She posts a thread with the sole purpose of insulting me, then cries and moans that I'm "picking on her" when I reply to it. 

Koichi said:It's You're
It's not hard, learn to spell.
I wasn't insulting you useless fuckhead!TakinTheMusicBack said:She posts a thread with the sole purpose of insulting me, then cries and moans that I'm "picking on her" when I reply to it.
Some people don't understand as well as me and you.Potpossum said:I wasn't insulting you useless fuckhead!
It was suggesting that I want YOU DEAD!
heliotrope said:Potpossum's kind of like Janet. But older. And more incoherent. Uglier, too, I imagine.
EagleFlyFree said:hahahaha hay guys beware the ninja mom from hell or she'll kick our asses!
you have more chance to kill me of laughter than in any other way :-D
> So the way I look at it,your nothing much,but an easy crunch,consider your self lunch!
mmkay... haystack joints still lasting?
I'm allowed to bitch! So get the fuck out of my way!Profånity said:Stop the bitching now.
Nobody speaks to me like that, I suggest you apologise now.Potpossum said:I'm allowed to bitch! So get the fuck out of my way!
Koichi said:For fuck's sake Potpossum, you're even starting to bore me with this shit.You should feel priveleged, I've never known anyone who can constantly rearrange the same post over and over again the way you can.
The world is over populated, please, for the sake of humanity, shoot yourself. Come on, take one for the team.
heliotrope said:Apparently Potpossum believes that older English words such as "wilt" are only used in the occult.
Apparently, she also believes that her supposedly being middle aged gives her some sort of argumentative weight.
I submit again that she is not the brightest bulb in the box.