Can POD HD500 do a PA/ Cab split like Axe FX?


Im guybrush threepwood
Jun 16, 2004
Bristol, United Kingdom
Hi chaps

Wondering if any of you are in the know on this one. The other guitar player in my band has an HD500 and I was hoping I might be able to replicate something similar to the Axe FX II set up I have. I run a typical direct to PA setup, but also run a split into my power amp and cab for live monitoring without cab simulation on of course. I've come to love fractals unparalleled world of routing, and fear the line 6 product may not have the ability & put a spanner in the works...


I don't know if it's able to, but it would suck if it wouldn't be able to, because you could do something like that
already with the POD from the first generation, one output to the mixer with cab sim and one without cab sim
to your poweramp and cab.
You can setup two amplifiers, one using an amp/cab/speaker model of choice, the other using the amp model pre but no cab simulation. Then in the mixer screen, set channel A to 100% right and the channel B to 100% left. You should be able to run the left output (channel A) to the PA and the right output (Channel B) into a poweramp. You will most likely need to use different settings with each model though, so tinker around until you get things sounding great.
+1 to electricred.

I just had a gig with Benevolent using the POD HD500 straight in, sounded great to the audience but due to bad stage monitoring I couldn't hear the tone in satisfactory state SO we're getting power amps and gonna go into the cab from that onwards. I like to keep things simple though, one tone that sounds good into cabs and just mic it up.
