Canadian Report: OUGH! Edition

Getting a little to upset and defensive over D&D jokes there buddy. And I never said D&D guys did not get pussy (figured I did not need to), I just said I decided "I liked girls more". But let's be honest here, there aren't a lot of ladies gathered in mom's basement rolling dice. I know D&D guys like to believe there are, well they do like to use their imaginations I suppose. And well imaginary elf women never really did for me, so in game romances are out too.:lol:

Come to think of it, I met my last girlfriend through roleplaying and Magic.

:( I thought that you'd be able to get the irony and sarcasm behind the tone and diction.
Jeremy, that's really funny because Yoda and I actually brought a couple decks to the festival with us. Same with Jake from Visigoth and Erik from Argus. Never got around to playing, alas

Now If I had known this we could have had a good old fashion round table throw Although the decks I had these days don't compare to anything I used to play back in the day.

- Axemaster (I thought they sucked)

LOL....thank you for your brutal yet undefined comment
Me too. I picked up some new cards not that long ago to try getting back into it, but it just wasn't the same. Wish I had kept all my old ones.

I used to have two groups I played with, my coffee drinking group that gathered at Perkins, and my weekend beer drinking group that we played until the last man past out drunk. I managed a comic shop back then and held the first tournaments here in NC, this was before it got really nutty. Next thing I knew it was no longer any fun so I stopped. Now cards are in boxes, playing decks are dusty. and I have complete sets from Alpha up to Fallen Empires (i believe) paged in binders. Those are dusty too.
Any of you boys had a date recently?????????? LOL...

it is dopes likes yourself who bring up lame stereotypes...if you ever stepped foot in any comic store / fantasy game store / comic con you would be surprised with how many girls ( attractive girls) there are at these things. I laugh when the too cool for the room types think that it is all dudes who are into this. Thanks for shows like Game of Thrones, movies like Lord of the Rings and Walking Dead and the popularity of graphic novels there are more girls than ever at any thing related to this stuff and girls who actually know their stuff. I know you jest in fun but it gets old with that stereotype.
it is dopes likes yourself who bring up lame stereotypes...if you ever stepped foot in any comic store / fantasy game store / comic con you would be surprised with how many girls ( attractive girls) there are at these things. I laugh when the too cool for the room types think that it is all dudes who are into this. Thanks for shows like Game of Thrones, movies like Lord of the Rings and Walking Dead and the popularity of graphic novels there are more girls than ever at any thing related to this stuff and girls who actually know their stuff. I know you jest in fun but it gets old with that stereotype.

Well Bob there are truths in all stereotypes, they are rooted somewhere. And even today the gamer girls and nerdy chicks are still an anomaly. Sure there are some and it is growing but seriously,,, Sorry but knowing every Lad and Lace in the Justice Society isn't turning on too many ladies.
Just has bad has those who would assume that stereotype are nerds who can't admit it. Nerd chicks are still far a few, and even with the few the nerdiness only goes but so far, eventually they also say "ok too much for me". HAHAv But that then kind of falls into the psychologic differences between men and women.