You have three musical wishes.....

hmmmm well I won't waste a wish on the Anthrax tour line up stufff, the rerecording of the old thrax albums with bush is a good one. (I won't waste my wishes on that stuff because if someone elses wish comes true I can still go out and partake of them) and the misfits wish was good.

1) cliff burton back from the grave, yeah I know someone already wished for it but this time I want him back from the dead without regenerating his flesh. YEAH! FUCKING ZOMBIE BURTON. and he would be unholy supernatural and would crank out bass lines that sound like the lungs of hell.

which reminds me why didn't Megadeth make more songs like "Into the Lungs of Hell" that one was a one of a kind.

2) I would wish for the power to duplicate people. not clone them but make an exact replica of who they are right now. That way I could duplicate Dave Mustain and put the duplicate in Metallica, and no Kirk can stay and he and dave can have dueling guitar solos. and I would duplicate John Bush so he could focus just as much time on his two bands so we can have more armored saint out there. and I wouldn't use a wish but I would convince marty freidman and nick menza to go back to Megadeth. yeeeeah!

3) and most importantly I would wish for my geenie to be my sex slave because the I dream of geenie chick was hot. then hehehe I would use my duplication powers and make I dunno how many of them. mmm geenie orgies!

Hey Bodylouse, I hear you. But my real world pretty much blows big time too. Live in NYC. 9/11 destroyed my industry and my job. Been out of work for 4 months. But I'm alive. And I got metal. And hell, it doesn't get much better than that (well, living in a huge mansion with Jenny McCarthy and Denise Richards in my bed, a Benz and a Hummer in my garage, and a bottomless well of money couldn't hurt, though).
3. One day I get to personally meet half the folks that talk shit on the net / boards etc and make shure the are straightend out I.E Jay and silent Bob style. [/B][/QUOTE]




1. that pot would be legalized (i knoew its not technicly musical...but oh well)

2. that metallica would find an awesome bassist and come back hard as SHIT

3. that all the bands i love that are either dead or broke up would some how go on tour again and i would magicly get enough money to see them all :)

4. that anthrax and pantera would tour (cuz they're the two best bands EVER...almost) and i would get pack stage and...............
I wish all the stupid people in the world would instantly be transported to a distant planet.

Then, having only about 5% of the population left...

I'd wish for a bank account (most bankers are not stupid, so they'd still be around) with $1 million, that always refills to $1 million after I make a withdrawal (and the money would be unkown to any governments, etc, so I wouldn't have to worry about tax audits, etc...oh wait, the IRS would be gone because of wish #1). Thus, an infinite supply of money would be mine.

Since I was rich, I'd then wish my body was free from any imperfection. Meaning, I would always have the energy I needed to do what I wanted, I'd never have joint pain or sore muscles, I'd never get sick or have headaches, I wouldn't scar, I would age very slowly, and I wouldn't have to worry about what I ate.

Then, since all the stupid people are gone, none of the pop radio crap would be left, thus launching metal to the limelight. And since I'd be rich, I'd sponsor tons of metal bands to go on tours and record CDs (well, at least the smart ones who were still around, which is probably a majority, since they do play metal). And, since I wouldn't have any health problems, I'd be able to mosh it up at all the concerts without fear. So, the wishes aren't exactly musical, but they'd be used to promote the music in an indirect way, mwa ha ha!!
... wish Metallica would go back to, for example, kill ´em all sound? Hell I like this album, but today it would suck ass and everybody would laugh their asses off. Of course except of the guys who still live in the past and haven´t realised that it´s 2002. If they do what they want to do, it´s okay. Peace.
1. That Anthrax tours with Slayer and Pantera, and it's a HUGE success.
2. That Lar$ Ulrich gets hit by a truck.
3.a) I wish for 100 more musical wishes.
3.b) (If I can't wish for more wishes...)
That only one person in the world buys the next Metallica album, and makes copies of it for everyone else on earth.
I've got PLENTY of Metallica wishes. I hate them. How greedy do you have to be to sue your own fans?
I just read their interview that was in Playboy last April.

Quote from the bitch (Lar$):
"If you stop being a Metallica fan because I won't give you my music for free, then fuck you. I don't want you to be a Metallica fan."

Reply from me, ThraxDude-"Deal! Go suck a dick, huh? You greedy fuck!"

Remember, boys and girls: Sharing is not a crime.
That's right....that greedy bitch did say that! You know, I understand him being upset about napster having "I DISAPPEAR"
before it's release date and him gettin' pissed, but he did take it way too far! It's not like he won't be able to buy his kids food or clothing b/c of it. DR.DRE was pissed too, but he didn't take it to the level of saying " I don't want you as a fan." to anyone.
Lars NEEDS to worry about his shitty drumming as of late and how to fix it.
Just what I thought...too busy suing fans and " jamming" w/ JA RULE to answer.:mad: