Just for you! TBTM!

I don't get it at all - does Potpossum think we're all scared of her unearthly occult powers because she says "wilt" and "thee" sometimes? I mean she seems to believe Koichi is Justin Timberlake for christ's sake - how fucking stupid can one person be?

BTW Koichi watch out you don't get "boom barded" by junk when you're on stage. :lol:
Fucking hell I can't understand how someone can come online and make so much of a fool of themselves that people are coming to her threads just to laugh at her inane posts.

"If not,I don't care how I speak with thee!
Thou art in me way,remove thyself before I make thee flee!"
:lol: Come on - this is some one signed up under another name isn't it? It must be someone havving a laugh. If not MrBeast it's Profanity - it's not really someone as retarded as Potpossum makes out, it can't be. They wouldn't know how to work a computer.
Profånity said:
Stop the bitching now.
Profånity said:
Nobody speaks to me like that, I suggest you apologise now.
OK, who wants to see Profanity put the SMACK DOWN on Potpossum! :lol:

That would be soooo cool!!!! :grin:

heliotrope said:
I submit again that she is not the brightest bulb in the box.
Actually I think you'll find someone just put it back into the box when they had to get the new one out because the old bulb blew.
[Potpossumism]Yes, marrige is like a mud-skipper out of water, is prone to making that "Goob Goob Goob" retarded face simply to continue breathing at the most unexpected moments.[/Potpossumism]

I think Potpossums are better. See? :blush:
heliotrope said:
I'm very impressed by your superficial knowledge of archaic English. Really. You sound like a child badly quoting Shakespeare. You haven't the slightest idea how archaic syntax and grammar are constructed.

This is a silly line of argument anyway; your use of the word "wilt" has no more relevance than anything else you say. Especially since you more or less can't say anything without sounding a struggling Japanese tourist.

Shakespeare! Who said I was quoting?!
You're more stupid than I thought! I was making a pun of where I'm from.
Sense your soooooo smart,know what an idioms and picturesque pharses are about? Ahh,you are probably all cock and bull as this thread is to begin with.
I'm use to you run the gauntlet by me. To read what you wrote,is like looking a gift horse in the mouth.

About me sounding like "a struggling Japanese tourist",that's Koichi.
You must be ill to have confused us as being the same person.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
I don't get it at all - does Potpossum think we're all scared of her unearthly occult powers because she says "wilt" and "thee" sometimes? I mean she seems to believe Koichi is Justin Timberlake for christ's sake - how fucking stupid can one person be?

BTW Koichi watch out you don't get "boom barded" by junk when you're on stage. :lol:
Fucking hell I can't understand how someone can come online and make so much of a fool of themselves that people are coming to her threads just to laugh at her inane posts.

"If not,I don't care how I speak with thee!
Thou art in me way,remove thyself before I make thee flee!"
:lol: Come on - this is some one signed up under another name isn't it? It must be someone havving a laugh. If not MrBeast it's Profanity - it's not really someone as retarded as Potpossum makes out, it can't be. They wouldn't know how to work a computer.

And your less intelligent than I suspected.
Who said I was scaring you and others because I'm a witch?
You wish to discuss the occult? Give me a subject and lets see who can help me out on some conclusions I've made.
Here is an example;What are your thoughts about "the conception of Jesus" conceived by the Holy ghost born of the virgin Mary? My conclusion:an incubus incounter performed by a sorcerer who was in a astral projectile state of mind and body. What do you think?
Beyond your grasp of intellect I assume.
I can't believe such a dumb bitch is still arguing with you guys. She's either having a laugh at this shit or she's so fuckin' stupid that she can't even grasp her own idiocy.
Ultimate_Symphony said:
I can't believe such a dumb bitch is still arguing with you guys. She's either having a laugh at this shit or she's so fuckin' stupid that she can't even grasp her own idiocy.

