Just for you! TBTM!

Spike said:
The irony inherent in that one passage alone is so great it cannot be comprehended by any mere mortal. :lol: If Xenophobe hasn't gotten a hernia from laughing his arse off by now like I have, I'd be very surprised.

Trust me, you wouldn't see it if you were beaten over the head with it. :Smug:

A question though, if Possum did supposedly send you pitctures of these '36DD Deformities' as you put it (Yeah right, like we all believe that. :rolleyes: ), via EMAIL, wouldn't that kind of suggest that it was done IN CONFIDENCE, and that she didn't want the supposed message or it contents repeated for an entire forum to see?

Which is why I think these '36DD Deformities' you seem to keep refering to are a total crock of shit. You slander her in front of everyone verbally using what by your description would be 'priveleged information', but you don't have anything to back yourself up with, just like with the 'mysterious abscence' ;) of photographic evidence of yourself to back up your arguments in the first place.

You whore Possum around more than she EVER possibly could.

And don't get me started on the logical chasms in your argument against Xenophobe in the same post as the one I've quoted above. I'm sure I don't have to point them out to everyone else though.

For the amount of time it took you to write this,you could have gotten off on your girlfriend. Then again you don't have one.

And with today's technology it isn't worth a chance to disclose some things about one self to a nobody like your self,when I could very well be a somebody. Do you think a would take a chance on having the risk of some dink take my face and computerize it on some demeaning hoax picture,NO!
If Possum wants to take that chance,so be it. I'm not! Maybe when she's 27 yrs old and has met a prominent man in society. And hypothetically speaking he got wind that diminishing pics of Possum are threatening his character among his associates of elites in his social circle,he decides not to take a chance to be involved with Possum. Even more so if Possum decided to broaden her horizons and becomes a political figure,the pic I have could very well ruin her. Though this is all hypothectically speaking about Possum's future expectations. On the other hand,I'm not as young or gullible as Possum to risk my reputation among my associates. I just recently received recognition (for the umphteenth time) from my superiors. It came in the form of a certificate of appreciation from federal,provincial and municipality policing force. Have you done any good in your society Spike? Most likely not! You probably won't ever get a invite from your mayor either,where I have. And for your information,I've been warned not to post any pics of my self,for fear that some one could endanger my reputation by falsely adding alterations to my pics. Okay Spike,now you and others know as to why I can't! Be glade I'm talking to you. Who in general is consider a nobody to my standards. I will admit though my user name isn't that reputable,but I rather it than Piccolo where some one on a personal level could recognize me.
Another thing,for what it took me to write this,I could have done the dishes from supper. Then again,who really likes washing dishes,when I could be relaxing by explaining myself to you.
Vile Mistress is okay because she's cute and giggly... and Possum is bad because she was cute and flirty? Hmm... are we the indecency police here? I think not. That would be my task, and so far, you've been more offensive in initiative than anybody else in this forum.

So, Possum is a whore, yet I didn't see any naked pictures, or anything suggestive of such... a few silly sexual comments and you're on the attack... and oddly she's taken the higher ground than you in most circumstances, except where you've managed to draw her into your foray.

Need glasses? Perhaps, but don't try hiding your intentions with your double standards... more than a few people agree that we can see it pretty clearly. Hey, you want to trash someone because you're uncomfortable with them, good for you, that's your right. I don't agree with you, but will not censor it either. I will say again, that you just want to attack on people cause you have fun doing it.

Oh, and your "I'm better than you are so I can't show you my picture" speach is pretty pathetic. Yay, you're commended and know the fucking admiral on star base 5 or you know columbo or matlock or whatever... wooooo are you an agent looking for social terrorists? So, yay, you're married to a "prominent" man... sure doesn't sound like you've a very happy life... or you wouldn't be searching for retribution here...
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xenophobe said:
Vile Mistress is okay because she's cute and giggly... and Possum is bad because she was cute and flirty? Hmm... are we the indecency police here? I think not. That would be my task, and so far, you've been more offensive in initiative than anybody else in this forum.

