Anssi Tenhunen
Seriously, why the fuck is every american smoking weedYeah stereotype but every week or so a thread pops up of someone being stoned and all other guys are like "yeaaah me too". Either I'm completely missing out on the youth culture here or it's really a US (and also UK) thing.
I believe some.. well a lot of young people wheere I live have at least tried it, but I know perhaps 3 or 4 that get stoned regulary and they've always been known to be "those guys". Not like anybody judged it, but it sure as hell wasn't as normal as it seems to be on here.
I'm not trying to be a dick, it just surprises me. And it surprises me even more you guys are posting that shit online, a lot of you even with their real names.
The thing is that you can't buy alcohol legally until you are 21 in the States, thats why so many people do weed there.