Just for you! TBTM!

Potpossum said:
Personally,I think its hilarious how other idiots join in to give input on my persona. You must be bored with your life to have answered.
With others,like heliotrope;he was abandon by his mother. So by arguing with me reminds him of his life at home before his mother did leave. Koichi was dropped on his head at birth. Spike is looking for attention. Profanity is trying to fit in. Rusty learns quick and quits. EagleFlyFree needs a friend with weed. TTMB is just a dink and your reason for being here is to compete for top dink award with him.

Congratulations! You've won the award! :Smug:
It was a close one to call,but I thought for sure TTMB would have won hands down from all. Then you came along,and changed it all.
Hahaha! As a matter of fact I was bored, and you fell for it. Did I push your buttons? :lol:. Poor cunt.
Potpossum said:
I like his words that say "snot running down his nose" and direct it to heliotrope.
I think you know that lyric was about an old man - Heliotrope is a young guy, not an old Aqualung. You'll have to do better than that crazy lady. Although, if heliotrope is anything like me, I'm sure he likes watching the "frilly panties run". :loco:
Profånity said:
Thanks for clarifying those things spike.
You're most welcome.

Potpossum said:
If you have all the attention you need,why do you bother me?
Is it to fit in like Profanity,or to be a dink like TTMB or did your girlfriend break up with you agun?
'Why do I bother you'?

Believe it or not, I'm not after your attention. Do you actually think all the guys on here dissin' you actually want to talk to you? :err: I continue to talk to you because I'm waiting for you, just for once, to admit you're wrong instead of blathering this inane verbal diorhea, at which point I'll be more than happy to shut the fuck up as far as you're concerned.

You're reasoning would suggest that anyone who talked to anyone on here is simply seeking attention, and thusly it would be incorrect to call Possum amonst others and attention whore, because by your logic we all are.

That said, with the amount of people 'flocking' around you, this would also make you one of the biggest ATTENTION WHORE'S here. :Smug:

And no my GF did NOT break up with me, she's out of town you DOLT! :bah:

Bah! I still don't know why I'm even bothering You get 'shot down' on numerous and you STILL don't see it. I've said it before, but hopefully I'll stick to it this time.... Say whatever the fuck you want in reply, I'm not going to dignify your inane replies with a respone anymore, you are completely incapable of learning anything. :bah:

heliotrope said:
So you're saying you're the missing link? A half ape, half human? Well, that would explain a lot, actually.
Some times she just makes it too easy, doesn't she SaturnIX? :rolleyes:
@Spike: Thank you.

That's odd, I coulda sworn I'd just said "I miss Possum :cry: " and NOT "I miss Possum's tits. :Smug: ".

Ah well, must be a minor freudian slip on my behalf. :bah:



Ahh,you are probably all cock and bull as this thread is to begin with.
All nine inches, apparently. :rolleyes:

What the hell is going on here!? :eek:
Possum said:
What the hell is going on here!? :eek:

I'm glad you asked, i will give you an update of what potpossum has accused me of being this thread, A two headed justin timberlake, who was dropped on my head at birth. I also don't have a drivers license or a car, and to make matters worse, she's going to end my music career.

:lol: so basically this thread is about some senile old woman with a wrinkly vagina babbling shit.
:lol: I think she does have some definite insecurity complex.... feeling inferior to someone or something in real life, and needing to pick on people online to release the tension... very odd, actually. :err:
Why did you have to say it was about an old man TTMB? heliotrope didn't know that!
You could have kept it a secret.And for what else you said in that paragraph,you can be such a perv.

As for you Ultimate Symphony,I'm not the one who fell;you did. By the looks of it,you landed on your face! Do I know you any ways? NO! I don't! Your the one who walked away with the award! Now be on your way. There are no more prizes to be won today.

And for you Koichi the japanese small fry,get a life!

You must really miss your mom to continue to provoke an arguement with me heliotrope?!

Spike,why don't you fall face first into Possum's clevage and suffocate! Your girlfriend won't mind,she has found another. So why do you continue to lie and say that you still have her? If you did have a girlfriend,you wouldn't be bothering me agun. You would be lovin your honey instead wasting your time here again and again.

And as for you Xenophobe,double standards is what you and others must have in mind. Because I didn't start anything with the others except with TTMB on this thread. I didn't ask the others for their two cents to begin with either. So its okay for others to start an arguement with me and supposely let them win it as well? I don't think so bro! For example,Ultimate Symphony can call me a name,but I'm not allowed to defend? I don't even know Ultimate Symphony or where the fuck he came from,but he seems to know me well enough to call me a dumb bitch and cunt, as well does what ever he pleases,but I can't? What a crock of shit. Consider I answered him back,it makes me to be in the wrong and him to be in the right and ditto with the others. I don't think so pal! I read it all the time from some of the dinks here on this thread that have commented about others to get off the boards as well and just not myself either. It appears they want to run the show for their own amusement and have the boards to themselves and alienate who ever they think doesn't fit in by age,gender or what they say. And you rather take sides with some of the dinks to look cool. Are you hoping they will invite you for a beer when they do come of age,because you have a long wait. Besides that, when others require a mod to be fare and unbias to all members,your scruples seem to go out the window.
What the fuck are you here for any ways?! At least the other mods I consider the one's with the real job of being mods,you are just filling in to be a nob today.