So, Possum is a whore, yet I didn't see any naked pictures, or anything suggestive of such... a few silly sexual comments and you're on the attack... and oddly she's taken the higher ground than you in most circumstances, except where you've managed to draw her into your foray.

Need glasses? Perhaps, but don't try hiding your intentions with your double standards... more than a few people agree that we can see it pretty clearly. Hey, you want to trash someone because you're uncomfortable with them, good for you, that's your right. I don't agree with you, but will not censor it either. I will say again, that you just want to attack on people cause you have fun doing it.

Oh, and your "I'm better than you are so I can't show you my picture" speach is pretty pathetic. Yay, you're commended and know the fucking admiral on star base 5 or you know columbo or matlock or whatever... wooooo are you an agent looking for social terrorists? So, yay, you're married to a "prominent" man... sure doesn't sound like you've a very happy life... or you wouldn't be searching for retribution here...

I wouldn't have been on the attact if POSSUM hand a different user name in the first place. If POSSUM had used a different name,I could have care less. She'll learn her lesson when guys only remember her for her tits any way. Which by the way some have shown. And also,I never right out called her a whore,only suggested it! It appears you and others are just too fucking stupid to comprehend what I write! Did you read when I was explaining it to KleptomaN? I guess not! You only see what you want to see! :err:

As well it makes me offensive to put some one in their place? Like any of you care! Most of you try to out insult everyone else,but it seems in the chat forum its prohibited for me to do so! Give me a valid reason why I shouldn't?
What is the problem,my retorts to much of the truth of what shouldn't be spoken? Another thing,I'm not always thrashing people! I only thrash when provoked! Other than that I find it amusing when flame wars occure,especially among others. At least there are other forums on this site that can make me laugh so hard,that I almost piss my pants by reading what others have to say. A lot of you on this site just show some of you can't handle it and take it to much to heart.

To answer that "I'm better than YOU",I just am! Its not pathetic,its a FACT! Though in person,I don't think I'm better than anybody else. Its just my place in society that suggest it,along with the responsibility that goes with it. I can't be as free wheeling as your self and others. I have to take heed in what I do. For what you wrote about my husband being a prominent man,more like the other way around. I'm the one with a good family name and background. My husband is consider lower class "cockney" by my family. Then agun,I don't care what they think. Just as well what you and others think either.

Maybe you could be right about retribution, I dislike being a responsible adult and the responsibilities that I have in my life. I wouldn't mind being a nobody such as your self having no cares. I like having fun,but unfortunately its at the stake of you and others. Oh well,didn't mean to make any of you cry!
I knew it, you're the Queen of England.

Sorry your Majesty, I wasn't aware you were a complete twat.

Grow up, you bitch and moan about how you are more mature than everyone else, but the fact you attack someone for having a similar user name, is just fucking childish.
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Potpossum said:
As for Vile Mistress,I haven't read anything by her suggesting the boys to play with her floaties such as Possum has or anything else I would consider degrading.
OK, how many times do I have to tell you that it was a fucking joke!!!? :yell:

I was taking the mickey out of all the guys on the forum after I-F2.0 whored out a pic of me on the forums for everyone to see. The pic was sent as part of a private message which as Spike has pointed out, the contents of which should not be shared with the general populous.*

Even though there was no proof that that pic belonged to me, everyone took I-F on his word no matter how much I denied it. So I thought if I played along for a bit and injected enough sarcasm to indicate that I was making fun of them, the guys would take the hint let it go. But in such things most men seem to be as thick as six bricks, and strangely enough, so were you. Which is just another thing that makes me think a) your a man, and therfore b) you're a fake account.

Surely any woman couldn't be this imbecilic? :err:

This is the 2nd time I've posted something to this effect, so stop ignoring valid arguments I make that you have no rebuttle against just so you can continue to insult me groundlessly.

