Just for you! TBTM!

Koichi said:
It's You're

It's not hard, learn to spell.

Why don't you shut the fuck up japanese small fry!
Did I ask you for your two cents? No I didn't! And you're not a teacher yet! So do what the birds do and join EagleFlyFree and flock off!
If it was feasible,I would give you a slap. Then again I don't want a child abuse charge against me for hitting you.
The only individual that this thread was made for is TTMB,not YOU!
Sorry lot of lads you all must be to feel better by mouthing me. Be thankful this is just the net and not in person. Because believe me,I would teach you a lesson for mouthing me! In person I have a rep not to cross with. So the way I look at it,your nothing much,but an easy crunch,consider your self lunch!
hahahaha hay guys beware the ninja mom from hell or she'll kick our asses!
you have more chance to kill me of laughter than in any other way :-D

> So the way I look at it,your nothing much,but an easy crunch,consider your self lunch!

mmkay... haystack joints still lasting?
heliotrope said:
Potpossum's kind of like Janet. But older. And more incoherent. Uglier, too, I imagine.

Why don't you get your ass off the computer and do your home work!
Your mommy is calling for you to do so as well!

Imagine what you wilt(the wilt word is probably over your head,because you know nothing about the occult either! Or who I was refering to.)
Consider you're in your prime for being a pizza face!
EagleFlyFree said:
hahahaha hay guys beware the ninja mom from hell or she'll kick our asses!
you have more chance to kill me of laughter than in any other way :-D

> So the way I look at it,your nothing much,but an easy crunch,consider your self lunch!

mmkay... haystack joints still lasting?

I don't care how you die,as long as your dead too!
And are you upset because I don't offer you a toke?
I'm not your friend with weed,who you so desperately need!
:lol: Apparently Potpossum believes that older English words such as "wilt" are only used in the occult.

Apparently, she also believes that her supposedly being middle aged gives her some sort of argumentative weight.

I submit again that she is not the brightest bulb in the box.
:lol: For fuck's sake Potpossum, you're even starting to bore me with this shit.You should feel priveleged, I've never known anyone who can constantly rearrange the same post over and over again the way you can.

The world is over populated, please, for the sake of humanity, shoot yourself. Come on, take one for the team.
Koichi said:
:lol: For fuck's sake Potpossum, you're even starting to bore me with this shit.You should feel priveleged, I've never known anyone who can constantly rearrange the same post over and over again the way you can.

The world is over populated, please, for the sake of humanity, shoot yourself. Come on, take one for the team.

And if you are your avatar,why don't you stand up on stage again in T.O.
I'll see that you will get shot next time,instead boomed barded by junk from the audience. You should be thankful you got out of Canada with your life!
What's your problem? No longer Janet Jackson's boy toy?
Your Mickey Mouse bud Brit found herself another?
WHAT? What is your problem?
And don't say its me.
Your problems go back to when the doctor dropped you on your head at birth.
heliotrope said:
:lol: Apparently Potpossum believes that older English words such as "wilt" are only used in the occult.

Apparently, she also believes that her supposedly being middle aged gives her some sort of argumentative weight.

I submit again that she is not the brightest bulb in the box.

Ahhh NO! Its not only in old references of occult writtings. Its also found in this day in age among Amish,Quaker(which is my branch)and Mennonites that still speak in such a manner,but if I were to do that;you would really be lost!
You probably don't even know the difference between the three.

And if you're going to consider me as a light bulb,you must be that broken one beside me :err:
I'm very impressed by your superficial knowledge of archaic English. Really. You sound like a child badly quoting Shakespeare. You haven't the slightest idea how archaic syntax and grammar are constructed.

This is a silly line of argument anyway; your use of the word "wilt" has no more relevance than anything else you say. Especially since you more or less can't say anything without sounding a struggling Japanese tourist.
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