Cannabis when mixing metal?

Seriously, why the fuck is every american smoking weed :lol: Yeah stereotype but every week or so a thread pops up of someone being stoned and all other guys are like "yeaaah me too". Either I'm completely missing out on the youth culture here or it's really a US (and also UK) thing.
I believe some.. well a lot of young people wheere I live have at least tried it, but I know perhaps 3 or 4 that get stoned regulary and they've always been known to be "those guys". Not like anybody judged it, but it sure as hell wasn't as normal as it seems to be on here.

I'm not trying to be a dick, it just surprises me. And it surprises me even more you guys are posting that shit online, a lot of you even with their real names.

The thing is that you can't buy alcohol legally until you are 21 in the States, thats why so many people do weed there.
Really depends on a number of factors. There are a lot of lifestyle stoners that are high for most of the waking day, and thats how they cope with things that all the rest of us cope with while sober. Although I can't personally do it, I've had lots of friends who do everything high, and usually do it as well as others do when they are sober.

The proof is in the pudding, if its a good sounding mix you made when you were high thats great, by all means keep doing it. Most of us are probably incapable of that though, and remaining sober while mixing is probably best for the majority.
Well, I said nothing against people smoking weed if you're reffering to me, but I also expect other people to do their job without being on drugs - no matter what drug.
The alcoholic also takes his job seriously and you'll not even notice he's drunk - hell he might even work as good as other people without alcohol.. I still don't want an alcoholic to repair my car for example.

Alcohol affects human beings VERY differently than marijuana does. Period. This is like comparing apples to shoes here. Sorry... the topic is about using weed while working on audio, not about being drunk and changing the brake pads on a car.

And no matter in what way weed accects you, you're still on drugs and you will most probably have less self-assessment (and do not tell me this is isn't the case because how the fuck would you be able to judge it while you're on drugs)
Mixing is one thing and "mistakes" won't be as bad as those of a doctor etc, but mistakes happen even without drugs and with drugs.. well they tend to happen more often.
I will tell you it's not the case, because you aren't me and have no Earthly idea how weed affects me. Who are you to say it does make me have less "self-assessment", hmm? You can't say that, again you aren't me. I don't make mistakes very often to begin with, but I especially do not have some magical increase in mistakes when I am high. I just don't. Don't make asinine assumptions and generalizations insinuating weed makes everyone more prone to mistakes. Some people definitely can operate perfectly normal when high - I am one of them, and I am not alone. If you or someone you know can't handle using weed while doing work, cool, that doesn't mean it's the same for everyone else.
I think it's completelly unprofessional to be wasted or stoned during work. Even if it's just you mixing the stuff for clients, you should be sober at all times. If you still you need any substance to do your work, you're an addict. Grow up and be responsible. And stop with the "it's been scientifically proven you can use cannabis and function better" excuse! It's also scientifically proven you can have anal sex, but it doesn't make babies! If you can't function without, get help!
I think it's completelly unprofessional to be wasted or stoned during work. Even if it's just you mixing the stuff for clients, you should be sober at all times.

That is your opinion. And that is all it is. I was high as shit when I did work for two professional releases on Relapse. Both times I was also told I sent the cleanest drum tracks the mix engineer had ever gotten from anyone else and that the organization of the files and projects were very rare to see. Gee, being high really has it's downsides while working professionally. :rolleyes:

If you still you need any substance to do your work, you're an addict. Grow up and be responsible. And stop with the "it's been scientifically proven you can use cannabis and function better" excuse! It's also scientifically proven you can have anal sex, but it doesn't make babies! If you can't function without, get help!