*Hint-Hint!: Though somehow I think that you're far to daft to see what I'm getting at here, so I'll send you a PM and say it bluntly instead. :bah:

P.S. I see you've been busy insulting me while I was away and didn't have a chance to repsond,. I'm not going to go back and validate myself on these points, I'd say it's obvious you're talking out your ass.
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Potpossum here's the deal - the reason we all insult people and no one minds is because we can post coherent sentences. Our insults come down to opinion and/or joking. Take a look at YOUR little poem you wrote for me at the start of this thread now - none of it makes any sense. In fact, I've noticed that a huge amount of your posts have "Last edited by Potpossum...." at the bottom - I assume you read them and realise what a load of nonsense you posted and have to edit it to make it more understandable.
I said it before and I'll say it again - it's funny how you only appeared on this forum when I was having a flame war with someone and you immediately began posting insults to me. That and your "cryptic" location (and the fact that your spelling, grammar and humour are the same as the person I was having the flame war with) all suggest that I was right. You are someone with a fake account - you are a man, and a gay man at that.
To suggest that you are prominent in society is fucking hilarious - anyone with any sort of schooling would be able to spell better than you do.
Please go away now, or at least make some sense you pathetic retard. :Smug:
And another thing! I've yet to see a post by you Potpossum that's about MUSIC - which is generally why people come here in the first place, then post in the chat section later. You only come here to post garbage about people don't you? What extreme metal bands do you like?
And where can I see these 36DD breasts you keep mentioning? I like big boobies. :loco:
heliotrope said:
Potpossum: Sign your negative rep, you miserable twat.
Potpossum, why don't you have the balls to sign your rep? are you scared? :lol:

You are someone with a fake account - you are a man, and a gay man at that.
To suggest that you are prominent in society is fucking hilarious - anyone with any sort of schooling would be able to spell better than you do.
Please go away now, or at least make some sense you pathetic retard.
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TakinTheMusicBack said:
Potpossum here's the deal - the reason we all insult people and no one minds is because we can post coherent sentences. Our insults come down to opinion and/or joking. Take a look at YOUR little poem you wrote for me at the start of this thread now - none of it makes any sense. In fact, I've noticed that a huge amount of your posts have "Last edited by Potpossum...." at the bottom - I assume you read them and realise what a load of nonsense you posted and have to edit it to make it more understandable.
I said it before and I'll say it again - it's funny how you only appeared on this forum when I was having a flame war with someone and you immediately began posting insults to me. That and your "cryptic" location (and the fact that your spelling, grammar and humour are the same as the person I was having the flame war with) all suggest that I was right. You are someone with a fake account - you are a man, and a gay man at that.
To suggest that you are prominent in society is fucking hilarious - anyone with any sort of schooling would be able to spell better than you do.
Please go away now, or at least make some sense you pathetic retard. :Smug:

The reason I edit my post,is because there is a typo or spelling error. And the way you and others come down on me for such mistakes. I figure I would correct it before any of you would mention it. I've always been atrocious speller and I'm forever being corrected on my grammer by my family. I think I do it for spite,a sense of being rebellious in manner.

For what I have written about you on this post to begin with was just off the top. Its not my fault you're too stupid to comprehend gibberish. You think it was incoherent because I screwed up the spelling of your name. When I was pertaining to another time and not the present of your name could have been spelt. Then again,you were to stupid to see this,so why should I bother to explain every little detail for your comprehension.

To answer you about questioning my position in society,I feel like telling Koichi small fry that he doesn't know HOW CLOSE he is with his last comment. Except its not with the Queen of England I share cousins and name with.

Considering you and others are begining to be upset with little me. In the future I'll be more selective in my choice of whom I respond to.

As for me being here and you assume its not for music,not so. I'm waiting for Korruption to get on the site. I don't suppose you have heard of them,so I won't ask. And regardless what you say,it won't bring me down. Because I'll be seeing Rob Zombie and Iron Maiden next month. I'm so happy right now its as if I'm on cloud nine (make what ever wise crack,it won't bother me as I have bothered you).

