Cancelled shows...!


New Metal Member
Jul 1, 2003
Hi Asgeir and the rest of Borknagar,

i´m very sad about your decision to cancel the shows at the SUMMER-BREEZE and the METALFEST VIENNA in august. It´s the second time after the cancelled tour, that you will not play in Germany and Austria.

Please come back on tour as soon as possible, cause many metalheads are still waiting and waiting and waiting and............... :erk:


PS: It was a great pleasure to play with you on our tour with INFLAMES a few years ago in Munich. Thankx for this wonderful experience...
Has the band given out an official statement yet? If so, I must've missed it. In the "Recording Update" thread it was still uncertain if the show in Vienna would be cancelled or not. I'm still hoping...
OK, I read the statement at the Metalfest homepage. They sound a bit sour.

"nun isses raus, was ja schon seit letzter woche im raum stand. tatsächlich sagen nun auch BORKNAGAR ihren auftritt beim [ METALFEST VIENNA 2003 ] ab. ihre begründung lt. einem deutschen interview: weil sie an ihrer platte arbeiten müssen. ihre begründung laut telefonischer absage - weil sie kein live lineup zu besagtem zeitpunkt zusammen kriegen. wer weiß, vielleicht steht dann in der schriftlichen absage wieder eine andere version ... sehr professionell zudem ihre dritte absage in folge ...
sorry guys, aber.... wir waren in der zwischenzeit nicht untätig und haben uns natürlich unverzüglich auf die suche gemacht, um euch auch tatsächlich was ordentliches bieten zu können. wir haben wie wir denken - mehr als ersatz in den schweden
NAGLFAR gefunden."
Yes, sure. Sorry not to have thought of it earlier. It's written in a quite colloquial style (and not exactly in correct German) but I'll try my best (probably involuntarily improving the style):

"Now it's official what has been rumoured about for the last few weeks. Borknagar are indeed cancelling their perfomance at the Metalfest Vienna. According to a German interview the reasons are as follows: because they have to work on their album. Their reason according to a telephone interview: because they can't put together a live line-up at the present time. Who knows, maybe the official written statement has yet another version..."very professional", and their third cancelling in a row...
sorry guys, but...we haven't been idle in the meantime and have been immediately looking to present you something neat indeed. It seems to us that we have found more than a replacement with the Swedes Naglfar."