Caparison guitars

Hi pierre!

$1600 for the horus
$1845 for the dellinger

And that's in japan. you have to order it from there. I don't caparisons are realesed in the us.

I bought mine for $1000 second hand of Ola Frenning of soilwork. He is endorsed so I guess he sold it cheap, It's custom made for he's preferences that matches mine perfectly.

Now I want a angelus and a good acoustic. I will go for that after i bought an amp. :Spin:
PierreLuc(AstralGates) said:
Hummmm I'm fine thank you but I work tonight :(

Do you play guitar ?

Bugger about work - I'm back on tomorrow as well :(

Yeah I play geetar, but have been mostly playing acoustic in the last 10 months or so, just cause all my electrics are in another state (Kinda started a new here last year leaving everything behind). Got an electric here a week or two ago though - FINALLY :kickass:
Hey. You can get caparison guitars in USA now. carries them now. You have to e-mail them to get their sale prices. They only list the MSRP...which is way more than you would have to pay.

expect to pay around 1500 dollars though.
I didn't even know they made guitars with 27 frets! I guess its expensive, but its nothing compared to Norway though. Wich model does James use?
i'm thinking about tabbing the entire new Disincarnate when it comes out since the stuff will all be fresh in my mind. :D
I've been browsing the Caparison product lineup, and while I'm sure their reputed brilliant construction and quality control is enough to justify the price, I can't help but wonder - why no neck-thru? I realize that it makes the guitar almost useless if anything were to happen to the neck, but I would think they would at least offer it as an option for those who want to take that risk in favor of the increased sustain and better access to upper frets (not to mention just looking so much sexier!)