Can someone enlighten me on "Dry Counties"?

Religious horseshit, I think, can't really think of any other reasons except trying to reduce drunk driving, which is a big issue in some places
I think it's pretty much been proven that prohibition is always an epic failure, but reason is often not in abundance in the south...
I live in Kentucky. Not in a dry county, but several counties near me are dry. There is really no intelligent reason for doing it. Metaltastic is right, it's all about the religious horseshit. The people vote on it, and they have to hold up their image. :rolleyes:

If anything it makes things worse because more drunks are driving further to get their alcohol. Plus I think there are more drunks in dry's always seemed that way to me.
Plus I think there are more drunks in dry's always seemed that way to me.

So true. You make something illegal, it sells like hotcakes. Or crack. I mean religious horseshit is one thing and can be debated on...but inapplicable religious horseshit is stupid. I can find three verses in the Bible (Old and New Testament) that ENCOURAGE moderate drinking. Praise God I'm not a Southern Baptist. :p

Utah is a dry state (go fig) as some counties are state-wide in other places. I'm grateful to live in the Commonwealth of VA which has no dry counties (as far as I've seen) and a nice selection of pubs just south of DC.
Its strange how its fairly common knowledge to some of you guys how it works, as some of you are living around it.

A concept like that over here would be CRAZY.

We thought the same thing when we went to the UK - England specifically - for the first time and had to experience closing time.

"WHAT??? You're closing NOW?? WTF?" :lol:
The entire state of PA seems like a dry fucking state.

Some interesting shit:

You can't buy beer at convenience stores in PA (when I visited Erie this was the issue, sucked so bad). You have to find a beer store, and the only place I found only sold it by the case (not horrible, but WTF am I gonna do with $40 worth of beer?)

You can buy beer basically anywhere in NY that sells food, gas, whatever. Whine and liquor though have to be purchased at a liquor store (or at a local winery, where it tastes better anyway).

When I lived in Missouri you could buy anything anywhere. You could buy Stoleys and Jameson at Wal-Mart :lol:!

Go figure because I lived in the motherfucking belt buckle of bible belt douches when I was in MO. They also had a lot more porn shops in MO.
If the bible is to be believed....


Yet even so... in some parts of the deep south you can't by the blood of christ at the local 7-11, but it's fully encouraged to father 8 children by fucking your sister, who also happens to be your grandpa?

Well hee-diggadee-ho-down, that makes sense.
Yes, we have some retarded laws in the good ol' US of A. I won't get started on gun laws since we've been over that before.

Here in NJ, 99% of licquor stores are open until 10:00PM or so. I think it depends on which license you acquire. A deli chain called Simple Simon's sells beer until 2:00am I believe, along with wine...but not hard licquor. Weird law, but not as strange as my next story.

I was in PA playing a show with my old hardcore band. We went to buy some booze, two 30 packs if I remember correctly. The store clerk informed us that we were only allowed to buy one 30 per purchase. My drummer's words: "Can I pay for this one, put it in the van, and come back in for another?" Clerk: "sure..."

WTF? lol

Oh, and let's not forget (Jeff, you know what I'm talking about) our wonderful "blue laws" here in Texas. You can't even buy a bottle of wine before 12:00 noon on Sundays. Ridiculous...huh? But gets even worse. Every Christmas, the grocery store right by us always has a large section of special holiday of candies, with a lot of imported candies and a lot of candies with alcohol. So, a couple of weeks ago, while doing our regular grocery shopping on Sunday morning, we decided to by this chocolate with Bailey's Irish Cream. They couldn't sell it to us because "the alcohol content was too high". Even the cashier couldn't believe it. Not making this up.
Its strange how its fairly common knowledge to some of you guys how it works, as some of you are living around it.

A concept like that over here would be CRAZY.

You need to visit Wellyn Garden City. It was originally a quaker town. Even now, I don't think there are more than one or two bars in the entire town, everyone goes to St Albans to drink
In North Dakota, you can only get alcoholic beverages in liquor stores (a.k.a. "off-sale"). They can be open 7 days per week and close as late as 2am. Can't open until noon on Sunday. North Dakota still has a lot of drive-thru liquor stores.

In Minnesota, you can get 3.2 beer at grocery and convenience stores, which is good because liquor stores have to close at 10pm and can't be open on Sundays.

Neither state has dry counties. Some of the Indian reservations in ND are dry, but that's a tribal decision and it doesn't really seem to work because every bar in close proximity to the rez does pretty brisk business and alcoholism is still pretty rampant.
You need to visit Wellyn Garden City. It was originally a quaker town. Even now, I don't think there are more than one or two bars in the entire town, everyone goes to St Albans to drink

Haha thats weird - not too far from me and most of the bands I work with tend to come from around Hertfordshire....

Even still its not exactly a law - just a choice when it was planned.