Post-rock mixing practice anyone?

Glad you liked it :)
Would properly tweak it a bit more, but ran out of time hehe.

The kick and snare is the deluxe slate samples from Trigger blended with a few other samples (cant remember what other I used).

All the tracks was processed offline with Nebula, First the AlexB MBC (misclicked when I rendered, actual wanted the MLC) then R2R tape with a tapebooster and then MLC again.

I used lots of slate VCC and more nebula consoles aswell on the tracks inside the daw and on the master.
It kinda sounded like this to me:

so I thought that the drums mp3 provided would fit it nicely, though the kick and snare are too loud..
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Yeah I agree about the kick and snare being way too loud in my drum stem track. And I wasn't quite sure about the samples used, but I'm glad you dig it and didn't think they were too out of form. Glad to know I wasn't nuts for choosing those in the first place. lol. It's just something minor I noticed after listening to it over and over they started to sound a bit out of place, but maybe it was just the loudness making them get on my nerves. Programming I did is obviously boring, but w/e.
Bump. Has anyone else had time to play around with this yet? :)

Drew Drummer just sent me his midi, but I haven't had a chance to import it and map it out to SD2.0 just yet. I've been waiting until I get my Music City SDX this upcoming weekend. But I'll post those drums and that version once I get a chance to.
Thanks Drew. No, I haven't had time to work on this at all. I've had some midterms this past week I've had to deal with (it's a condensed 7 week course so midterms are now.)
I will try and play around with that midi track you sent over soon hopefully. Would you mind if I post the BFD2 midi track you PM'd me for everyone with BFD2 to use? I think there are a few people on here w/ that might rather use that instead of my SD2.0 midi file.
Anyone that's using BFD2 care to give this a whirl in the mix?

Here are the drums that drew_drummer sent me along with his notes:

midi file and a txt file detailing which notes go to which type of hit.

I'm going to mess about and do a mix with BFD2, but I don't think you've got BFD2 right? You can use this with other programs, but you'll have to move the midi map around.

I've deliberately left parts of it loose as post rock isn't really quantized to death like sneap style metal is. But I've tidied it up a little bit in some other places too.
*cough* So did I spend one of my rare free days doing this midi for no reason??? *cough*

No dude, I'm so sorry, you didn't waste your time. I still have the midi file still sitting here on my desktop. I've been so slammed with homework and such I haven't had time to do anything lately. I promise I'll run them through in the next couple of days and post my results! :)
Ok, so I made time this afternoon to try and mess with your midi file a bit. Does this sound right?

Before I spend a while mixing and tweaking everything to death, I want to make sure I have the timing and mapping correct as you have it on your end. The mix sounds shitty and I turned up the drums a lot just for you to analyze first.

If I inserted it in the wrong spot or something sounds off, would you mind letting me know the exact time you inserted it? I think I have it pretty close, but towards the end things sound a bit 'off' to me, but that may just be the loose feel of the playing and not being 'quantized to death' mindset I'm used to. lol
