Canes show...

Originally posted by bassbitch
Oh yeah, and you may wanna get there early. The last time the Maidens played Canes, there was a HUUUUGGGEEEEEE line!

Canes does presale, I don't know if it's cheaper, but that line was an hour long and most people missed the first band which was excellent. You can skip the line if you already have a ticket! :headbang:
Yes, do try to get there early, not only so you won't have to stand outside forever, but also, the first 50(?) peeps there to say they're there to see the Maidens get a free Iron Maidens license plate frame if my memory serves me well at this hour! If you pre-buy your ticket, still be sure to tell them at the door you are there for the Maidens to collect your goods! :) Yeeehaww!
Waz up ppl? Quick question, I just went to CANES to buy my ticket for the show in San Diego but they are not pre-selling them. Is there any other way of getting them besides Ticket Masters?
I just gonna crew for CD, will have gotten up at 4:45 am that morning so wanna sit and relax for a while during show. Not gonna have much time for nappy nap till after the gig, so I will have been awake for about 22 hours straight, yeesh he'p me lawd...
Well I'll be there on Friday. I can help with the equipment after the show if you'd like, or if you are short someone, possibly before the show too.