Who the fuck said they needed to be stoned to work on shit? Nobody. I don't need to do it, I just feel like smoking weed when I work sometimes. Big fucking deal. I can probably work better on my worst day totally stoned than you could on your best. Ever considered that? Who said "it's been scientifically blablablabla...", exactly? Also, who said they couldn't function without being high? Nobody, on all accounts. I don't know a single person that depends on weed to function - and I know a fucking SHITLOAD of weed smokers. Has the thought ever crossed your mind that weed smokers aren't addicted, they just like to smoke weed? I know I don't freak out when I go without weed for weeks on end, sometimes months. It's whatever, I go about my business and don't even think about it without missing a beat. You are addicted to sex, drums, whatever - something you like to do frequently. See how that logic doesn't compute? Thanks, try again.
That is your opinion. And that is all it is. I was high as shit when I did work for two professional releases on Relapse. Both times I was also told I sent the cleanest drum tracks the mix engineer had ever gotten from anyone else and that the organization of the files and projects were very rare to see. Gee, being high really has it's downsides while working professionally. :rolleyes:

And that's your opinion. Imagine what you could've achieved working sober :p!. You probally haven't read my post correctly, you underlined that you worked on professional releases on Relapse. But what I mentioned that it isn't professional as an attitude to work while being high. After they gave you the complements of the work you delivered, you told them, mannnn I was high as shit while getting this done! ?

Who the fuck said they needed to be stoned to work on shit? Nobody. I don't need to do it, I just feel like smoking weed when I work sometimes. Big fucking deal. I can probably work better on my worst day totally stoned than you could on your best. Ever considered that? Who said "it's been scientifically blablablabla...", exactly? Also, who said they couldn't function without being high? Nobody, on all accounts. I don't know a single person that depends on weed to function - and I know a fucking SHITLOAD of weed smokers. Has the thought ever crossed your mind that weed smokers aren't addicted, they just like to smoke weed? I know I don't freak out when I go without weed for weeks on end, sometimes months. It's whatever, I go about my business and don't even think about it without missing a beat. You are addicted to sex, drums, whatever - something you like to do frequently. See how that logic doesn't compute? Thanks, try again.

I don't have sex or drum while I do my day job, so your last two lines are allready invalid. You mention you don't "need it", but why do you return to using it?

I can probably work better on my worst day totally stoned than you could on your best.

It's sad that you feel so addressed you need to go and suckerpunch to make it personal.
Sad? Is it? Not making it personal, I was making a point, take it personally if that makes you feel better. Some people can work perfectly fine while using weed, yet people, you included, are trying to say that the opposite is true as a generalization, and it's totally wrong. Flat. Out. Wrong. Maybe you should have sex while working, it would probably make work more fun. Hmm, why do I return to using weed? I keep using it because I like to smoke weed. Why the fuck do you watch movies? Oh my god! Are you addicted? You must be. You keep watching them! Perfectly reasonable logic says you must be addicted to it! Give me a fuckin' break. Flawwwweeeeeed. Flawed.
I'm high right now, totally relaxed. :lol: Just can't stand to sit and watch some of the nonsense some people post when it comes to threads regarding marijuana. I agree though, back to whether or not you use weed while mixing - instead of it being un/professional or if you are/n't addicted to it.
Sad? Is it? Not making it personal, I was making a point, take it personally if that makes you feel better. Some people can work perfectly fine while using weed, yet people, you included, are trying to say that the opposite is true as a generalization, and it's totally wrong. Flat. Out. Wrong. Maybe you should have sex while working, it would probably make work more fun. Hmm, why do I return to using weed? I keep using it because I like to smoke weed. Why the fuck do you watch movies? Oh my god! Are you addicted? You must be. You keep watching them! Perfectly reasonable logic says you must be addicted to it! Give me a fuckin' break. Flawwwweeeeeed. Flawed.

Seriously, massive +1 to this, and I've voluntarily stopped smoking since November cuz it got old I guess, so it's not like I say that out of being in denial of my "addiction" or whatnot. Geert, you're a cool guy, but IMO you're trying way too hard to be Mr. Intervention here, and discussing things you don't understand (you've never even smoked, am I right?)
Mixing while high is pretty much the shit, especially if it's something you can get away with covering in reverb and/or delay.
Another +1 to Mike G (006)

You have the guys that smoke some weed and get stoned out their minds, they naturally assume everyone must get at least somewhere close to the same effect.

Then the guys who never tried it at all and of course weed has a stigma attached to it. Perhaps they hung out with people mentioned above making the never smoker think negative about weed.

Then there is us, the type that can smoke and keep it totally together. You see us everywhere, you just don't know we're high. I simply enjoy it. Some people drink coffee everyday, that crap makes me feel like shit and I can't do shit right with that stuff in my system but lots of people do and can.

