Can you die of a hangover?

didn't puke, didn't even have a headache.

but I got three hours of sleep and at work I just felt like my heart was really considering the option of stopping.
I got three hours of sleep and at work I just felt like my heart was really considering the option of stopping.

I get horrible pain in the kidney area when I drink nowadays, and my heart has that same feeling.

I rarely get drunk now because of this.
reminds me of the time I got horribly drunk while watching Air Force One with HARRISON FORD, and right at the moment where he goes GET OFF MY PLANE I vomited. I think I almost choked myself to death, because laughing while puking doesn't really work.
reminds me of the time I got horribly drunk while watching Air Force One with HARRISON FORD, and right at the moment where he goes GET OFF MY PLANE I vomited. I think I almost choked myself to death, because laughing while puking doesn't really work.

You can't approximate with something like "BLAAAAUGH BLAUGH BLAUGHBLAUGHBLAUGHBLAUGHBLAUGH!" ?
get stoned. i find that the thirst pot puts in you usually cures/prevents hangovers. just make sure you have lots of water nearby.
no...I'm usually pretty immune to hangovers since I tend to drink a lot, but if I go overboard one night, I get these ugly meandering ones that aren't typical and feel like a part of my soul has died. (assuming I believe in souls, which I don't)
i usually don't get a headache either, i just feel like i have rigor mortis throughout my entire body. once for several days, after cinco de mayo :loco: