Can you turn back the miles on your post count?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
If you delete your posts, does your post count decrease accordingly? It should right? Haha, that's like 'fixing' a car up before you sell it.

If I deleted 6000 posts, my sale value could increase. :loco:
I like being able to slap n00bs in the face with my heavy book of 10,000+ posts thank you very much.

As a side effect however, it says very loudly THIS MAN HAS NO LIFE

oh well, take the good with the bad.
NicodemiX said:
I like being able to slap n00bs in the face with my heavy book of 10,000+ posts thank you very much.

As a side effect however, it says very loudly THIS MAN HAS NO LIFE

oh well, take the good with the bad.

print them out, and make this book a reality,

it is your destiny
I'd like to think that for every post I make, a little kid picks up the electric guitar. :kickass:

Oh, this is my new favorite "I Have Hopes For the New Generation of Children" story from the past several months: Went to Sam Ass to buy some shitz one day, was walking around the guitar room just sucking in the loveliness. Some little dude, probably 3 years old, sitting there with an electric guitar sitting on his lap, hooked up to an amp with not a lot of volume, but oodles of distortion. He gently strummed the strings and just stared at the guitar, grinning ear to ear, as if saying "I'm making NOOIIIIISSEEE." Shit like that inspires me.