Any ways,I have some legal duties to attend to over seas soon. Which means I can go and see you if I had an address. And you'll see that I'm not who you assume I am. I'm not MR BEAST either (who you think I am),I'm just his friend. Just like your buddies here that defend you,I did the same for MR BEAST. Though you and others still consider me to be in the wrong for doing such,but its acceptable if you and others do it.

Know some thing,I DON'T CARE any more what you and others write. Its what ever in my books. Its not like I have to worry about little shits(oops,forgot your big) make that a big shit like your self to have any impact on my life.

Have a grrrrrey day!
Potpossum - the guys here aren't having a go at you because they're my buddies - they're having a go at you because you are trying to start another boring flame war with ridicuous unintelligible posts. Honestly, why don't you just give it a rest now and go post about music instead of talking crap about people all the time. I won't insult you unless you start on me, how's that, Your Majesty?
Sorry to dissect your post but..........:

Potpossum said:
For the amount of time it took you to write this,you could have gotten off on your girlfriend. Then again you don't have one.
I don't think my grrl would appreciate it if she had to hop off me in under 5 minutes..... instead how about we say in the time it takes you to put together one, single coherent sentence...... that should give me what, one hour? Two? :Smug:

Now that sounds more like it.

Potpossum said:
And with today's technology it isn't worth a chance to disclose some things about one self to a nobody like your self,when I could very well be a somebody. Do you think a would take a chance on having the risk of some dink take my face and computerize it on some demeaning hoax picture,NO!
If Possum wants to take that chance,so be it. I'm not! Maybe when she's 27 yrs old and has met a prominent man in society. And hypothetically speaking he got wind that diminishing pics of Possum are threatening his character among his associates of elites in his social circle,he decides not to take a chance to be involved with Possum. Even more so if Possum decided to broaden her horizons and becomes a political figure,the pic I have could very well ruin her. Though this is all hypothectically speaking about Possum's future expectations. On the other hand,I'm not as young or gullible as Possum to risk my reputation among my associates.
So you're saying that your philosiphy is to never take ANY photo's of yourself... EVER? :err: Because if a single pic of you were ever leaked ANYWHERE you'r credibility could dissapear down the drain? You know there are famous people out there that have photo's of them circulating around and they aren't a complete laughing stock like you are. Shit woman none of us ever asked for playboy spreads from you, what the hell do you have to be worried about?

You know if 'demaning hoax pictures' were ever to surface for any reason, all you have to do is produce the original as evidence, right? :err:

And someone using 'defaming pcitures' against here when she reaches a place of high stature in society later in life.... he! what a crock of shit! :lol:

She's like, 17 or something, what could you possibly have that you could hold against her? Oh that's right, it doesn't matter, cos you don't have anything do you. :rolleyes:

Potpossum said:
You probably won't ever get a invite from your mayor either,where I have.
OK, everyone here that wants an invite over for supper from the mayor oftheir town/city raise their hands please..........

Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me! Pick me!* :grin:

*Not really. :Smug:

Anyone else?


Thought as much.

Potpossum said:
I will admit though my user name isn't that reputable,but I rather it than Piccolo where some one on a personal level could recognize me.
I know I'm going to get shot down for this but I don't particularily care. Is this meant to be some rather obscure reference to your real name being 'Piccolo'?? :eek:


I know that that name is just preposterous and it most likely isn't the case, but your mangling of the english language only leaves so much room for interpretation.

Oh and while we're at it, can any one explain to me why Potpossums references to 'legal duties overseas' are so vague? ........One could almost say 'deliberately vague'. :rolleyes:

...And how is it that such a 'prominent member of society' can have such a tenuous grasp of the english language (in spelling, grammar, and basic sentence structure? :err: Sounds like someone who (doubtfully) got far ahead in life on their looks if ever I've heard it. I mean it's fair enough if english isn't your native language, but I bleive you've been asked that before and have done nothing to indicate that it is otherwise. I suppose the gist Potpossum is that even if you are from a prominent family, that is the only thing that's keeping you where you are at the moment. If you were your 'average joe' (or in this case 'jane' ) with the skill set you currently seem to possess, you'd be considring yourself lucky to be flipping burgers.

