Tour is cancelled!

that sounds like a very lame excuse to me..... you said that you won't tour through Europe, but you will tour through Norway though. How will you tour through Norway then, by bike or what?????
Originally posted by Light

Now, I genuinely don't mean to offend or insult anyone, but I have a hard time understanding all of this.

Exactly the same with me. As said before, it just sounds like a really very lame excuse... and I would like to have answered my question how Borknagar will tour through norway?
Originally posted by TheEmperor
that sounds like a very lame excuse to me..... you said that you won't tour through Europe, but you will tour through Norway though. How will you tour through Norway then, by bike or what?????

If you would have a logical thinking and would have read some threads carefully, you would know that it is different with the Norwegian gigs. The gigs are not far from their homes, so therefore you can rent a simple van to get the stuff there. Asgeir said that only Borknagar playing those gigs, non of the other bands which would have been on tour with them.
It's really bad luck that those two booked tour busses from U.K. broke down within a few days and the company, who owns them, couldn't get them fixed in time... well I guess they couldn't do it, because of a money issue, otherwise it wouldn't be a problem to fix those in time... I'm a mechanic, so I know what I'm talking about...
Well, I still don't understand why they don't find other busses.... First of all, there are surley other busses they could use, and secondly, they lose more money by not playing the gigs than by paying more for the busses....
It still is a lame excuse.
Asgeir said that they have tried to get other busses after the company told them about the busses broke down and I can tell you that after I heard it, that I have also tried to find busses from companies I know.

I don't think that they loose more money by not playing.

I don't know anything about the swedish company, but here when you do a rent contract with a company, written or by mouth, they have stick to the prices they had offered...

Well, the Zeche Carl just called me and I'm now going to exchange my ticket and get the money back...
There's probably some busses somewhere, but not of our knowledge, we can't just take a small van when we're going to live on it for a month, I don't know how many of you that have stayed so long in a bus, but I can shureley tell you it's no glitter and glamour, it's a smelly disgusting trip. So you need to have a nightliner, so you can sleep during transport at night.

I think we've done what we can do to fix it, but you should also know that it's not many bands around that try to set it up themself, most hire guys to do it, but we saved money on doing it ourself, just so we could go out on tour.

When I take time off from work for a month i don't get payed from my employer of course, and the money that we would have earned on the tour was approximate what my normal incom is, so it's no arrogant rockstar ritch and famous shit from our side. We couldn't just pay 63% more for the busses, that would have set at least me on an economical ruin....still have to pay my bills and food on the table, as a musician I don't have any's just alot of hard work but very, very little money..........people must start to understand have to go into mainstream to get the cash.

So please try to understand.

mr V
First of all: Do NOT think we don't want to head out and play for you guys!!! There's nothing else I would rather do than play my guts out throughout Europe right now.

Regarding other busses: We have been in contact with every possible big or shittly little company we know of but the only ones available would blow the budget to heavens (or should I say hell...).

Regarding other solutions: There are no other solutions. Travelling in an ordinary bus, a mini van, camping car or whatever is totally out of the question. Remember we need to sleep too. Hotels is not an option since we have to travel during night. It would actually increase the budget even more. And another thing - in order to put up with 30+ stinking men on the road for a month then you need at least a little comfort...

Regarding travelling in Norway: As Morgana pointed out, the gigs are not that far from home so transportation is not a problem.

If you are pissed off because there will be no tour then try to imagine what we are thinking about not getting out playing........ I agree that the reason - not excuse - to the cancelling is lame.

- Asgeir
Originally posted by Vintersorg
So please try to understand.

mr V
Originally posted by asgeir
Regarding other busses: We have been in contact with every possible big or shittly little company we know of but the only ones available would blow the budget to heavens (or should I say hell...).

Regarding other solutions: There are no other solutions. Travelling in an ordinary bus, a mini van, camping car or whatever is totally out of the question. Remember we need to sleep too. Hotels is not an option since we have to travel during night. It would actually increase the budget even more. And another thing - in order to put up with 30+ stinking men on the road for a month then you need at least a little comfort...

- Asgeir
I do understand it very well, since I know how much a nightliner etc. cost... and I know what it's like being on the road...

hopefully Borknagar will hit the road next year... I can't travel to Norway that often... that would blow my budget... ;)
fuck, this is very bad news, I understand you guys but damn this is fuck!!!! well, thyrfing is in december in holland, then I should only go to that gig...
I understand completely.
Here's a little joke. How do you make a small fortune in the music business?

By starting out with a large fortune.

Seriously, anybody who has been involved even to the degree of a semi-pro band will openly recognize that a large part of what you can do as a musician in regard to live shows and such is based on what you can logistically accomplish without making yourself go bankrupt. A 63% increase in bus rental fees is easily enough to kill a tour if you are trying to finance said tour out of a fairly tight budget. I suppose they could go on the road with a small PA, a 5-piece drumkit etc... but I'm certain that's not the kind of presentation they want to make. So, I think it's entirely proper to cut the guys some slack on this one. It's really too bad that it worked out this way, not that I could have seen the shows anyway, but since touring is a great way of extending your listenership (especially if you exist without radio-play).
Oh well... better luck next time.
Originally posted by asgeir
Out of curiosity: Can anyone here guess how much - in Swedish kroner - the three busses would cost WITHOUT the 63% increase?

- Asgeir

My guess is:

5000 swedish kroner per day per bus (approx $539 US). So if you were going to be on tour for 20 days total that comes to 300,000 kroner total for all three buses (approx $32,300 US)

So using those numbers a 63% increase would mean an additional 189,000 kroner (approx $20,000 US)

How close am I?

All I know is that is a fuckin alot of money.
Originally posted by kupshi
My guess is:

5000 swedish kroner per day per bus (approx $539 US). So if you were going to be on tour for 20 days total that comes to 300,000 kroner total for all three buses (approx $32,300 US)

So using those numbers a 63% increase would mean an additional 189,000 kroner (approx $20,000 US)

How close am I?

All I know is that is a fuckin alot of money.

Hehe , thats quite amazing , the original price was infact not too far from what you guessed it would be with the increase......except that would be in NOK.
The original price was 490,000 NOK ($65,350 US).
Originally posted by Tyr
Hehe , thats quite amazing , the original price was infact not too far from what you guessed it would be with the increase......except that would be in NOK.
The original price was 490,000 NOK ($65,350 US).

original price $65350 US?? Do u mean $65360+63%??
Thats a bit over a million swedish crowns.
Damn, you can buy a bus for that kind of money.

Yes the 63% was added to the $65000.

A Nightliner bus , costs alot more than that.
During a tour I was on , I talked alot with the driver , who actually was co-owner of the company we rented the bus from on that tour. He said that there are two companies in Britain that customizes busses for touring use i.e Nightliners.
They basically take a brand new tourbus (allseater) , and rebuild it.
The basic price for one of those is about $250-400,000 US , depending on what brand it is. A finished Nightliner would cost around $800-1,200,000 US new , well atleast according to him.