
They do look sweet. The people who played them mostly compare them to USA Jacksons, instead of the ESP and Ibanez comparisons which come to mind. There can be two reasons that so many people are choosing to endorse Caparisons. Either they are THAT good or they really treat their endorsees well and make them happy with lots of new production guitars, custom guitars (Japanese schoolgirls and such :P).
I've tried out the Chris Amott signature model and it was awesome. It comes tuned down to C from the factory, but every note is crystal clear even when you run it through an amp with alot of distortion. If i had the money....
That is what I heard from some people who played them. Especially the neck feel, they say it is definitely not the "toothpick".
Outside Japan they are only available in Scandinavia. I don't remember the name of the website, but I am pretty sure they can ship to whole Europe...
The Scandinavian dealer Mega Music in Denmark. They have a website at

Last time i spoke to the guys there they said that they have had questions from all over the world about the caparison guitars, I'm not sure if they sell to outside of scandinavia though...
Well doesn't really matter. : ) If I was in Europe and really interested in getting a Caparison I would just spare me a weekend and get the ferry to Copenhagen or something... : D
I got a chance to check out the Caparisons at NAMM. I played the Dellinger HGS (my favorite, now in the hands of Steve from Enforsaken) and the "IA" Apple Horn, Dellinger Twilight Blue, and Angelus HGS guitars. I really dig all of them, especially the HGS series. The Chris Amott Dellinger is cool too, but the Arch Enemy logo looks like foil which is kind of not my bag.

I jammed with James Murphy at the Caparsion booth, which was a total blast for me obviously. I also got the chance to watch Mattias "IA" Eklundh perform at the Laney booth on his Apple Horn signature series. Itaru (sp?) and the other folks from Caparsion were extremely cool, and took us all out to Korean barbecue (tasty!) I am very seriously considering a Caparsion for my next axe. :)

NAMM was an incredible experience this year. Thanks James!!
Yes, the Dean Girls, Jäger girls, Body Glove girls, and random girls walking around all made for some very welcome eye candy whilst perusing the NAMM booths. :)