Koichi said:Hi kids, welcome to how to post like an eccentric, illiterate old bitch 101
[potpossum]Possum is a whore*. How about I go down to the grocery store and by you some wine, or better still, how about I say I'm more mature then you.** I look better then you and I'm an old women.***[/potpossum]
*Obligatory reference to Possum being a whore due to the fact their names are alike.
**Obligatory random tangent that makes no sense, whilst incorporating the fact you think you are actually mature because you're about to hit menopause.
***Obligatory reference to how she is old, and still looks good, yet lacks the pictures to prove it.
So there you have it, how to post completely inane replies and argue with people half your age.
Rusty said:Okay, let's dissect the latest, shall we??*Reference to Possum being a whore (of course).
**There we go, prime example of going off on a completely random and pointless tangent.
***Yes, a claim that she is beautiful without proof.
****Perhaps not violence, but certainly aggression.
*****Crap grammar, always a constant.
TakinTheMusicBack said:Yes, you fucked up the order of my name. You are stupid.
Quote Potpossum -"Your name is as fucked up as you are to begin with!"
It's bizarre I know, but "TakinTheMusicBack" isn't my real name. Strange, but true.
Quote Potpossum - "And if you think your not fucked up? I'll fuck you up with my fist hitting you in the face!"
Really? I don't think so. Stop making useless idle threats.
Quote Potpossum - "At least I CAN WRITE MORE THAN JUST A SENTENCE!"
Well done! Now, like Koichi, EagleFlyFree and myself have said - try to post something that makes sense, you crack crazed clown.
Better still - go away.
Koichi said:wow, i got two replies to the same message. I must have really struck a chord with you.
Seriously, you are a complete nutter, now I have two heads and don't own car. If you're so intelligent how come you can't even understand basic english enough to produce correct contractions of words?
AHAh now decrepitpossum, why the fuck would you give me the name of someone in the music business to tell me what you look like? The music business is a pretty large industry, and I doubt that anyone actually knows you. Stop making idle statements and come up with evidence. If you are attractive enough to cocktease your son's friends, like you say you are, I'm sure you would have no problem with showing us some pictures. That is of course, if you are. I doubt you are though, you're probably just some fat old bitch who like's the sense of power you get from being an incoherent airhead.
I'm sorry, I might have taken your precious time away, please, go back to doing your 56 stomach crunches in 1 minute.
Wait a minute - I live in Scotland. Where are you from? Are you seriously telling me you'll travel here to punch me in the face? Bear in mind as well that you're a menoapusal woman and I'm a young 180 pound guy who will defend himself. I can't really believe that you'll turn up at my house just so I can give you a good kicking.Potpossum said:Why don't you give me your REAL name,along with an address. And will see if its idle threats. Because I don't make threats,I make promises! Maybe you'll see who is my idle hitting you in the face! I'm serious pal! Care to take me up on my offer? I dislike you that much to make it a reality!
And the only reason you and others can't make any sense of what I write,is because you haven't gotten out of high school!
If I were to go away,how bored you would be without me.
TakinTheMusicBack said:Wait a minute - I live in Scotland. Where are you from? Are you seriously telling me you'll travel here to punch me in the face? Bear in mind as well that you're a menoapusal woman and I'm a young 180 pound guy who will defend himself. I can't really believe that you'll turn up at my house just so I can give you a good kicking.
So, in summary :
Go away sad old lady.
EagleFlyFree said:>Your 180,thats okay. I've taken down alot bigger.
i don't think dick length has anything to do with your ability to bring down any boner.
TakinTheMusicBack said:I forgot to add, as with all your nonsensical fucked up posts -
What's a show size? Is it related to the intellectual level you mentioned? :Smug:Potpossum said:And this coming from a MAN that answers with Bleee Wheee Zooommmmm.
You and your bumbuddies are just upset because you have no witts. Let alone an intellectual level higher than your show size.
You may think this site is just for you and others to enjoy,but NOT so. You'll just have to endure my company.
Btw,I'm still waiting for an address pal!
Whats the matter,you still live at home with your parents? You don't want them to find out that you have been behaving like a dink?
TakinTheMusicBack said:What's a show size? Is it related to the intellectual level you mentioned? :Smug:
If you think I'm getting embroiled in another flame war with a freak that can't string a coherent sentence together, you're sadly mistaken. I've got better things to do with my time. I may post the odd piss take in reply to one of your stupid posts, but as far as I'm concerned I'm just going to ignore you, you stupid old tart.