Cane's show Sept. 17th


Sep 18, 2004
San Diego
I first heard of the Iron Maidens in the San Diego Reader, then I went to the website, heard the video and decided to check them out. I was totally blown away!!!!!!!

I am a die hard heavy metal chick. I love metal music and know a few local bands. There aren't many chicks that can rock that hard, but damn the Maidens were wicked tonight!! I felt like I was with the o.g. Maiden band and that feeling was gooood!! I had a very stressful week and I hadn't head banged like that in a long time!! Thanks ladies, it was just the medicine I needed!!!!!!!!!!

I recently lost a very good friend of mine that was the lead singer for one of the local bands here in San Diego, she was hardcore too. She'll be sorely missed, but I am glad that the Maidens came to San Diego!!

Keep true to the fans Maidens and they will stay true to you!!

Much metal and Magic :rock:
Hey there Maiden67! Glad we could be what the doctor ordered and help you bang your stress out all night! It's gotta be rough losing a good friend, but I think she must have been there in spirit with you last night. Welcome to the boards!
Thanks For The Welcome Nikki!! I Am Looking Forward To Seeing You All Play Again. Maiden Lives!!!!!!!! Metal Just Ain't What It Used To Be And It's So Cool That You All Are Keeping That Old School Metal Alive. Man Was It Killer Back In The Day.

Do You Guys Play "wasted Love" Or Are You Planning To? Bruce Looked Sooo Hot In That Video!!! If I Wasn't Already In Love With Him, That Video Would Have Done It For Me!! Yumm Yumm!!!

Anyway, I'm Starting To Drool On My Keyboard!! Thanks Again Ladies For Being So Wickedly Awesome.

Much Metal And Magic!!
MAIDEN67 said:
Thanks For The Welcome Nikki!! I Am Looking Forward To Seeing You All Play Again. Maiden Lives!!!!!!!! Metal Just Ain't What It Used To Be And It's So Cool That You All Are Keeping That Old School Metal Alive. Man Was It Killer Back In The Day.

Do You Guys Play "Wasted Love" Or Are You Planning To? Bruce Looked Sooo Hot In That Video!!! If I Wasn't Already In Love With Him, That Video Would Have Done It For Me!! Yumm Yumm!!!

Anyway, I'm Starting To Drool On My Keyboard!! Thanks Again Ladies For Being So Wickedly Awesome.

Much Metal And Magic!!

Sorry, brain fart!! That was "Wasting Love". Love to hear it!!
Welcome to the BBs, MetalMaiden! :)

Wasting Love is one of my favorite songs. Bruce's emotion rules with that great melody and brilliant lyrics. (and I must agree on that video review! ;) ) It's at the top of my personal list of songs I'm dying to sing! :yell: That and Fear of The Dark are 2 of my favorite songs on that record.
Thanks for the welcom Aja! That's such a cool name! My daughter's name is Ciji (pronounced Ceegee). Anyway, I love Bruce so much and I think he has the best voice around!! On Fear of the Dark, I like Be Quick or Be Dead. It's not easy pulling off the speed of that song. Judas Be My Guide is pretty cool too. Do you listen to his solo stuff? I love Tears of the Dragon on his first album Balls to Picasso. Especially the video. There's something about him rolling around in the ocean in black leather that gets to me!! :worship:
But I think Chemical Wedding is the best. The Alchemist is wicked!!
Anywho, I think by now you get the picture that I'm a fantatic! :loco:

Been good chattin'!! Keep in touch ladies. Stay fierce!!!!!!!!

Much metal and magic,
Patricia :rock:
MAIDEN67 said:
Thanks for the welcom Aja! That's such a cool name! My daughter's name is Ciji (pronounced Ceegee).
Ciji is a beauiful (and unusual) name! What is the origin/meaning of it? Or was that just Mom's creative bone going to work?

MAIDEN67 said:
On Fear of the Dark, I like Be Quick or Be Dead. It's not easy pulling off the speed of that song.
Ya, we do that one too! It definitely requires chops to play and the girls kick butt on it! The scream at the beginning is so much fun to do and it really gets the crowd going!

Tears of the Dragon.... great song - nice vid.... ***sigh***
Hey Aja! My daughter's name is my own mix, but the root of the name comes from native roots. Niji is native for dancer, my daughter's indian name was to be Wacheewe which means "dancing girl" . So I changed the N to a C and thought it was a good sounding blend, more phonetically, and that's how her name was created!