You see all the 'less fortunates' like ourselves rely on something a little different from family esteem and deep pockets to differentiate between each other.... namely wit and intellegence. Something which you seem to be sorely lacking.

If you are the sole benefactor of your families inheritance, I'd be prepared to watch you're family's name take a rather steep nose-dive by the end of the next (your) generation.

You know, this verbal bashing is almost becoming theraputic for me, I almost wouldn't care what the topic of conversation is, proving you wrong categorically and undeniablly is so easy it's almost laughable........

Oh wait. :lol:
Spike said:
Sorry to dissect your post but..........:

I don't think my grrl would appreciate it if she had to hop off me in under 5 minutes..... instead how about we say in the time it takes you to put together one, single coherent sentence...... that should give me what, one hour? Two? :Smug:

Now that sounds more like it.

So you're saying that your philosiphy is to never take ANY photo's of yourself... EVER? :err: Because if a single pic of you were ever leaked ANYWHERE you'r credibility could dissapear down the drain? You know there are famous people out there that have photo's of them circulating around and they aren't a complete laughing stock like you are. Shit woman none of us ever asked for playboy spreads from you, what the hell do you have to be worried about?

You know if 'demaning hoax pictures' were ever to surface for any reason, all you have to do is produce the original as evidence, right? :err:

And someone using 'defaming pcitures' against here when she reaches a place of high stature in society later in life.... he! what a crock of shit! :lol:

She's like, 17 or something, what could you possibly have that you could hold against her? Oh that's right, it doesn't matter, cos you don't have anything do you. :rolleyes:

OK, everyone here that wants an invite over for supper from the mayor oftheir town/city raise their hands please..........

Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me! Pick me!* :grin:

*Not really. :Smug:

Anyone else?


Thought as much.

I know I'm going to get shot down for this but I don't particularily care. Is this meant to be some rather obscure reference to your real name being 'Piccolo'?? :eek:


I know that that name is just preposterous and it most likely isn't the case, but your mangling of the english language only leaves so much room for interpretation.

Oh and while we're at it, can any one explain to me why Potpossums references to 'legal duties overseas' are so vague? ........One could almost say 'deliberately vague'. :rolleyes:

...And how is it that such a 'prominent member of society' can have such a tenuous grasp of the english language (in spelling, grammar, and basic sentence structure? :err: Sounds like someone who (doubtfully) got far ahead in life on their looks if ever I've heard it. I mean it's fair enough if english isn't your native language, but I bleive you've been asked that before and have done nothing to indicate that it is otherwise. I suppose the gist Potpossum is that even if you are from a prominent family, that is the only thing that's keeping you where you are at the moment. If you were your 'average joe' (or in this case 'jane' ) with the skill set you currently seem to possess, you'd be considring yourself lucky to be flipping burgers.

You see all the 'less fortunates' like ourselves rely on something a little different from family esteem and deep pockets to differentiate between each other.... namely wit and intellegence. Something which you seem to be sorely lacking.

If you are the sole benefactor of your families inheritance, I'd be prepared to watch you're family's name take a rather steep nose-dive by the end of the next (your) generation.

You know, this verbal bashing is almost becoming theraputic for me, I almost wouldn't care what the topic of conversation is, proving you wrong categorically and undeniablly is so easy it's almost laughable........

Oh wait. :lol:

Are you finish speaking?
Because I'm done speaking with you.
I do not wish to bother with some one who comes from a long line of degenerates.
Potpossum said:
Are you finish speaking?
Because I'm done speaking with you.
I do not wish to bother with some one who comes from a long line of degenerates.
Must be lonely in that little world of yours, if you can't even talk to yourself.