Can someone Help me.. FIREPOD issues and new computer


Hello... well i just build my new computer(Pretty sweet)... but im having issues with my firepod or possibly with soundcard... Well i installed the Firepod driver and updated the firmware and did everything correctly and got it up and running... but just after like 10 mins of usage my sound goes off completly.:erk:

For example im running cubase and mixing a song and it could be running perfectly fine... then all of a sudden no audio is coming out... like if my firepod got disconnected but it did not because the light on it stays blue.. just no sound comes off. Also because i made my firepod my main soundcard i cant listen to anything such as itunes or GET SOUND AT ALL.

Also i noticed after turning off the firepod its starts off again and i get the sound back on... but i get these weird high cpu glitches that makes my monitors make a weird sound.

Does someone know what is possible contributing to the problem???:err:

Here are my computer specs:
Intel Quad Q9550
mobo: Gygabyte EP45
Ram: 4gb DDR2
Ruining Vista xp SP3
The thing about it too... is that the current Firewire PCI that im using with the Firepod is the same one that I would use with my previous computer and I never had this problem... I would leave my firepod on for days and i set it as my main soundcard and it ALWAYS worked.

so yeah... thanks though.
Make sure the PCI slot you are using is not sharing an Interrupt (IRQ) with another device. I have also read of some compatibility problems with particular VGA chipsets. Check the Presonus forums.
yeah I'm having issues with my fp10 as well. It did the whole random dropout thing every now and then, but after 2 months will not sync. You can check the forums and post there, but contrary to what I have heard they are not very helpfull. Don't expect more than the typical "it's your firewire chipset" answers from them. I found the best way to get an answer is to go to the website and email tech support. They make you send a system info file and usually get back to you in about a week or less. Hope you can get it fixed man, I love the shit when it works but goddamn all the driver/firewire issues.
Thanks man I just send an email to tech support.... Hopefully the problem doesn't have to do with my new computer.
this is a known issue with the firepod, fp10 (newer model of the firepod) as well as the firebox. upgrading your drivers is the culprit. try downgrading to an older version and if that doesn't work, then you probably will never fix this. I have the original firmware on my firebox and downgraded the drivers to a 3yr old version (since I'm not using xp-64/vista) and it works fine. had the same issue, audio would cut out but it'd still be showing the blue light.
Ah yes, I remember those days. No matter which driver version I would use I would have that problem. The newer drivers forced me to restart, but the older drivers would let me recover from it without doing that. Here is what I would do:

1. Turn off monitors (since Firepods POP when shut off)
2. Close DAW
3. Close Firepod control panel
4. Turn off Firepods (I used two)
5. Turn on Firepods and wait for blue lights
6. Open Firepod Control Panel
7. Turn on monitors
8 Re-open DAW

Ya, I really miss those days. :puke:
Yeah, I have 3 versions of them saved on a DVD-R, but they are Firepod drivers. I'm not 100% sure if they're compatible with the FP10 even though it's essentially the same device.
Yeah, I have 3 versions of them saved on a DVD-R, but they are Firepod drivers. I'm not 100% sure if they're compatible with the FP10 even though it's essentially the same device.

the firmware needs upgraded or downgraded per driver so some drivers done work with the other firmware

and i have been having this prob for a long time now. i have dropouts at least 2 times a day at home with losing audio at random i use my firpods as my main soundcards.... i havent had it happen when a session has been happening though....only when switching between windows on vista......never had this happen on xp but im not gonna lose the warrenty on my laptop to install xp on it again... its a pain in the ass i wish they would have fixed the drivers 5 years ago..
I had this exact same problem with the IRQ's with the Presonus firebox, you really don't want to be downgrading your firmware etc... What I did was exchange mine for an M-Audio interface, MUCH MORE USERFRIENDLY! Presonus just won't work with certain computers, I know this probably wasn't what you wanted to hear.

Hope this helps in some way.
I had this exact same problem with the IRQ's with the Presonus firebox, you really don't want to be downgrading your firmware etc... What I did was exchange mine for an M-Audio interface, MUCH MORE USERFRIENDLY! Presonus just won't work with certain computers, I know this probably wasn't what you wanted to hear.

Hope this helps in some way.

I had this exact same problem with everything else on my firewire IRQ disabled. I downgraded my drivers and viola, it works fine.

Presonus won't acknowledge the existence of this problem, pinning it on either hardware problems or user problems. I'm not a computer noob, I did everything I could to get the Firebox to work with the current drivers. I disabled everything sharing the IRQ with my firewire interface (using a Texas Instruments chipset, which is the only firewire chipset that Presonus guarentees their product to work with.) I upgraded ALL of my chipset drivers. Even people doing a clean install had this issue. It's clearly a firmware/driver issue but yet Presonus won't admit it.

I'm just lucky I didn't upgrade the firmware, or I would have been out the $175 that I paid for it off of ebay.
I wasn't suggesting that downgrading the drivers wouldn't work, just that it is an arse on. I had to keep doing this with my PODxt everytime I wanted to use 'line 6 edit', I soon got sick of that. But you're right Presonus suck! :OMG:

Hey guys... well my situation got more confusing for me lol... okay well it seems that i only get these drop outs when I open a program called CPU-Z which i use it to check my cpu information... also when i used the program EasyTune(to overclock)

so yeah i have no clue why this happens with those programs.. but yea i just uninstalled them and so far i havent got any audio dropouts in about 4 hours....

so yeah.... i have no clue why these programs cause the firepod to stop working:guh:
Vista has a strange problem with this, thats why i run my firepod in XP. It will randomly drop out in Vista but never has in XP for me. I did the firmware upgrade also.
Hey guys... well my situation got more confusing for me lol... okay well it seems that i only get these drop outs when I open a program called CPU-Z which i use it to check my cpu information... also when i used the program EasyTune(to overclock)

so yeah i have no clue why this happens with those programs.. but yea i just uninstalled them and so far i havent got any audio dropouts in about 4 hours....

so yeah.... i have no clue why these programs cause the firepod to stop working:guh:

Really weird, who'd expect those programs to step on Firepod's toes...
I have that problem as well, but veeeeery rarely and the solution's the same - turn Firepod's main volume down, turn it off and then on again.

AFAIK the most recommended FW chipset is Texas Instruments and I have one integrated in my motherboard (one of reasons I chose it).