Cane's/San Diego PHOTOS posted! WEEEEEEEEE!


Photo Mistress
But DAMN wasn't that a bitch to do! I uploaded all the photos (41 from the Cane's show) and for some reason, both those AND the ones I had from the previous Galaxy Theatre show posted all went POOF! So I had to re-upload and approve them. I've been sitting here since 4pm doing this today and it's 9pm now. I sat here for 5 1/2 hours yesterday scanning all the new ones and posting the new ones. ARGH! What a bitch. I really need to get out of dialup, that'd help a bit at least. Here's some teasers:







If you want to see the rest, go here:

Opeth Canes Pics

Oh by the way... There are two pages of opeth pics... Just choose the Page 2 link on the bottom. Also, if you choose the dropdown menu from the top and choose "metal pics", you can see the link for the pictures I did from the Galaxy Theatre (amongst a shitload of other pics I did).
No, I didn't get to the Universal Ampitheatre show. I wasn't even supposed to go the San Diego show because I was going to see them in North Carolina, along with the Metal Gods tour, but of course that got cancelled. So I had a huge dillemma to even go to San Diego. I had used the money I saved for the Southern California dates of Opeth to fly to North Carolina for the Opeth and Metal Gods tour dates there.... Because I decided to go to San Diego, I had $20 left to last a week. But I HAD to see them again. And because of that, you can see the results of my photos, so to say the least, Squeak is a VERY happy camper!!! :)
I have a question for y'all... I know there were a lot more people at that show with small cameras near the front. I also know that I took some people's cameras from them and took closeup pics for them. If anyone who has other photos from this show are in here, please let me know. And Travis, do you ever go up to LA for shows???
Nice photographs. Though, for the most part overexposed.
Good cropping and you lucky bastard was so close to them.
Check out my session from detroit:

Squeak said:
I have a question for y'all... I know there were a lot more people at that show with small cameras near the front. I also know that I took some people's cameras from them and took closeup pics for them. If anyone who has other photos from this show are in here, please let me know. And Travis, do you ever go up to LA for shows???
They are not over exposed. Some people on different computers (I have a Mac) said it was dark for them or light for them, so I tried to compensate with photoshop. And remember, Mikael is pretty white. LOL Wait, Peter is a bit white too? Damn white boys. :p And I had almost non-existant lighting for most of the show. I didn't crop the photos. There I think in 41 photos is maybe two or three. I just know how to use my zoom. Unless you meant "cropping" when I was taking the photo? I have never heard that term used there, only when scanning and posting. :) Not sure how you meant it.