San Diego Show


All is Lost
Feb 7, 2003
Riverside, CA
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Wow that was amazing, could have been a lot better at no fault to the bands but wow.

First off set list, they did Godheads Lament instead of Serenity Painted Death. You could tell almost no one knew the song but thats ok. Rest of the setlist was the same as other places. I'm gonna bitch about a few things first though, mostly the large number of bloody morons at that show. The fat mexican guy in front...FUCK YOU. Every dumbass that shouted out stuff like "Satan!" during the clean parts....FUCK YOU. Every brainless piece of monkey shit that decided they needed to push and shove all the way through the show...FUCK YOU.

That felt good. Honestly there were just some stupid people in there, last tour at the troubador wasn't nearly as bad mostly people just stood and watched/listened and enjoyed the show. This eventually got there but especially during Lacuna's set I couldn't even watch the band (and christina) because I was too busy trying to remain standing. I understand people get exited but if you want to jump up and down all the time go see slipknot or stupid shit like that. Show some respect to the rest of the audiance that wants to enjoy the damn show. And for god sake don't bitch out the poor roadie because an amp goes out, it's not his fault and he was doing a good job.

Anyway done ranting i'm just tired and pissed about that stuff, but I know i'm not alone because I was saying the same thing at the show and lots of people agreed. We tried to remove that stupid fat mexican that kept jumping around and being stupid but he just wouldn't budge!

And also...for everyone that stood in line for several hours...the back door was open the whole time. I watched someone interview mikael, got his autograph on the Damnation case (though he didn't seem terribly exited and there is no way what he put is anything close to his name). Then we just hung out in the back with all the bands while Lacuna warmed up. Mikael was standing right next to me, then Peter and him were hanging out at the bar. Looked like he went vinyl shopping as he was showing off a doors record and few others he had with him. Just kinda a cool experience and no one else seemed to realize you could just walk in the back of the place, or down the stairs from the bar. It's just amazing how laid back they all are even during the show.

Guess i'm done, Canes was a pretty nice place especially the location right on the water and all that. The black metal bunch out on the beach BBQing hotdogs with a stereo blasting something evil was pretty classic. So i'll go to sleep now......
I agree about the people yelling "Satan" for no reason. Um...okay? Especially there was this guy who just kept screaming for NO REASON during the clean parts who was standing right next to me. When I saw them at the galaxy in santa Ana everybody had RESPECT for the clean parts and just listened and soaked it in. Last night was different. Plus the sound wasn't as good at this place...turn the bass UP!!! However, opeth still managed a wonderful was amazing.

Oh, and what was up with the people holding the signs up every five seconds during lacuna coil? They read it the first time! Stop blocking peoples' views!
I just flew back from San Diego this morning, and I must say the sound at that place was absolutely horrible. Even after Mikael said turn our low end down those fukerz still couldnt get it right. I couldnt hear any of the progressions on Mikael's guitar nor peter's during the heavy parts and I was in front the entire time. All i could hear was fuzzy bass and drums. They must do a lot of hip hop shows there?

I dont mind so much about the crowd...I thought they were rather tame...I was right in front of Mendez and people were just chillin out listening jumpin around a bit but nothing annoying. Then Demon of the Fall came on and everyone was being fuckin brutal as hell...but deservedly so
. There were plently of places by the stage where people were mellow, but that sucks that you had to deal with that shit. Go back for the damnation tour, im sure itll be better.

By the way Christina is fuckin hot. Did anyone else get really annoyed with their male singer? I had to close my eyes so that idiot didnt ruin the music for me.

Also, Squeak I saw you there going fuckin nuts for Demon of the Fall...looks like you had a pretty good spot to watch there
@Yicjdic :

OH dude you were right in front of Mendez? And front of LC's guy singer? well i was there too, first row. You've probably seen me then.. hehe
I think it was mostly just where I was standing, between mikael and peter. The other side looked a lot tamer...actually after a few certain people left it was much better on my side too, even had room to breath =). Demon was just sick but damn i expect that during demon. Couple people and I tried to get something going at the end of deliverance too but it was packed too tight to move lol.