Coffee puts a little pep in your step?
Well weed puts a pep in mine.
Seriously, massive +1 to this, and I've voluntarily stopped smoking since November cuz it got old I guess, so it's not like I say that out of being in denial of my "addiction" or whatnot. Geert, you're a cool guy, but IMO you're trying way too hard to be Mr. Intervention here, and discussing things you don't understand (you've never even smoked, am I right?)

I did "experiment" with drugs, also weed, but it was when I was in my teens.
So that's all about 6/7 years in the past.

I think it's pretty strange if you really take it personally what I mentioned in my post. I did social studies for 1 year, got me an internship at a healthcare center for the homeless, all of them are on drugs. Got 2 friends that seriously have nothing to live for but weed, got a family member that's hooked on cocaine (after years of occassional weed smoking). So I think with that in mind you can understand my motivation a bit more?

I think I'm pretty much miss-interpretted on this whole thing, since I didn't say to anyone personally they're and addict. But I still stand by what I said earlier:
If you still you need any substance to do your work, you're an addict.

Why would you just start ranting on my if you just smoke every few weeks or every few months after reading my earlier post mentioned above?
I know I don't freak out when I go without weed for weeks on end, sometimes months. It's whatever, I go about my business and don't even think about it without missing a beat.

You know, I guess I do wanna ask about this - you really mean to tell me you've never gone a little stir-crazy and scraped out some resin hits Mike? While I would never call it an addiction, I know that whenever I ran out of weed after smoking/vaping it daily I would just feel a bit antsy during my downtime for maybe a week before I got used to not having the regularity of what is fundamentally an altered mental state.

FTR, as I mentioned above, I agree that there are tons of people (myself included) who can accomplish tons of stuff whilst high, but again, while there's no physical withdrawal per se, because I'm totally able to function, I think simply because of the comparatively powerful effect of weed it's inevitable that a person will feel a bit off when they've been regularly blazing for at least, oh, a month, and then suddenly they run out. But if that's truly not the case for you, then, well, hats off to you :D
You know, I guess I do wanna ask about this - you really mean to tell me you've never gone a little stir-crazy and scraped out some resin hits Mike? While I would never call it an addiction, I know that whenever I ran out of weed after smoking/vaping it daily I would just feel a bit antsy during my downtime for maybe a week before I got used to not having the regularity of what is fundamentally an altered mental state.

FTR, as I mentioned above, I agree that there are tons of people (myself included) who can accomplish tons of stuff whilst high, but again, while there's no physical withdrawal per se, because I'm totally able to function, I think simply because of the comparatively powerful effect of weed it's inevitable that a person will feel a bit off when they've been regularly blazing for at least, oh, a month, and then suddenly they run out. But if that's truly not the case for you, then, well, hats off to you :D

Haha, while I have hit the 'ol resin bin from time to time, it's not because I am jonesing for weed so bad I just gotta have it or anything. Usually it's because I don't want to spend money on some and I am in the mood to smoke. Honestly, for me, it's not a big deal. I have gone months without weed and didn't think twice about it, other times I can't wait to load some up because I know it's going to be awesome. I really can't stress it enough that for some people weed is not a must-have thing all the time. That's just me though, I won't say some people can't handle being sober if they are used to smoking frequently, but in my opinion those people are very weak and there is more going on than some "addiction" to weed. I'm not an expert on that and won't try to come off as one, but from my own personal experience of over a decade of cannabis use I know I'm not one of them.

I also wanted to say, in regards to Funky's last post, that people that go from weed to harder drugs are generally believed to be psychologically predisposed to going down that path. Meaning the type of person would inevitably go there, they just happened to start with weed. This is one of the examples of weakness I mentioned above. It just irks me when people try to connect some dots and lump weed in with harder drugs, it's just not the same. I have never ONCE tried anything other than weed and shrooms (2-3 times now) in, again, 10 years of using marijuana. Not even the slightest bit interested.

It's interesting to me that to this day my parents still can never tell if I'm high or not, and I've been 3 sheets to the wind on weed in front of them too many times to count. Maybe I'm just really used to it, smoking weed for as long as I have can do that I suppose.

Definitely heading OT again! :lol: *shrug*