Canadian Report: OUGH! Edition

To be quite fucking honest here, I like the stereotypes of gamer dudes and RPGers not getting girls and being lame. Let the plebeians think what they want. I don't want faggots in my gaming circle, nor do I want any dudebros to read Erikson, Tolkien, Howard, or Lovecraft.
It's actually quite amazing how many bands there are out there who play rpgs or magic. Magic is as much a thinking mans game as poker or chess, it requires thought and strategy and the reading of tells of other players.
Chill out dudes....

Wow, you guys all call people who go to Prog Power USA Nerds, but get defensive if someone calls people into MAGIC and RPG nerds????

Yes, it's nothing more than a lame stereotype......
Think a better question is, are you ever aloud to go out and play? Seriously when I saw you at the museum with those four ladies I saw your balls being dragged behind on a string.:lol: Hey family man you have been clipped, it is almost as bad as being dateless.

Yeah, man, wow, how terrible of me to take a day off of work while my kids were on spring break to spend time with me. I am such a terrible father. A better man would have gone out drinking instead and gotten some hookers and blow!!!! :kickass:
If anyone gives a shit, I penned up a 5-page feature on Ragnarokkr for this goofy-ass E-zine. Ragnarokkr's on page 40. I also have a couple album reviews on there (Arkona + Obsequiae) Looks like they mentioned Ragnarokkr on the cover, that was cool of them.

Maybe not the best promotion venue for this sort of fest, but fuck it. Vandala's the only site I'm writing for right now
If anyone gives a shit, I penned up a 5-page feature on Ragnarokkr for this goofy-ass E-zine. Ragnarokkr's on page 40. I also have a couple album reviews on there (Arkona + Obsequiae) Looks like they mentioned Ragnarokkr on the cover, that was cool of them.

Maybe not the best promotion venue for this sort of fest, but fuck it. Vandala's the only site I'm writing for right now

cool!!! very good review. Didn't know you almost got booted from the hotel!!!!