I can't wait to hear you ladies do "Be Quick or Be Dead"! That's what impresses me the most about you all. Each one of you is a truly gifted musician. I always put my ear to each instrument, close my eyes and listen. So clean and tight!! I can tell you all put your heart and soul into the music. That's what puts people into a different realm!! That's why I love the music. It allows my spirit to soar!! Stay fierce!!!!!!!!

Much metal and magic, Patricia
MAIDEN67 said:
Hey Aja! My daughter's name is my own mix, but the root of the name comes from native roots. Niji is native for dancer, my daughter's indian name was to be Wacheewe which means "dancing girl" . So I changed the N to a C and thought it was a good sounding blend, more phonetically, and that's how her name was created!

How creative! So you are Native American? Which tribe?

MAIDEN67 said:
I can't wait to hear you ladies do "Be Quick or Be Dead"! That's what impresses me the most about you all. Each one of you is a truly gifted musician. I always put my ear to each instrument, close my eyes and listen. So clean and tight!! I can tell you all put your heart and soul into the music. That's what puts people into a different realm!! That's why I love the music. It allows my spirit to soar!! Stay fierce!!!!!!!!

Much metal and magic, Patricia :rock:
Thanks, girl. That's the coolest thing about being in this band. Doesn't matter how you feel to before a show or even a rehearsal- the minute we start playing Maiden, it's as though we all took a happy pill!! :grin: That's the magic of Maiden's music - it puts us all in a different realm and we're glad to know it's contagious!!!! Keep soaring!!!
Hey Aja! Yeah I'm Native American. I am part Comanche, Inca, Mayan and Aztec. Can you imagine me getting pissed off!?! On my mom's side we also have Spaniard blood. My great great grandmother was kidnapped from her tribe by a Spaniard. My Dad has all the Native blood. My ex, the father of my children, is Chiricuaha Apache. His whole family originates from Arizona. My family is from Texas. We both wound up in San Diego to make little indians!! :grin:

You be sure to let me know if I can help out in any way when you're putting on any San Diego shows!! Love to help you guys out. :worship:

Maybe you ladies would like to see some of my artwork. I'm a craftswoman and artist. I do alot of Native crafting. I also love fantasy art and I paint. A little of everything you know! ;)
Keep in touch my beautiful and talented Maidens!

Much metal and magic,
from one Maiden to another!
MAIDEN67 said:
Hey Aja! Yeah I'm Native American. I am part Comanche, Inca, Mayan and Aztec. Can you imagine me getting pissed off!?! On my mom's side we also have Spaniard blood. My great great grandmother was kidnapped from her tribe by a Spaniard. My Dad has all the Native blood. My ex, the father of my children, is Chiricuaha Apache. His whole family originates from Arizona. My family is from Texas. We both wound up in San Diego to make little indians!! :grin:
Wow, M67, sounds like your family tree has many interesting and colorful stories. Thanks for sharing it with us. I'll bet it would be quite an experience to see you on the "warpath"! ;) HeHe, I know whatcha mean about temper!! I'm half Korean!!:lol:

MAIDEN67 said:
You be sure to let me know if I can help out in any way when you're putting on any San Diego shows!! Love to help you guys out. :worship:
Just go to the homepage and sign up to be on our street team. And thanks for offering! :rock: We get so much help from Maiden fans. It just rules!

MAIDEN67 said:
Maybe you ladies would like to see some of my artwork. I'm a craftswoman and artist. I do alot of Native crafting. I also love fantasy art and I paint. A little of everything you know! ;)
We would love to see your work, do you have any postable images? It's so cool , Maiden fans are so creative! (and if it's Maiden related, we'll post it on the fan art page!!!!!!! :grin: )
Hey Aja!
Thanks for all the kind comments. Actually, I am working on something especially for you Maidens. As soon as I am done, I'll let you know. I have a friend that is helping put a website out for my work, so hopefully that will be up sometime soon. Lots of great stuff coming in the future. ;)

My daughter loves Asian art. She wants to decorate her room with the Asian flare. She has a lot of friends that are from Cambodia, Laos, and other parts of Asia. She plans to do missionary work in Southeast Asia in summer of 2005. She's a freshman in college. She plans to be a woman of the world!! :Spin:

It's really cool of you ladies to keep in touch with your fans on the BB. I feel like I'm talking to you all in person everyday. I'd like to learn a little more about all of you. I've been telling everyone I know about you all. They are looking forward to catching a show soon. Once again ladies, you rule!!! Stay fierce!!! :worship:

Much metal and magic!!