Cane's show!


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
HEY!!!!!!!! Hope to see some of yous at CANE's tonight! Another FABULOUS GUITAR GIVEAWAY going on!!!!!!! A beautiful RED one this time!!!! *PLUS* Filming of a documentary-ish being done all night long! They want audience interviews too!!!!!!!!! Come get filmed and be interviewed and show your love for MAIDEN music!!!!!!!! :hotjump: *ALSO*, (can you STAND IT!?!?!?!) a debut of a MUCH requested song happening this fine night!!!!!! Drive safely!
And, a night of all-female tribute acts! :)

I wonder how long it will take me to scare off the women in the other bands? :D
It was awesome again!
SIT , Wasted Years and Prisoner
were suprises. Wanda continued
to play with a finger hurt. That's
dedication. Thanks a lot. I hope
it's better now. My 6th MAidens show
I have yet to get disappointed. Calling
fans to Iron Maiden gig was very nice..
Can't wait for the next time..
Asterothe said:
Wanda continued
to play with a finger hurt...

It's quite a tasty blood blister she has. :ill: Actions have been taken to correct the problem, though and it looks like she should pull through without any further problems.

Also, if anyone has any footage of the toss of the guy over the railing on stage left, please let me know. :D

I am really not kidding when I say to stay off the fucking stage! :yell:
Wow! What a fun night! Canes is a huge place that was jam-packed with Maiden fans last night... so crowded I guess one guy thought he'd get a better view if he was on stage. Security thought differently and it looked like the guy was stagedived face first. Ouch!:devil:

The big crowd seemed to pump the girls, and they were on fire! playing what turned out to be a sweet Dickinson era set. A great set list idea that took an album by album tour through classics from Live After Death/Powerslave, Piece of Mind, Somewhere In Time and TNOTB. True to their word, they played a new song- the fan poll favorite The Prisoner!!! Outstanding! The Prisoner intro played, then the band tore into the song like a roaring lion. They ended with Iron Maiden, guess they had to stop it somewhere, but the fans yelled and screamed for more, so they came back on stage in true Maiden form and gave the crowd Run To The Hills as an encore. What a show! Maybe the best I've seen.
After the show was cool too. There was a film crew doing some fan interviews, and the band chatting with the fans, giving away Visions of the Beast posters and signing autographs. It was fun hanging with you all. Thanks for a great time Maidens!
That dude got more then just thrown off the stage! He got totally smashed first, then tossed, lol! It was great, he didnt even know what hit him. It was a fun show, and the house was packed, everyone was into it. There was even some restrained moshing going on now and then. Good crowd for the most part, lots of hot women ='.'=

My reviews would go like this-
-Mistress of Reality- I was sorta disappointed in this band, and I really for some reason thought they would be better than AC/Dshe. It turned out exactly the opposite, mostly because of the vocalists. I just thought the vocalist was pretty annoying quite frankly, and when she kept calling the place Long Beach (even after corrected), couldnt help but snicker. She was overly apologetic and pleading, then maniac, then overdone and blah blah blah just get on with the fuckin song lady. The snow flurry thing was overdone and poorly aimed, some dudes got plastered up front, it was hilarious. She messed up a few lyrics, and seemed she only used her voice half the time. The band behind her tho, was able to shine, despite her antics. They had that good old heavy rolling crush of early Sabbath, and the guitarist was really quite good when the spotlight was on her. High point of their set IMHO was their last song, Into the Void. They did it pretty well, ominous doom groove towards the end sounded good. But "ominous doom" is what this band needs an injection of, ASAP. They just arent very gloomy, mostly because of the singer, she needs to be a bit more reserved. I mean come on, you're covering Sabbath here!

- AC-Dshe - Bon Scott-era AC/DC really is different than the Brian Johnson stuff, and this band was able to definitely capture that. "Bonny Scott"s voice was really good, i was impressed at her Bon channeling skills indeed. And she was just a good purrformer, and gave spirit to such timeless pinball-playing days classics like Shot Down in Flames, and Girl's Got Rythmn. This shit has got me thinking of picking up Highway to Hell again after 15 years, these girls were good! She needed the vocals turned up a little, but besides that they sounded pretty tight. "Agnes Young" was good on guitar, and played her role effectively. She was cute too, in her Angus getup ='.'= Why do I feel strange saying that?

