can somebody recommend me free plugins?


Producer / Engineer
Apr 16, 2006
I need a good EQ plugin (I use the SSL right now), a good compressor plugin (am using L2 now), a good transient designer plugin (am not using one yet!) and a good limiter, any suggestions?
on the quick run:

for the eq try electriq posihfopit edition a quite good all-arround eq, this is a freeware version with some limitations in respect to the full version electriq, wich is dirt cheap by the way (100 bucks!)

not really sure what you're aiming with the compressor since you mentioned an L2 whixh is a limiter, but be sure to try blockfish, probably one of the best freeware compressors (and the gate and the deesser are quite good too in that package)

for the transient designer have a go with bitter sweet II, haven't really tried it myself, but i hear positive comments all over

now, for the limiter, can't really think of something else right now, try the w1, which is a kind of reverse engineered clone of waves' L1

No limiters! That's how the aliens are trying to control your brain...

Seriously, if you do limit make sure to limit right. Clipper->limiter->clipper->limiter (as needed, in small increments), or even better alternate between clippers and compressors (so that the clipper lops off 'tips' and the compressor squeezes the rest down a bit more), and everyone who listens to your mixes will thank you.

Hey, I second digital fish phones stuff, try Dominion for a transient designer its really cool. Might wanna try the SSL listen mic for a pretty obvious sounding compressor. Some people like the free camel crusher one too. If you're on a mac try and click software.
Man, I think you're already using some of the best stuff. If you have the SSL bundle then you can't do much better than their channelstrip as far as Eq/comp/gate go. L2 is a good limiter too.
I dunno, I always found "limited" (SHAZAM!!!) use of L2 to be pretty damn transparent, and although it's not quite as loud, it's plenty easy, and can be remedied by *GASP* turning up one's speakers
If you have the SSL bundle then you can't do much better than their channelstrip as far as Eq/comp/gate go. L2 is a good limiter too.

Sorry for old-thread ressurection but i was wondering if those Eq/Comp SSL plugins you were mentioning were free ... are they ? If yes, where can i get them ?

On the SSL website i just saw the listen mic comp/x-ism/halloween plugins in the free plugins section...

What i need the most is a good EQ plugin (most transparent possible) a la Waves Q8 (8 band, incl. low & high pass/shelves, curve display + faders, possibility to save settings).

EDIT : after some reading on the forum (esp. those awesome threads : and i might go with :

AIX Acoustic Electri-Q (posihfopit edition)
Sorry for old-thread ressurection but i was wondering if those Eq/Comp SSL plugins you were mentioning were free ... are they ? If yes, where can i get them ?

On the SSL website i just saw the listen mic comp/x-ism/halloween plugins in the free plugins section...

What i need the most is a good EQ plugin (most transparent possible) a la Waves Q8 (8 band, incl. low & high pass/shelves, curve display + faders, possibility to save settings).

EDIT : after some reading on the forum (esp. those awesome threads : and i might go with :

AIX Acoustic Electri-Q (posihfopit edition)

I meant to quote the OP who said he was using the SSL and the L2. I assumed he meant the Waves plugins because he mentioned the L2 but I could of been wrong. I don't think either of those plugins are free as far as I know though.
Honestly, I tried the Posihwhatever version of Electri-Q for awhile, but went back to ReaEQ as I thought it sounded more transparent
Seriously, if you do limit make sure to limit right. Clipper->limiter->clipper->limiter (as needed, in small increments), or even better alternate between clippers and compressors (so that the clipper lops off 'tips' and the compressor squeezes the rest down a bit more), and everyone who listens to your mixes will thank you.


Just to clarify, your saying when it comes to limiters and clippers, more doing less is better?

Why is that?

(I'm not disputing this btw, I just like to know why)