Tour is cancelled!

Unfortunately the tour is cancelled! The Swedish bus company raised their prices 63% and we tried getting new busses from about all other bus companies in Europe but it seems like every band on the planet is on tour at the same time. Last week we managed to get two busses from an English company but guess what? They both broke down during the weekend. One of them is now standing somewhere in Portugal...

We're all pissed off about this. Sorry to all the fans and the bands we were supposed to play with, but there was nothing we could do. Aaaaarrrgh!!!!


- Asgeir
Well now you will have more time for composing the new stuff and to enjoy the beginning of autumn... :p

See you next year then... :)
I was so looking forward to this tour. I am from the USA and am going to be in Europe from Oct 8 to Oct 19 and planned on seeing this tour in Vienna and Innsbruck. Needless to say it will probably be a long time before any of the bands play in Arizona, USA.

I would also like to understate the fact that the cancellation of this tour(European part)is a big dissapointment for us in the band as well. This time we were really ready to hit the European domain with full forces so to speak, but somehow we had as bad luck as can be!

You should know that we really tried to get this tour going!

Sorry folks!
I would also like to understate the fact that the cancellation of this tour(European part)is a big dissapointment for us in the band as well. This time we were really ready to hit the European domain with full forces so to speak, but somehow we had as bad luck as can be!

You should know that we really tried to get this tour going!

Sorry folks!
I would also like to understate the fact that the cancellation of this tour(European part)is a big dissapointment for us in the band as well. This time we were really ready to hit the European domain with full forces so to speak, but somehow we had as bad luck as can be!

You should know that we really tried to get this tour going!

Sorry folks!
:cry: I'm really sorry to hear this. I really looked forward to see u in Hungary once more this year. But sometimes things happen we can't controll. Hopefully next time nothing will keep you away from a tour.
Originally posted by Øystein G. Brun
I would also like to understate the fact that the cancellation of this tour(European part)is a big dissapointment for us in the band as well. This time we were really ready to hit the European domain with full forces so to speak, but somehow we had as bad luck as can be!

You should know that we really tried to get this tour going!

Sorry folks!

I'm sure you've been busting your asses to get things to work. Unfortunatley things don't always work out.

So is that the ABSOLUTE final word or all you still trying to arrange a bus? Just wondering if there is even a thread of hope that you'll be able to pull things together.

Shit, I'd give you US$500 if it'd help you get a bus for the tour. I mean it. I'd just stay in hostels during my trip rather than nice hotel rooms.

This is so sad. I've never seen Borknagar live before. And on October 12, they would have come to my homestead for the first time in years probably. Ah, I hope the tour will happen another time (soon).