some of the castrated singers, Warrel Dane, Halford, Geoff Tate, I dont mind Kiske at all, whoever sings for Vanden Plas and Kamelot, and I like Andre Matos' voice until he decides to try for notes no man has ever tried before. Other than those guys, I abhor all power metal vocals. The Darkness singer- whats his name Justin Hawkins, is too much for me also.
For the people who dislike the black metal screeches (I don't listen much to death metal so I won't say anything about it): Harsh music demands harsh vocals, Dead of Mayhem/Morbid is my favourite vocalist because of the amounts of pure emotion he puts into those deathlike noises.
I hate generic Death Metal, there's too many bands that are content to churn out album after album of the same thing for their entire career. Every band should have its own unique twist, but I cant help but feel that alot of Death Metal bands are missing this.
Cheesy synth instrumentals. Most that I've come across sound like lame, unnecessary attempts at 'atmosphere' that sound more like a little kid messing around with cheap keyboard. There have been too many times when I'm listening to an annoying 3 mintue intro of 'bells' chiming waiting for the actual song to begin, or I'm right in the middle of an otherwise great CD only to get halfway through it, and Voila! Here comes the filler material....
Female vocalists in the vein of Angela Glossow. If you have a voice, sing, don't destroy your throat, just becauase it's supposed to be 'metal'. I much prefer singing over the rough throaty vocals, but I really don't like power metal, so don't go there.
Definitely the over use of fast double pedalling. Its just so predictable in almost all metal genres, its refreshing to hear a metal drummer who's creative enough to mix things up every once and awhile.