You're right about the sound though I couldn't hear any of the leads very well it was just muddy as all hell.

and lol @ Yicjdic, the male singer from lacuna is one strange looking guy for sure. I just tried to keep my eyes on cristina:). He looked like some freakish mix of steve buscemi and dracula....On the flip side Lacuna sounded really good, their mix was either quite a bit better or just didn't matter as much (maybe both).

And who invited yakuza anyway they were just awful.
Well, the San Diego show last night, was my first time seeing Opeth...And I thought the show crushed, er Opeth anyways...Lacuna Coil was pretty generic, I guess christina made it worth while because she's damn good looking. Shatkuza was horrid and boring to wait though, their guitarist sucked and that frontman felt he had to jump off the stage and land in front of me, just because some bald dude gave him the horns. Yup, all these stupid mallcore motherfuckers and mexicans kept moving and pushing during the first 2 bands, that pissed me off.
But when Opeth came on, was standing in front on the ledge and had a great view and I really enjoyed their setlist, it was an amazing performance. Opeth is very polished together live and Mikael pulled off all vocals proficiently. I knew the song Godhead's Lament by the way, it was a good song to sing alot too, but my favorite of the evening was Advent. Id defintely see Opeth again. I guess if you were on martin mendez's side, you would hear alot of fuzzy bass and drums, but I was in front of the rail on Peter and Mikaels side, so it was good sound....
Well the real deal came during Demon of the Fall, after Peter broke his string and got another guitar hahah, I jumped into the pit during that brutal Chorus, then gave the horns for the 1000th time, what a show.
I was the guy wearing the Death - symbolic long sleeve by the way

At least I got to see them at the Troubadour and Universal Amph. I only got 3 songs for UA...but at least UA's sound system is TOP NOTCH! :D

If LC didn't have Christina, no one would listen to them...
Ah I started the night in front on the right side of the stage(I showed up at like 4:30), next to atrocity, then got pushed a row back during Lacuna Coil, then got pushed to my left during Opeth, but finally made my way up front again between Mike and Martin Mendez. Yeah the crowd was filled with some people who weren't really acting the way they maybe should have been, but I think most of the crowd was really into the show and the band could feel it. Sound wasn't the best, but oh well, I still loved it. After the show I got a picture with Peter and another one with Mike, they are such cool guys and didn't even hesitate when I asked them for it. I was really impressed, my first time meeting the guys face to face. Great night overall.
zzz said:
I would like to say FUCK YOU to fadingessence and dreadful, I hate stupid stereotypical and ignorant people such as yourselves, why must you assume that every hispanic you see out there is a mexican? They can be from nicaragua, el salvador, peru, honduras, i would have to go on perpetually.....but why must you assume that the guy was automatically a mexican?! I had to say this to defend my Mexican backround, because as a Mexican myslef, I would like others to be aware that all mexicans are not stupid, fat guys that jump around and ruin shows. Geez, think before you say/write shit you racist fuck!

Ignorance is society's cancer!

Haha...not that I have anything to do with this...but chill the fuck out. That had nothing to do with the story he was telling and it coulda just as well been a white guy, or a black guy, or whatever the fuck. And because he said mexican instead of hispanic that hella makes you racist right? The show was in San 10 miles from the sure it was just a guess. I would do the same thing if i were hanging out with asian friends, guessing someone was chinese or korean or whatever...doesnt make anyone racist. But sounds like the guy was an arse either way.

Ya but Christina's voice was amazing...she needs to kick that ugly, no talented, retard fiancee out (and i've heard that as well...quite simply amazing, how is it possible that he got her??)...they would be orders of magnitude better. That was my first Lacuna Coil experience outside of hearing like 2 songs off the internet, and to be honest i thought they were going to be a hell of a lot better. Their music seemed pretty bland..cept for the female vocals of course :).