Personally,I think its hilarious how other idiots join in to give input on my persona. You must be bored with your life to have answered.
With others,like heliotrope;he was abandon by his mother. So by arguing with me reminds him of his life at home before his mother did leave. Koichi was dropped on his head at birth. Spike is looking for attention. Profanity is trying to fit in. Rusty learns quick and quits. EagleFlyFree needs a friend with weed. TTMB is just a dink and your reason for being here is to compete for top dink award with him.

Congratulations! You've won the award! :Smug:
It was a close one to call,but I thought for sure TTMB would have won hands down from all. Then you came along,and changed it all.
Potpossum said:
What are your thoughts about "the conception of Jesus" conceived by the Holy ghost born of the virgin Mary? My conclusion:an incubus incounter performed by a sorcerer who was in a astral projectile state of mind and body.
I think your theory sounds as fucking ridiculous as the mainstream Christian version. Jesus was a political rebel, hon, and entirely human.
If Jesus was even real then he was concieved naturally with NO supernatural interference. There is a lot of evidence suggesting he wasn't even real. Read "The Jesus Mysteries" by Freke and Gandy if you want a reasoned account of the facts, instead of all your idiotic occult ramblings.
Quote Potpossum "Sense your soooooo smart,know what an idioms and picturesque pharses are about?"
I'm obviously NOT as clever as you, as I don't know what a picturesque "pharse" is.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Eh? I didn't understand any of that. :guh:
If you were refering to my post... THAT WAS KINDA THE IDEA! :p

Potpossum said:
Spike is looking for attention.
Actually, I already have ALL the attention I need. Thanks for asking though. Please try again ;)

You are the weakest link. Goodbye.
Spike said:
If you were refering to my post... THAT WAS KINDA THE IDEA! :p

Actually, I already have ALL the attention I need. Thanks for asking though. Please try again ;)

You are the weakest link. Goodbye.

If you have all the attention you need,why do you bother me?
Is it to fit in like Profanity,or to be a dink like TTMB or did your girlfriend break up with you agun?

Weakest link?
More like the missing link for man's existence.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
If Jesus was even real then he was concieved naturally with NO supernatural interference. There is a lot of evidence suggesting he wasn't even real. Read "The Jesus Mysteries" by Freke and Gandy if you want a reasoned account of the facts, instead of all your idiotic occult ramblings.
Quote Potpossum "Sense your soooooo smart,know what an idioms and picturesque pharses are about?"
I'm obviously NOT as clever as you, as I don't know what a picturesque "pharse" is.

Well,well. For some one who is SUPPOSELY to ignore me. Can't seem to keep himself away. Anyways there are two things I do appreciate about yourself. That is you play a flute and you gave me a suggestion on a book to read. Other than that,I still think your a dink.

To think that Jesus didn't exist,then you must think that God doesn't exist either. Or the devil and satan for that matter.
I know that they do exist because you and I exist. If they didn't,who has been writting back and forth to one another,as you have to me and so forth?

I assume you think in the old testiment that the snake,was a talking snake too? :Smug: Not a metaphor for another individual.

God is Man and man is like a tree.
He can fall like timber,be beaten to a pulp,and made into paper.
Then call himself the good book to read.
Consider a man and a book both have spines.
Who was first as the word of light? Is it the flesh of a man or paper of a tree.
Or do they both go hand and hand and the alphabet is really who God should be?
Now you can write that I have ramble on with the occult! :p
Spike said:
You are the weakest link. Goodbye.
Potpossum said:
Weakest link?
More like the missing link for man's existence.
So you're saying you're the missing link? A half ape, half human? Well, that would explain a lot, actually.

Potpossum said:
To think that Jesus didn't exist,then you must think that God doesn't exist either. Or the devil and satan for that matter.
I know that they do exist because you and I exist. If they didn't,who has been writting back and forth to one another,as you have to me and so forth?
So, our existence as fleshy mammals of finite lifespan and understood origins is proof for a ubiquitous, omnipotent, everlasting diety? ... :hypno: You're fucked in the head, lady. Did you know that?