The Maidens of course, blew them away in due time, but at least they put up a fight. In all fairness tho, I dont even know if I'm that impartial anymore =] Jen's voice was awesome, she was really belting it out! She was cutting no corners, alot of the longer croons can easily be cut short with a growl or whatever, but there was none of that. I like the way she takes charge of the stage, and looks at times like she'll put her fuckin boot thru yer skull if you piss her off. The rest of the band did well, tho I suspected something was up w/ Wanda. Her solo in Rime.. looked a little painful, now I know why. Jojo 'n Sara really shredded, I was impressed yet again by the solos, and how well they are covered. Jojo was lookin hot, she had a look in her eye that was totally magnetic! What a great show, reminds me why I like the Maidens so much. I just wish they would do Powerslave when Im around. Maybe next time...
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xSamhainx said:
"That dude got more then just thrown off the stage! He got totally smashed first, then tossed, lol! It was great, he didnt even know what hit him."

I hope I didn't leave any bruises on his neck. :erk: Well, not really...:D I want the footage of that guy going over because it would make for a great Quicktime movie of all the people who insist on making examples of themselves by coming up on the stage...especially at Canes! We always seem to get a rambunctious crowd there in Mission Beach. Oh, and who was the guy throwing the stuffed animals?!

"...'ominous doom' is what this band needs an injection of, ASAP. They just arent very gloomy, mostly because of the singer, she needs to be a bit more reserved. I mean come on, you're covering Sabbath here!"

In all fairness to the girls, they are doing a tribute to early Ozzy-era Black Sabbath. Remember, Ozzy has never been one to be reserved in his stage performances, especially in the early days of Black Sabbath. View the Never Say Die DVD if you want view of classic Ozzy stage moves.

"'Agnes Young' was good on guitar, and played her role effectively. She was cute too, in her Angus getup ='.'= Why do I feel strange saying that?"

Because you have a thing for girls in school uniforms? :Smug: I know I do! :D I wasn't able to catch much of AC/DShe's set since I was busy warming up for the workout that I received during the Maidens' set and also waiting outside for Wanda to arrive with her gear, but they sounded pretty tight from what I could hear. Perhaps another time...

"Jojo was lookin hot, she had a look in her eye that was totally magnetic!"
You should have seen her after the show in the red skirt and black top! :OMG: Danny's a lucky man.
xSamhainx said:
suspected something was up w/ Wanda. Her solo in Rime.. looked a little painful, now I know why./

Yes, nasty blood blister! She had that thing Thursday, and didn't take the advice of our manager and myself to pop that beast!!! You MUST pop blisters if you have an upcoming gig so it will start to heal. (Basics 101 for drummers anyway.) Bad Wanda. Glad she made it through the gig tho!
smylex said:
Oh, and who was the guy throwing the stuffed animals?!

I got the purple arm off that thing, it's bigger than mine! Also, a rubber snake and a cute little tiger that I gave to JoJo cuz she's so cute!
smylex said:
Oh, and who was the guy throwing the stuffed animals?!
Was it Mr. Toast? Maybe it was bigyetti is his costume...? ;)

Wasn't me, I wasn't there unfortunately. Sounds like smylex opened up a can 'o whoop-ass - hehe
Yeah, my right knee is kinda tweaked out right now from slipping on some XLR or 1/4" cables. :yell: I can't remember why I was helping Linda with her kit, but I do remember slipping on the cables and my legs going out in opposite directions when I was coming back off the stage. Oh, well.

Wanda ended up getting the other arm to take home. I don't know what she did with it, though.:p Any idea who got the rubber snake?

And, it wasn't Toast that was throwing the stuffed animals. He wasn't at this gig or the previous one at Kozmos.
Great show! Awesome to hear the Prisoner! There was a huge and very enthusiastic crowd. I didn't get there in time to see Mistress of Reality (if you're in San Diego n wanna see MoR or see them again, check them out with Hangar 18 at Brick by Brick on 8/23 - shameless plugs rule), but i was highly impressed with AC/DShe. Easily one of the best AC/DC tributes I've seen, male or female. They had a lot of energy and groove goin' and the crowd was absolutely putty in their hands.

Speaking of hands, hope your finger's healin' up, Stephy. Stay away from that lotion.
SirLardsAlot said:
Oh, and is 'smylex' in the band?

From the desk of the Law Offices of Parker/Stanbury; legal representation for smylex.

No, smylex merely acts in the capacity as an employee. smylex is not allowed in the band The Iron Maidens because he has a penis. He is not planning to sue the band for sexual discrimination. He has given thought, however, to pursuing battery charges against a certain lady drummer for some little game she likes to play called "Tap The Smylex," which she continues to do while my client is in the capacity of doing his job. He is also giving consideration for filing charges for having his health endangered and clothing soiled for every time that a certain guitar player forgets to bring her towel. My client is currently in another band, the details of which are currently being worked through. When those details are finalized, he will make his announcement when he sees fit.

Jane Ramirez
Legal Representation for smylex

P.S. The previous statement is bogus, except for smylex having a penis and being in a new band. If you're taking anything smylex says too seriously, please see a psychiatrist because you're more of a loon than he is. :D