The way I see those on the boards that like mouthing away,have nothing better to say. Inpersonal (on the net) or personally (face to face),start a war of words with me is the same as trying to take a punch at me. I don't care who you are or what age. Better be sure that you (all that have been mention by name) can do it on the first swing to knock me out as to what you say. Because if all of you can't do it,just keep away. If you all are going to start (like you have) with me,I'll be damn to let you all finish! And get use to it,I'm allowed to stay and have my say. Just like all of you,I have nothing better to say,except waste my time away.

Have a good day!
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My cat is currently cleaning her bum. The sorry thing is, it's infinitely more interesting than your blather, Potpossum. At least my cat knows she's full of shit and is taking steps to correct it.
heliotrope said:
My cat is currently cleaning her bum. The sorry thing is, it's infinitely more interesting than your blather, Potpossum. At least my cat knows she's full of shit and is taking steps to correct it.

That's a pretty good insult,I'm impressed!
Next time though,say it to someone who isn't of the cat family in astrology.
It could be consider a compliment instead of an insult,with the exception I don't lick my own ass;I have my husband that enjoys doing that for me.

Go to sleep now like a good little boy. Want me to sing you a lulla-by? :)
As for you Ultimate Symphony,I'm not the one who fell;you did. By the looks of it,you landed on your face! Do I know you any ways? NO! I don't! Your the one who walked away with the award! Now be on your way. There are no more prizes to be won today.
You truly must be as stupid as I thought if you believe that :lol:
Potpossum said:
And as for you Xenophobe,double standards is what you and others must have in mind.
No I see a few from you. You were picking on Possum, yet she did nothing to you. Then you defend Vile Mistress... she has pictures of herself accessible, and when someone else commented on them, you defended her, which was a nice thing. But since possum was gone, you seem to have found someone else to pick on.

Even you said so yourself, that you are very reserved and can't unleash in real life, so it's a relief for you to come online and do it.

To me, that strikes of issues... I don't take sides, and I'm a fair person... I'm just calling it how I see it. Sorry if that offends... :p
xenophobe said:
No I see a few from you. You were picking on Possum, yet she did nothing to you. Then you defend Vile Mistress... she has pictures of herself accessible, and when someone else commented on them, you defended her, which was a nice thing. But since possum was gone, you seem to have found someone else to pick on.

Even you said so yourself, that you are very reserved and can't unleash in real life, so it's a relief for you to come online and do it.

To me, that strikes of issues... I don't take sides, and I'm a fair person... I'm just calling it how I see it. Sorry if that offends... :p

To answer that I found someone else to pick on,that's only because TTMB tried to give me a tongue slashing on "views on America". So I just didn't out of the blue decide to pick on TTMB,he decided it for me.

As for Vile Mistress,I haven't read anything by her suggesting the boys to play with her floaties such as Possum has or anything else I would consider degrading. VM doesn't send me e-mails of 36DD deformities of herself either as Possum has done. And VM is intelligent enough to know I'm a woman,unlike Possum who couldn't decipher.

For what you say your just calling it by how you see it,maybe you should get some glasses.

Thanks for spelling fair correctly for me though. I have my moments with words at times. Especially when in a hurry.

And yes I did say I come here to relax from my real life. That is why I really don't care about others and to what they say. Its not like they are any one important in my life anyways. Let alone them being important in life to begin with.
Potpossum said:
Spike,why don't you fall face first into Possum's clevage and suffocate! Your girlfriend won't mind,she has found another. So why do you continue to lie and say that you still have her? If you did have a girlfriend,you wouldn't be bothering me agun. You would be lovin your honey instead wasting your time here again and again.
The irony inherent in that one passage alone is so great it cannot be comprehended by any mere mortal. :lol: If Xenophobe hasn't gotten a hernia from laughing his arse off by now like I have, I'd be very surprised.

Trust me, you wouldn't see it if you were beaten over the head with it. :Smug:

A question though, if Possum did supposedly send you pitctures of these '36DD Deformities' as you put it (Yeah right, like we all believe that. :rolleyes: ), via EMAIL, wouldn't that kind of suggest that it was done IN CONFIDENCE, and that she didn't want the supposed message or it contents repeated for an entire forum to see?

Which is why I think these '36DD Deformities' you seem to keep refering to are a total crock of shit. You slander her in front of everyone verbally using what by your description would be 'priveleged information', but you don't have anything to back yourself up with, just like with the 'mysterious abscence' ;) of photographic evidence of yourself to back up your arguments in the first place.

You whore Possum around more than she EVER possibly could.

And don't get me started on the logical chasms in your argument against Xenophobe in the same post as the one I've quoted above. I'm sure I don't have to point them out to everyone else though.