How difficult can it be to become the US president?

Claws of Perdition said:
well no one ever actually does anything about it so why not.

because it's a dead end topic. it's not that im defending the country again, because sure, it has major issues. but doesn't every country? i mean sure, slayer was born in the US, but we do have some positives, you know. dont hold that against us.

guy from sweden: "america is dumb" (though ive never been there)
guy from australia: "yeah, i hate america and never want to visit"
guy from ireland: "that country is worthless"
guy born in England, now in US: "i need to move back to england"
guy from Romania: "america rules. i dont have to wait in line for bread"

guy born and raised in US: :rolleyes: "I need to visit these other countries, because they must be perfect."
Based on that platform, you'd get my vote. Unfortunately, you've just pissed off big oil (environment), big pharma (healthcare), the banking industry (ATM fees) and all those Fortune 100s who pay their stockholder dividend based on the criminal prices they charge our military for equipment. Good luck with your capaign financing.

J. said:
guy from ireland: "that country is worthless"

if that was what you thought I was conveying, i'm sorry

America has a lot of great things and people
I have quite a few freinds there too

I think it a country being destroyed by politics that were set up to be inclusive of the peoples wishes but increasingly has become exclusive of the corporations wishes

northern ireland is a country almost torn apart by its politics
but the diference is, it effects few people outside it

the politics of america effects the whole world
so I believe that the world has the right to speak out against it
...or for it if they wish

I don't really want to be told what the worlds moral obligations should be by a lying, cheating, drunk driving, polluting, warmongering, cokehead who was falsely elected and is by most standards a fucking idiot to boot
Haha, I don't want to move back to England but the difference here is that I can make a friggin comparison, and that's only natural.

That's got to be the CORE problem with the US today: complacency in not willing to look at how other countries handle their issues, simply because it's assumed that the US is the best in everything it does.

In business, you use industry benchmarks to improve your own processes. You look to the top 10% (the best in class) and assess how you're doing in comparison to those benchmarks.

I don't see why this can't apply to governments.

But the argument being put forth isn't "anti-America", it's about how easy it would be to win the average man's vote since I think at the end of the day, we all want the same things. [/carecrew]