I was gonna wait around for Mikael et al. after the show but I was too fucked up after being hit the head like 50 times. I did get to meet them at the San francisco show a couple months back and I was so impressed with their demeanor, they were both such nice guys, very soft spoken, not arrogant at all. Its cool that they can carry themselves in such a down to earth fashion after making such godly music.
First time I saw Opeth in San Diego and all I can say what a great experience. I was lucky enough to hang out in the back of the stage for most of the show. Thanks to the bouncers there, they were all cool and didn't mind us taking pics. I got a clear view of the entire show and didn't have to worry about fighting it out in the pit with all the other stinky headbangers! :)

I managed to get some nice pics too of both Lacuna Coil and Opeth.

Highlight for me was when Mikael said something along the lines of a possible Opeth/Porcupine Tree tour, I think the few of us who know who Porcupine Tree were yelled out of the top of our lungs. :)
Personally, I can't wait to see Steve and Mikael on stage be great if Wilson can bash out the keys to some of the songs (not sure if they can log the good ol' mellotron around :) ).

As far as LC goes, they kept my interest and like most of you here, I agree that Christina is the primary reason many of us listen to LC. Not bashing Andrea, he is a capable vocalist but it's that haunting voice that Christina brings to the music that makes me fall in love with the music. She can easily carry the band without the male vocals at times. They primarily played most of the Comalies favs and I really dug Self Deception probably one of the best tunes on the album esp. the chorus. :)

As for Yakuza, well the sound just sucked bad...not sure if that was because the sound technician just sucked or maybe the band just sucked..well that is a harsh word...they did have their moments(movements). :) WTF with the stage diving? And I am sorry...but a saxaphone as a lead instrument for this kind of music just doesn't cut it. Sure it was a good thought for a song or two but it gets old after a while. Anyway, maybe the will get some tips playing with two accomplished bands such as Opeth and Lacuna Coil.

If anyone has the Opeth set list (I got most of the songs but forgot to write them down) and can post them on here that would be great. Thanks! :)
With so many death and doom shirts that people were wearing I actually got a compliment on mine. I was wearing an Anekdoten shirt and I got some weird looks from some (like wtf is this short haired dude with an Anekdoten shirt)...I always just tell them well if you like Opeth... :) Anyway, I was surprised to see that at least one person knew about the band...let you guess who that singer was! :)

By the way if you haven't heard maybe you should give these guys a listen.
Highlight for me was when Mikael said something along the lines of a possible Opeth/Porcupine Tree tour, I think the few of us who know who Porcupine Tree were yelled out of the top of our lungs.

I was one of them :tickled:. PT is godly, Opeth is godly....i'll be there no matter what!
You guys are right about the male lead singer from Lacuna Coil..he looked like a retard up there and he kept hitting bad notes (in Portland anyway) the people I was with kept raving about how great they were so I didn't say anything. The band and Christina were hella tight and sounded killer..they just need to get rid of the dork (HA!) I heard Christina was together with the bass player.....

After reading your posts on the SD show..I'm really glad I got to see them up here. They opened with Lepper Affinity and the bass and drums were way too loud and drowning Peter and Mikael out..I was all OH SHIT please NO!! Then I saw Mikael motion to the sound guys to adjust the sound and after that it was perfect! I'm sorry to hear about the sound problems at your show..that sux!

What is with the stupid asses that this type of music attracts? It's probably one of the most intelligent forms of music but you always have to contend with the ever present idiots at the shows! There were some dipshit white power morons at the show up here. WTF is that all about?? It's friggin Opeth for crying out loud...
warmwetos said:
If anyone has the Opeth set list (I got most of the songs but forgot to write them down) and can post them on here that would be great. Thanks! :)

The Leper Affinity
The Drapery Falls
Godheads Lament
A Fair Judgement
Demon Of The Fall
fadingessence said:
I was one of them :tickled:. PT is godly, Opeth is godly....i'll be there no matter what!

My sentiments exactly!!!! Like one person said on another thread..seeing Opeth live is like seeing the face of god! I agree! I'm sure Porcupine Tree will be just as great! They came here a few months ago and no one would trade with me at work (assholes!) so I missed it....I definitely won't miss them together! That will OWN!!!