cannibal corpse sued by metallica!

metallica sucks cock

New Metal Member
Nov 29, 2001
ohio state university
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Press Release from Metal Blade Records, 3-20-02

Cannibal Corpse is being sued by soft-rockers metallica, due to their inclusion of the hidden track "no remorse" on their most recent album, "gore obsessed." A 5 million dollar lawsuit could cripple the band financially.

Metal Blade had been in negotiation with Elektra Records for a royalty rate for the use of the song. But Metallica was not pleased with the amount offered. The CD was ready for release prior to the negotiations being finished, and the band wanted it released as soon as possible, opting to make the song a hidden track so it wouldnt be such a "big deal" and a royalty rate would still be in the works.

Future repressings of this album will not include "No Remorse."
I do believe you are supposed to get PERMISSION before recording a cover song. It's illegal to release it otherwise. Case closed. From what I hear you can play it live all you want but the minute you record and release it you're breaking the law.
Originally posted by Triumphant Apostle
I do believe you are supposed to get PERMISSION before recording a cover song. It's illegal to release it otherwise. Case closed. From what I hear you can play it live all you want but the minute you record and release it you're breaking the law.

Whether I like Metallica or not anymore, I will agree with this point. If they did not get permission, they, in the music business, MUST of known the risk. I would be surprised if CC was that naive that they didn't think they were doing anything wrong.
That's fake. I went to Metal Blade's website and checked for any such press release. Hasn't happened. The encyclopedia metallica message board had something similar a few days ago. Pay no attention to it.
It wouldnt surprise me if is not fake. If you ask me is CC's fault for not realizing they shouldnt be fucking playing metallica songs no matter how good they think they were in the past. When a band like Metallica does what they usually do you just forget they even exist and never even talk about them, let alone play their songs, let alone INCLUDING them in your cd. CC could cause their record company to go belly up just because they are stupid morons that cannot let the legend die and accept metallica is, was and will forever be money driven bullshit.
I am embarrased that I actually bought ALL of Metallica's cds up through load! I would LOVE to have a Metallica cd burning party as a symbolic gesture to these greedy self-righteous jags!! To me Napster was never about screwing artists out of their money, it was about exposing me to bands and artists that I otherwise would never have heard of. I would never have eventually bought (yes Lars, BOUGHT NEW UNOPENED OFFICIALLY LICENCED) cds by Opeth, In Flames, Novembre, Eternal Tears of Sorrow, EoS, Etc. Etc. if I had not first downloaded and listened to these artists.

I can't even listen to the old Metallica cds anymore without a bad taste in my mouth, so I don't listen to them at all anymore. One thing for sure, I will NEVER by any Metallica related merchandise again.
Thats actually a good idea. A lot of fucking idiots around in my town form cover bands ( as in a band that only plays cover ) to cover NOTHING but metallica songs. I think im gonna start anti-metallica and nu-metal propaganda to organize a cd burning party.
If that isn't true, then good. If that is true, then that's just fucked up. Majorly fucked up, even though Cannibal Corpse brought it on themselves by putting the cover song out before negotiations were done. Metallica are a bunch of profiteering assholes.
Metal Blade had been in negotiation with Elektra Records for a royalty rate for the use of the song. But Metallica was not pleased with the amount offered.

Well you guys are saying that if it is true than Cannibal Corpse should have asked permission. From this quote it seems negotiations were made to some extent, Metallica just thinks they don't have enough money already. Stupid Fuckers.
that would've been hilarious if this were true. a shitty band ripping another shitty band's music off would've been worth a chuckle.
cannibal corpse is NOT a shitty band. they are very hard working, and very talented, especially alex webster, and they are one of the best death metal bands out there!
cannibal corpse is NOT a shitty band. they are very hard working, and very talented, especially alex webster, and they are one of the best death metal bands out there!

you can't be serious, cannibal corpse is one of the biggest emberassments to death metal.
I have stuck up for Metallica in the past, but I will stop if i find out that this is in fact, true. Its complete bullshit to screw a band over thats paying tribute to you. That would be like pissing in the face of a fan while you're on stage.
I know one things for sure....If you like CC then you like CC, and no one bought the albumn to hear the cover song, so Metallica doesn't deserve a dime for it.

Just one more closing statement here....
If you don't like CC then FUCK OFF & dont claim to like METAL!:cool:

"Strangulation brought her death, just like all the others. Raped before and after death, stripped, raped and tortured!"